PERRY, Miss Carlotta, born in Union City. Mich., 21st October, 1848. Her father's name was William Reuben Perry. He was a descendant of English Quakers, who came to America in early colonial days. He was a man of sterling mental and moral qualities, a lover of books and especially zealous in the cause of education . Her mother's maiden name was Louisa M. Kimball. She was of Scotch ancestry. It was she who gave to Carlotta the gift of song. The death of her father, when she was eight years of age, and her childhood sorrow were the theme of her first verses. She has been represented again and again in all the leading magazines and papers of the country. She has written a great deal for the Harper publications and has had many stories and poems in "Lippincott's Magazine." There are few standard publications for the youth in which her name is not familiar. In 1880 she moved with her mother from Watertown, Wis., to Milwaukee, Wis. Three years later her mother died, and thus was severed a companionship that the long years had made peculiarly close and tender. Since that time Miss Perry has given herself more entirely than ever before to literary work, though she has been from early days a voluminous writer of prose and poetry. The recognition she has always received and the prompt acceptance of her manuscripts have united to give constant encouragement and inspiration. Her only book thus far is a volume of poems, published in 1889. There are selections from her pen in perhaps a dozen different volumes, notably Kate Sanborn's "Wit and Humor of American Women," Jessie O'Donnell's "Love Songs of Three Centuries," Higginson's collections of "American Sonnets," and in numerous religious, elocutionary and juvenile works. Miss Perry is now living in Chicago, Ill., and is engaged in miscellaneous literary labors, chiefly devoting her versatile genius to prose fiction. She belongs to the Chicago Woman's Press League and is a member of a World's Fair committee on poetry and imaginative literature.