< Woman of the Century

ANNE H. GILES.jpgANNE H. GILES. GILES, Miss Anne H., philanthropist, born in Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1st August, 1860. She removed to Chicago in early life. Her father is William Alexander Giles, in pioneer days of Wisconsin a representative of the press. Later he was the head of the firm of Giles Brothers, jewelers, and is to-day one of Chicago's most prominent citizens. Her mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Harper. In the public schools of Chicago Anne Giles was conspicuous for her superior scholarship. During her course in Smith College she excelled in Greek, Latin and other studies. She was graduated from that institution in 1882, taking the degree of A. B. From her childhood she was imbued with the missionary spirit, always attempting to help the poor and the suffering, seeking them out rather than waiting for circumstances to appeal to her. As a teacher of the Chinese she was a special leader among church-workers for a number of years. As foreign corresponding secretary of the Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions she has become widely known. Practically interested in the education of the freedmen, associated with various societies of Christian Endeavor, devoting all her time to benevolent work, and being a general financial contributor to home and foreign missions, she is recognized as one of the most earnest and useful daughters of philanthropy in Chicago. The story of the "Poacher's daughter," which has gone through numerous editions, was translated by her for Sunday-school libraries.

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