GOZA, Miss Anne, humorist, born in Hatchett Creek, Ala., 4th July, 1872. Her home has always been in her native town, excepting the time spent in school. Although one of the very youngest of the rising writers of the South, Miss Goza has already acquired a wide reputation as a writer of humorous and dialect stories. She has chosen the dialect of the people of the Alabama mountains, and she has made skillful use of that peculiarly interesting jargon. She is a regular contributor to the Burlington "Hawkeye." the Atlanta "Sunny South," the Cleveland "Plain Dealer," the New Orleans "Times Democrat," and many other prominent journals. Her success has been marked and remarkable. She is a prolific writer, and in the quaint people around her she has abundant material for her future work. She is distinctly original, and her sketches record much that will be of interest to the future students of American folk-lore. She has published one volume, "The Fall of Queen Prudence."