HAMILTON, Miss Anna J., educator and journalist, born in Louisville, Ky , 20th April, 1860. She is descended on the maternal side from the old Kentucky family of Caldwells, and on the paternal side from the Hamiltons, of Pennsylvania. She inherits the marked intellectual traits which distinguished her ancestors. She was educated in the public schools of Louisville and was graduated from the girls' high school. She is now occupying a commercial chair in the Normal School, which she fills with success. She is known as an enthusiastic educator. She is a meml>er of the Kilson Club, which is the State historical club, and is a member of the Daughters of the Revolution. She is a writer of both prose and poetry. Her poems have been published in the local journals and in various periodicals. Much of her time has been given to editorial work. For a year she edited the children's column in a prominent educational journal, and wrote many entertaining lesson stories for the children. She is one of the editors for Kentucky on "A Woman of the Century" and is engaged in editorial work on the "National Encyclopedia of America. "She is a member of the library committee from Kentucky for the World's Fair. The committee purpose to establish a woman's library, and she will collect and contribute all the volumes written by the women of Kentucky.