TREAT, Mrs. Anna Elizabeth, author, born in the village of Brooklyn, Ohio, 28th February, 1843. where she was reared and still resides. She is the youngest child of Edward and Anna C. Fuller. Her father, a Harvard graduate and a minister of the Congregational Church, was a scholarly man and devoted to his books. He was a native of Connecticut. Her mother, Anna C. Greene, was also from the East. She was a woman of unusual refinement and intelligence and was highly educated. Miss Fuller was a constant reader and the well-selected volumes of her father's library proved the foundation of the liberal education, which she afterwards enjoyed. Besides her childhood love for books, she showed a strong taste for music and the study of language, acquiring especial proficiency in the German tongue. Her education! was acquired in the schools of her native place, and she early became the wife of her teacher, William Treat. She began her literary work by contributing to various well-known periodicals poems and articles which were favorably received. Her poems, published for the most part in eastern papers, were usually illustrated, especially those of a humorous nature. For a number of years she has been a contributor to the "Ohio Farmer," of Cleveland, many of her sketches and short stories appearing therein. She has also written much for various juvenile periodicals. Her name is upon the roll of the Ohio Woman's Press Association, and she takes an active interest in all local literary advancement. Two sons and two daughters, now grown, constitute her family.