PALMER, Mrs. Anna Campbell, author, born in Elmira, N. Y., 3rd February, 1854. Her maiden name was Anna Campbell. She has passed her life, except four years of childhood, in Ithaca, N. Y., in the beautiful Chemung Valley. She was an author while yet a mere child. When she was ten years old, she published a poem in the Ithaca "Journal." At the age of fourteen she was left an orphan, and in 1870 she became a teacher in the Elmira public schools. She taught successfully for a number of years. In September, 1880, she became the wife of George Archibald Palmer. Her family consists of two daughters. In her early years she wrote under a number of pen-names, but after her marriage she chose to be known as "Mrs. George Archibald," and that name has appeared with all her productions since that date. She has written much and well. Some of her best work has appeared in the "Magazine of Poetry." Her published works are "The Summerville Prize" (New York, 1890); a book for girls, "Little Brown Seed " (New York, 1801); "Lady Gay" (Boston, 1891); "Lady Gay and Her Sister" (Chicago, 1891), and "Verses from a Mother's Corner" (Elmira, N. Y.). She has a fifth volume in press. Mrs. Palmer's life is quiet and her tastes domestic.