JONES, Miss Amanda T., poet and inventor, born in Bloomfield, N. Y., 19th October, 1835. She is descended from Puritan, Huguenot, Quaker and Methodist ancestors, all thoroughly Americanized. Her forefathers were among the patriots of the Revolution. Miss Jones wrote a number of war poems during the Civil War. These were published, with others, in book form. Ill health tor a number of years made it impossible for her to keep up her literary work. Some of her poems appeared in "Scribner's Magazine" when Dr. Holland was in charge; others have been published in the "Century," "Our Continent" and other journals. Some years ago she published a volume of verse entitled "A Prairie Idyl and Other Poems." Miss Jones is the inventor of improved processes for canning food, which are pronounced superior to any heretofore used. Business cares connected with their introduction have drawn her away from literary work. Her home is now in Chicago, Ill.