BREED, Mrs. Alice Ives, social-leader, born in Pavilion, Ill., 15th January, 1853. At the age of eighteen years she removed to Boston, Mass. In 1873 she was married to Francis W. Breed, who is connected with important business interests in Boston and Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Breed has traveled much, read much and thought much. She has shown an intelligent sympathy with every movement in the world of music, art and literature, and her home has been a center of attraction for men and women distinguished in all those fields of effort. She is an accomplished musician. Her family consists of five children. Their home is in Lynn, Mass Mrs. Breed has for years served as chairman of the Lynn branch of the Emergency Association, as president of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian Association, and as vice-president of the Lynn Woman's Club. She is now president of the North Shore Club, a social and literary organization of the highest character, which has a membership of one-hundred-fifty-five and a waiting list of one-hundred. She is a member of the Massachusetts State committee for correspondence of the General Federation of Women's Literary Clubs. She was appointed a member of the Women's Committee of the World's Congress Auxiliary on moral and social reform. She is a woman of marked executive ability, and her energies lind expression in religious, philanthropic, literary and social channels. She is especially a social leader who aims to lift the community to a higher level.