McGEE, Miss Alice G., lawyer, born in Warren county, Pa., 10th February, 1869 Her father, Joseph A. McGee, has long been prominently identified with the petroleum industry, having been one of the pioneers of that work in 1860. Most of her life was passed on a farm. She was graduated in the Warren high school in 1886. Her education included a thorough training in music and portrait painting, with a view to adopting one or the other as a profession. She retains all her natural fondness for those lines of work, although her professional life lies in the field of law. She took a course of training in the Boston School of Oratory, and taught one term in a district school. In 1887 she decided to study law, and on 16th February of that year she registered as a law student with Messrs. Wetmore, Noyes & Hinckley, in Warren. Pa., where she had been serving as librarian in the public library. She was admitted to the bar on 13th May, 1890. Since her admission she has practiced law successfully in Warren. She was the second woman in Pennsylvania to be admitted to the bar. The first was Mrs. Carrie Kilgore, of Philadelphia. Miss McGee is equally successful as counselor and pleader.