REHAN, Miss Ada C., actor, born in Limerick, Ireland, 22nd April, 1859. Her name is Crehan, but the name was accidentally spelled "Ada C. Rehan" in a telegraphic dispatch, and she kept the name as a stage-name. Her parents brought their family to the United States in 1864, and settled in Brooklyn, N. Y. Ada studied in the common schools until she was fourt en years old, when she made her appearance as an actor in Oliver Doud Byron's "Across the Continent." The company was playing in Newark, N. J., and Ada took the place of one of the actors who was sick. Her family decided to have her study for the stage. In 1874 she played in New York City in "Thorough- bred," not attracting attention. She then played in support of Edwin Booth, Adelaide Neilson, John McCullough, Mrs. D. P. Bowers, John T. Raymond and Lawrence Barrett, playing Ophelia, Desdemona, Celia, Olivia and other Shakesperean rôles. In 1878, while playing in " Katherine and Petruchio" in Albany, Augustin Daly met her and invited her to join his company. In 1879 she made her first essay in Daly's Theater, as Nelly Beers in "Love's Young Dream," and as Lu Ten Eyck in "Divorce." She at once took the position of leading lady, which she held for a number of years. In 1888 the Daly company went to London, Eng., where they achieved one of the most remarkable successes on record. Miss Rehan is piquant, charming and original in all her stage work. Her repertory includes most of the standard comedies, and her sparkle is bright and constant. She ranks as one of the most intelligent and talented comedians of the age. Although her best work has been done in comedy, she is capable of more serious work. Her home is in New York City.