words and music by Tom Lehrer
commissioned by Academic Systems in Mountain View, CA
[Note : The verses are to be recited to a quasi-rap beat.]
Part I: Polvnomials, rational functions, and theory of equations
Polynomials and rational functions, coefficients,
Linear factors and quadratics and pure imaginaries,
Partial fraction decomposition,
And synthetic division, multiplicity of roots,
And complex conjugates.
I said "complex conjugates"!
REFRAIN (sung): | We're talkin' algebra, |
Part II: Conic sections
Hyperbolas and circles and ellipses and parabolas
And diameters and radii and axes of symmetry
And sections of the cone and completion of the square
And directrices and intercepts and vertices and foci
And asymptotes.
I said "asymptotes"!
REFRAIN (sung)
Part III: Matrices and determinants
Linear simultaneous equations and solutions,
Using coefficient matrices and quotients of determinants,
And inconsistent systems , elementary operations,
Using Cramer's rule and Gaussian elimination,
And cofactors.
I said "cofactors"!
REFRAIN (sung)
Part IV: Mathematical induction, sequences, and counting
Geometric sequences and infinite series,
Permutations, combinations, and the sigma notation,
Mathematical induction, arithmetical progression,
And binomial expansion and the Pascal triangle,
And factorials.
I said "factorials"!
REFRAIN (sung)
[On the recording the lines "Who, me?", "What?", and "Huh?" were spoken by Edward Landesman.]

This work is in the public domain worldwide because it has been so released by the copyright holder.