Wave the new flag, exultant, o'er the land;
Spread out its folds of beauty toward the sea;
Bid softest winds its blood-bought charms expand;
Hail it with shouts,—the banner of the free!
Bears it the brilliant stripes of gleaming white?—
Our cause is righteous, and our aim is pure.
Bears it the red?—we battle for the right;
Red blood may flow, but Freedom shall endure.
Bears it the blue?—to Heaven, our high appeal
In Christian gratitude and faith we raise;
And every star, a new-made State, shall seal
Our fervent trust in God,—our joyful praise.
Count all the stars, the stripes,—both white and red,—
Where'er on sea or land the flag is seen;
They tell how God our growing States has led,—
Stars, thirty-seven, and the stripes, the "old thirteen."
Wave then, fair banner! men may pass away,—
No mind can guess the changes yet to be,
But thou, in beauty, hold thy blessed way,
Our flag of peace, our symbol of the free.