(By Hon. R. M. Daggett, Ex U. S. Minister to Hawaii).
The cocoa, with its crest of spears,
Like truant children of the deep
O Waikiki! O scene of peace!
O home of beauty and of dreams!
No haven in the isles of Greece
Can chord the harp to sweeter themes:
For houris haunt the broad lanais,
While scented zephyrs cool the lea,
And looking down from sunset skies
The angels smile on Waikiki.
- [It was upon the beach at Waikiki that Chas. L. Carter met his death. This border of the sea, lying between Diamond Head and town, is one of the most delightful spots on earth. It is here that many of the wealthy people of the city have villas. On gala days the beach is alive with bathers. There is always a heavy surf coming in and riding the rollers with canoe or board is a favorite amusement.]