Note. — The italic letters in brackets printed immediately after the name.s of places, etc, refer to the squares of the map in the pocket within which the places, etc., will be found.
Abkari revenue, 169, 186- I'Jl. Abrus precatorius, 97. Acacias, 18. Account of the Bobbili zaniindari, 236 note. Achayamma Perantala, 315. Achayya, Dantaluri, 255. Acts, XXIV of 1839, 58, 173, 196, 197; XXI of 1845, 199; X of 1849, 173; XXVI of 1850, 214, 216 ; XXIV of 1859, 206; VIII of 1865, 108; I of 1878, 191; III of 1885, 328 ; I of 1886, 186; I of 1889, 198; VI of 1901, 60; II of 1904, 172. Acts in force in the Agency, 197, 208-211. Adam, Sir Frederick, 142, 219. Adda, 132. Addapusila, 293. Addiga, 131. Additional Sessions Judge, 197. Administration of Justice, 195-211. Agastya, 30t>. Agency, the, described, 2,7; varieties of Sheep and goats in, 21 ; limits, of, 196 ; laws in force in, 197, 208-211. Agent for the suppression of Meriah Sacrifices, 199. Agent to the Governor, 58, 196. Agricultural Association, 21, 103. Agriculture, 99-103, 122. Agriculturists, economic condition of, 107-110. Aitchison, Mr. W., Ill note. Aitchison's Treaties, etc., 34 note, 36 note. Aiyaraknlus, 79. Akkuru (Be), 121. Alamanda, tana, 248 ; village (ty), 21, 26, 127; (£d), 141. Albizziai'. 18. Alexander, Mr. Robert, 170, 245, 257. Allasani Peddana, 230. Allipuram estate (E/), 333. Aluminium, 15. Amada, 132. Amanaitos, 92. Ambadala, mntta, 234, 273 j village (Fb), 202, 232. Amildar, 195. Ammanna, Chitti, 256. Ammatalli, 74. Ammi Devi, 321. Ammi Nayudui 84. Ampthill, Lord, 158. AmuJctha malijada, 230. Amulets, 126. Amusements, 70. Anakapalle estate, added to Vizianagram, 50 ; absorbed into the havili land, 55 ; formation of, 170 ; described, 219 ; granted to I'ayaka Rao, 312, Anakapalle taluk, 218-225. Anakapalle town (£/,;, natural lake near, 8 ; bridges over the Saradanadi in, 8, 135, 144, 155 ; Lingayat guru at, 62 ; London Mission at, 63 ; Baptist Mission at, 65; sugar-cane grown near, 101; jute-weaving near, 122 ; jaggery-trade of, 124, 130; glass bangles made near, 126 ; brass and bell -metal work at, 127 ; sugar-boiling pans at, 127 ; road to, 133, 134 ; rainfall at, 146 ; flood damages to, 153, 155 ; hospital at, 157 ; schools at, 162 ; bench of magistrates at, 198 ; municipality, 213; described, 219-222. Ananda Razu, succeeds Viziarama Razn, 32, 339 ; joins Fox-de's expedition, 33, 241 ; Mr. Holcombe, lends money to, 40 ; plunders round Chicacole, 42 ; deatli of, 46 ; endows the temple at Padmana- bham, 230. Ananda Razu, father of Viziarama Razu I, 338 note; son of Viziarama Razu III, 340. Ananta Bhiipati, 249. Anantagiri (Ee), coffee estate at, 7, 102, 317; forests near, 116; ghat road to, 134, 137, 138 ; bungalow at, 138. Anantavaram, 127. Ananta varman-Choda-Ganga, 27. Andiniya, 88. Andra estate, friendly to Vizianagram, 47 ; tributary to Vizianagram, 49 ; Narayana Razu escaped to, 55 ; peshkash fixed for, 171 ; included in the Agency but subse- quently removed, 196 ; described, 245 ; passed to the Raja of Vizianagram, 266 ; Kasipuram leased to the zamindar of, 317. Andra hills, 245. Andra village {Ee), 245. Andrews, Mr., 33, 35, 179, 219. Androsace saxifragaefolia, 20. Anionts, 105. Animals, domestic, 21. Animists, 62, 66. Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/366 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/367 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/368 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/369 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/370 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/371 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/372 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/373 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/374 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/375 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/376 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/377 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/378 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/379 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/380 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/381 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/382 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/383 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/384 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/385 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/386 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/387 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/388 Page:Vizagapatam.djvu/389