< United States Statutes at Large

  • Front Matter (Cover & Lists)
Includes the cover page, table of contents, list of bills enacted into public law, list of bills enacted into private laws, list of public laws, list of private laws, list of concurrent resolutions, and the list of proclamations.
  • Back Matter (Indexes)
  • Popular Name Index
  • Subject Index
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3

Public Laws

   Public Law                                Title                                    Approved         110 Stat.
104-90..........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Jan. 4, 1996.........  3         
                   year 1996, and for other purposes.                                                           
104-91..........  To require the Secretary of Commerce to convey to the        Jan. 6, 1996.........  7         
                   Commonwealth of Massachusetts the National Marine                                            
                   Fisheries Service laboratory located on Emerson Avenue in                                    
                   Gloucester, Massachusetts.                                                                   
104-92*.........  Making appropriations for certain activities for the fiscal  Jan. 6, 1996.........  16        
                   year 1996, and for other purposes.                                                           
104-94*.........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Jan. 6, 1996.........  25        
                   year 1996, and for other purposes.                                                           
104-99..........  The Balanced Budget Downpayment Act, I.....................  Jan. 26, 1996........  26        
104-100.........  To designate the United States Post Office building located  Feb. 1, 1996.........  48        
                   at 24 Corliss Street, Providence, Rhode Island, as the                                       
                   ‘‘Harry Kizirian Post Office Building’’.                                                     
104-101.........  To designate the Federal building located at 1550 Dewey      Feb. 1, 1996.........  49        
                   Avenue, Baker City, Oregon, as the ‘‘David J. Wheeler                                        
                   Federal Building’’.                                                                          
104-102.........  Saddleback Mountain-Arizona Settlement Act of 1995.........  Feb. 6, 1996.........  50        
104-103.........  To guarantee the timely payment of social security benefits  Feb. 8, 1996.........  55        
                   in March 1996.                                                                               
104-104.........  Telecommunications Act of 1996.............................  Feb. 8, 1996.........  56        
104-105.........  Farm Credit System Reform Act of 1996......................  Feb. 10, 1996........  162       
104-106.........  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996....  Feb. 10, 1996........  186       
104-107.........  Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs   Feb. 12, 1996........  704       
                   Appropriations Act, 1996.                                                                    
104-108.........  To designate the Federal building located at 1221 Nevin      Feb. 12, 1996........  762       
                   Avenue in Richmond, California, as the ‘‘Frank Hagel                                         
                   Federal Building’’.                                                                          
104-109.........  To make certain technical corrections in laws relating to    Feb. 12, 1996........  763       
                   Native Americans, and for other purposes.                                                    
104-110.........  To amend title 38, United States Code, to extend the         Feb. 13, 1996........  768       
                   authority of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry                                      
                   out certain programs and activities, to require certain                                      
                   reports from the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for                                      
                   other purposes.                                                                              
104-111.........  To award a congressional gold medal to Ruth and Billy        Feb. 13, 1996........  772       
104-112.........  To designate the United States courthouse located at 197     Mar. 5, 1996.........  774       
                   South Main Street in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, as the                                      
                   ‘‘Max Rosenn United States Courthouse’’.                                                     
104-113.........  National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995...  Mar. 7, 1996.........  775       
104-114.........  Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of    Mar. 12, 1996........  785       
104-115.........  To guarantee the continuing full investment of Social        Mar. 12, 1996........  825       
                   Security and other Federal funds in obligations of the                                       
                   United States.                                                                               
104-116.........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Mar. 15, 1996........  826       
                   year 1996, and for other purposes.                                                           
104-117.........  To provide that members of the Armed Forces performing       Mar. 20, 1996........  827       
                   services for the peacekeeping efforts in Bosnia and                                          
                   Herzegovina, Croatia, and Macedonia shall be entitled to                                     
                   tax benefits in the same manner as if such services were                                     
                   performed in a combat zone, and for other purposes.                                          
104-118.........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Mar. 22, 1996........  829       
                   year 1996, and for other purposes.                                                           
104-119.........  Land Disposal Program Flexibility Act of 1996..............  Mar. 26, 1996........  830       
104-120.........  Housing Opportunity Program Extension Act of 1996..........  Mar. 28, 1996........  834       
104-121.........  Contract with America Advancement Act of 1996..............  Mar. 29, 1996........  847       
104-122.........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Mar. 29, 1996........  876       
                   year 1996, and for other purposes.                                                           
104-123.........  Greens Creek Land Exchange Act of 1995.....................  Apr. 1, 1996.........  879       
104-124.........  To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to repeal  Apr. 1, 1996.........  882       
                   the saccharin notice requirement.                                                            
104-125.........  To grant the consent of the Congress to certain additional   Apr. 1, 1996.........  883       
                   powers conferred upon the Bi-State Development Agency by                                     
                   the States of Missouri and Illinois.                                                         
104-126.........  Granting the consent of Congress to the Vermont-New          Apr. 1, 1996.........  884       
                   Hampshire Interstate Public Water Supply Compact.                                            
104-127.........  Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996.....  Apr. 4, 1996.........  888       
104-128.........  Federal Tea Tasters Repeal Act of 1996.....................  Apr. 9, 1996.........  1198      
104-129.........  Waiving certain enrollment requirements with respect to two  Apr. 9, 1996.........  1199      
                   bills of the One Hundred Fourth Congress.                                                    
104-130.........  Line Item Veto Act.........................................  Apr. 9, 1996.........  1200      
104-131.........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Apr. 24, 1996........  1213      
                   year 1996, and for other purposes.                                                           
104-132.........  Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996......  Apr. 24, 1996........  1214      
104-133.........  To amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education         Apr. 25, 1996........  1320      
                   Assistance Act to extend for two months the authority for                                    
                   promulgating regulations under the Act.                                                      
104-134.........  Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of   Apr. 26, 1996........  1321      
104-135.........  To designate the Federal Justice Building in Miami,          Apr. 30, 1996........  1322      
                   Florida, as the ‘‘James Lawrence King Federal Justice                                        
104-136.........  To designate the Federal building and United States          Apr. 30, 1996........  1323      
                   courthouse located at 125 Market Street in Youngstown,                                       
                   Ohio, as the ‘‘Thomas D. Lambros Federal Building and                                        
                   United States Courthouse’’.                                                                  
104-137.........  To designate the United States Post Office-Courthouse        Apr. 30, 1996........  1324      
                   located at South 6th and Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith,                                          
                   Arkansas, as the ‘‘Judge Isaac C. Parker Federal                                             
104-138.........  To designate the United States Customs Administrative        Apr. 30, 1996........  1325      
                   Building at the Ysleta/Zaragosa Port of Entry located at                                     
                   797 South Zaragosa Road in El Paso, Texas, as the                                            
                   ‘‘Timothy C. McCaghren Customs Administrative Building’’.                                    
104-139.........  To redesignate the Federal building located at 345           Apr. 30, 1996........  1326      
                   Middlefield Road in Menlo Park, California, and known as                                     
                   the Earth Sciences and Library Building, as the ‘‘Vincent                                    
                   E. McKelvey Federal Building’’.                                                              
104-140.........  Making corrections to Public Law 104-134...................  May 2, 1996..........  1327      
104-141.........  To amend section 326 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 to  May 6, 1996..........  1328      
                   permit continued participation by Historically Black                                         
                   Graduate Professional Schools in the grant program                                           
                   authorized by that section.                                                                  
104-142.........  Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act.  May 13, 1996.........  1329      
104-143.........  Trinity River Basin Fish and Wildlife Management             May 15, 1996.........  1338      
                   Reauthorization Act of 1995.                                                                 
104-144.........  To grant the consent of Congress to an amendment of the      May 16, 1996.........  1342      
                   Historic Chattahoochee Compact between the States of                                         
                   Alabama and Georgia.                                                                         
104-145.........  Megan's Law................................................  May 17, 1996.........  1345      
104-146.........  Ryan White CARE Act Amendments of 1996.....................  May 20, 1996.........  1346      
104-147.........  To amend the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 to extend  May 24, 1996.........  1375      
                   the authorizations of appropriations through fiscal year                                     
                   2000, and for other purposes.                                                                
104-148.........  To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to acquire        May 24, 1996.........  1378      
                   property in the town of East Hampton, Suffolk County, New                                    
                   York, for inclusion in the Amagansett National Wildlife                                      
104-149.........  Healthy Meals for Children Act.............................  May 29, 1996.........  1379      
104-150.........  Coastal Zone Protection Act of 1996........................  June 3, 1996.........  1380      
104-151.........  To designate the United States courthouse in Washington,     July 1, 1996.........  1383      
                   District of Columbia, as the ‘‘E. Barrett Prettyman United                                   
                   States Courthouse’’.                                                                         
104-152.........  Anti-Car Theft Improvements Act of 1996....................  July 2, 1996.........  1384      
104-153.........  Anticounterfeiting Consumer Protection Act of 1996.........  July 2, 1996.........  1386      
104-154.........  To designate the bridge, estimated to be completed in the    July 2, 1996.........  1391      
                   year 2000, that replaces the bridge on Missouri highway 74                                   
                   spanning from East Cape Girardeau, Illinois, to Cape                                         
                   Girardeau, Missouri, as the ‘‘Bill Emerson Memorial                                          
                   Bridge’’, and for other purposes.                                                            
104-155.........  Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996........................  July 3, 1996.........  1392      
104-156.........  Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996........................  July 5, 1996.........  1396      
104-157.........  To designate the United States Post Office building located  July 9, 1996.........  1405      
                   at 102 South McLean, Lincoln, Illinois, as the ‘‘Edward                                      
                   Madigan Post Office Building’’.                                                              
104-158.........  To provide for the exchange of certain lands in Gilpin       July 9, 1996.........  1406      
                   County, Colorado.                                                                            
104-159.........  To provide that the United States Post Office building that  July 9, 1996.........  1411      
                   is to be located at 7436 South Exchange Avenue, Chicago,                                     
                   Illinois, shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Charles                                     
                   A. Hayes Post Office Building’’.                                                             
104-160.........  To designate the Federal building and United States          July 9, 1996.........  1412      
                   courthouse located at 235 North Washington Avenue in                                         
                   Scranton, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘William J. Nealon Federal                                   
                   Building and United States Courthouse’’.                                                     
104-161.........  To provide for the distribution within the United States of  July 18, 1996........  1413      
                   the United States Information Agency film entitled                                           
                   ‘‘Fragile Ring of Life’’.                                                                    
104-162.........  To authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment    July 18, 1996........  1414      
                   (most-favored-nation treatment) to the products of                                           
104-163.........  National Children's Island Act of 1995.....................  July 19, 1996........  1416      
104-164.........  To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms     July 21, 1996........  1421      
                   Export Control Act to make improvements to certain defense                                   
                   and security assistance provisions under those Acts, to                                      
                   authorize the transfer of naval vessels to certain foreign                                   
                   countries, and for other purposes.                                                           
104-165.........  To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to convey lands    July 24, 1996........  1443      
                   to the city of Rolla, Missouri.                                                              
104-166.........  To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the    July 29, 1996........  1445      
                   conduct of expanded studies and the establishment of                                         
                   innovative programs with respect to traumatic brain                                          
                   injury, and for other purposes.                                                              
104-167.........  Entitled the ‘‘Mollie Beattie Wilderness Area Act’’........  July 29, 1996........  1451      
104-168.........  Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2..................................  July 30, 1996........  1452      
104-169.........  National Gambling Impact Study Commission Act..............  Aug. 3, 1996.........  1482      
104-170.........  Food Quality Protection Act of 1996........................  Aug. 3, 1996.........  1489      
104-171.........  To authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment    Aug. 3, 1996.........  1539      
                   (most-favored-nation treatment) to the products of Romania.                                  
104-172.........  Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996.......................  Aug. 5, 1996.........  1541      
104-173.........  To provide for the extension of certain hydroelectric        Aug. 6, 1996.........  1552      
                   projects located in the State of West Virginia.                                              
104-174.........  To authorize minors who are under the child labor            Aug. 6, 1996.........  1553      
                   provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and who                                   
                   are under 18 years of age to load materials into balers                                      
                   and compactors that meet appropriate American National                                       
                   Standards Institute design safety standards.                                                 
104-175.........  To authorize a circuit judge who has taken part in an in     Aug. 6, 1996.........  1556      
                   banc hearing of a case to continue to participate in that                                    
                   case after taking senior status, and for other purposes.                                     
104-176.........  Granting the consent of Congress to the compact to provide   Aug. 6, 1996.........  1557      
                   for joint natural resource management and enforcement of                                     
                   laws and regulations pertaining to natural resources and                                     
                   boating at the Jennings Randolph Lake Project lying in                                       
                   Garrett County, Maryland and Mineral County, West                                            
                   Virginia, entered into between the States of West Virginia                                   
                   and Maryland.                                                                                
104-177.........  Federal Employee Representation Improvement Act of 1996....  Aug. 6, 1996.........  1563      
104-178.........  To amend title 18, United States Code, to repeal the         Aug. 6, 1996.........  1565      
                   provision relating to Federal employees contracting or                                       
                   trading with Indians.                                                                        
104-179.........  Office of Government Ethics Authorization Act of 1996......  Aug. 6, 1996.........  1566      
104-180.........  Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug                Aug. 6, 1996.........  1569      
                   Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act,                                     
104-181.........  Granting the consent of Congress to the Mutual Aid           Aug. 6, 1996.........  1609      
                   Agreement between the city of Bristol, Virginia, and the                                     
                   city of Bristol, Tennessee.                                                                  
104-182.........  Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996.................  Aug. 6, 1996.........  1613      
104-183.........  Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights     Aug. 6, 1996.........  1694      
                   Act Amendments of 1996.                                                                      
104-184.........  District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Act of 1996.  Aug. 6, 1996.........  1696      
104-185.........  Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Simplification and Fairness Act  Aug. 13, 1996........  1700      
                   of 1996.                                                                                     
104-186.........  House of Representatives Administrative Reform Technical     Aug. 20, 1996........  1718      
                   Corrections Act.                                                                             
104-187.........  To redesignate the United States Post Office building        Aug. 20, 1996........  1754      
                   located at 245 Centereach Mall on the Middle Country Road                                    
                   in Centereach, New York, as the ‘‘Rose Y. Caracappa United                                   
                   States Post Office Building’’.                                                               
104-188.........  Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996..................  Aug. 20, 1996........  1755      
104-189.........  To redesignate the Dunning Post Office in Chicago,           Aug. 20, 1996........  1931      
                   Illinois, as the ‘‘Roger P. McAuliffe Post Office’’.                                         
104-190.........  To authorize the Agency for International Development to     Aug. 20, 1996........  1932      
                   offer voluntary separation incentive payments to employees                                   
                   of that agency.                                                                              
104-191.........  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996  Aug. 21, 1996........  1936      
104-192.........  War Crimes Act of 1996.....................................  Aug. 21, 1996........  2104      
104-193.........  Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation  Aug. 22, 1996........  2105      
                   Act of 1996.                                                                                 
104-194.........  District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1997..............  Sept. 9, 1996........  2356      
104-195.........  To amend the Impact Aid program to provide for a hold-       Sept. 16, 1996.......  2379      
                   harmless with respect to amounts for payments relating to                                    
                   the Federal acquisition of real property, and for other                                      
104-196.........  Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1997.............  Sept. 16, 1996.......  2385      
104-197.........   Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1997...............  Sept. 16, 1996.......  2394      
104-198.........  To confer jurisdiction of the United States Court of         Sept. 18, 1996.......  2418      
                   Federal Claims with respect to land claims of Pueblo of                                      
                   Isleta Indian Tribe.                                                                         
104-199.........  Defense of Marriage Act....................................  Sept. 21, 1996.......  2419      
104-200.........  To make technical corrections in the Federal Oil and Gas     Sept. 22, 1996.......  2421      
                   Royalty Management Act of 1982.                                                              
104-201.........  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997....  Sept. 23, 1996.......  2422      
104-202.........  To name the Department of Veterans Affairs medical center    Sept. 24, 1996.......  2871      
                   in Jackson, Mississippi, as the ‘‘G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery                                    
                   Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center’’.                                             
104-203.........  To extend nondiscriminatory treatment (most-favored-nation   Sept. 25, 1996.......  2872      
                   treatment) to the products of Cambodia, and for other                                        
104-204.........  Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban        Sept. 26, 1996.......  2874      
                   Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act,                                    
104-205.........  Department of Transportation and Related Agencies            Sept. 30, 1996.......  2951      
                   Appropriations Act, 1997.                                                                    
104-206.........  Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1997......  Sept. 30, 1996.......  2984      
104-207.........  Waiving certain enrollment requirements with respect to any  Sept. 30, 1996.......  3008      
                   bill or joint resolution of the One Hundred Fourth                                           
                   Congress making general or continuing appropriations for                                     
                   fiscal year 1997.                                                                            
104-208.........  Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997..............  Sept. 30, 1996.......  3009      
104-209.........  To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to acquire        Oct. 1, 1996.........  3010      
                   certain interests in the Waihee Marsh for inclusion in the                                   
                   Oahu National Wildlife Refuge Complex.                                                       
104-210.........  To encourage the donation of food and grocery products to    Oct. 1, 1996.........  3011      
                   nonprofit organizations for distribution to needy                                            
                   individuals by giving the Model Good Samaritan Food                                          
                   Donation Act the full force and effect of law.                                               
104-211.........  To amend Public Law 103-93 to provide additional lands       Oct. 1, 1996.........  3013      
                   within the State of Utah for the Goshute Indian                                              
                   Reservation, and for other purposes.                                                         
104-212.........  To revise the boundary of the North Platte National          Oct. 1, 1996.........  3014      
                   Wildlife Refuge, to expand the Pettaquamscutt Cove                                           
                   National Wildlife Refuge, and for other purposes.                                            
104-213.........  Carbon Hill National Fish Hatchery Conveyance Act..........  Oct. 1, 1996.........  3016      
104-214.........  To amend title 18, United States Code, with respect to       Oct. 1, 1996.........  3017      
                   witness retaliation, witness tampering and jury tampering.                                   
104-215.........  Crawford National Fish Hatchery Conveyance Act.............  Oct. 1, 1996.........  3018      
104-216.........  Federal Trade Commission Reauthorization Act of 1996.......  Oct. 1, 1996.........  3019      
104-217.........  Carjacking Correction Act of 1996..........................  Oct. 1, 1996.........  3020      
104-218.........  To confer honorary citizenship of the United States on       Oct. 1, 1996.........  3021      
                   Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, also known as Mother Teresa.                                          
104-219.........  To clarify the rules governing removal of cases to Federal   Oct. 1, 1996.........  3022      
                   court, and for other purposes.                                                               
104-220.........   To repeal a redundant venue provision, and for other        Oct. 1, 1996.........  3023      
104-221.........  To designate the United States Courthouse under              Oct. 1, 1996.........  3024      
                   construction at 1030 Southwest 3rd Avenue, Portland,                                         
                   Oregon, as the ‘‘Mark O. Hatfield United States                                              
                   Courthouse’’, and for other purposes.                                                        
104-222.........  To authorize construction of the Smithsonian Institution     Oct. 1, 1996.........  3025      
                   National Air and Space Museum Dulles Center at Washington                                    
                   Dulles International Airport, and for other purposes.                                        
104-223.........  Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Infrastructure Development Trust      Oct. 1, 1996.........  3026      
                   Fund Act of 1996.                                                                            
104-224.........  To repeal an unnecessary medical device reporting            Oct. 2, 1996.........  3031      
104-225.........  To designate the Federal building located at the corner of   Oct. 2, 1996.........  3032      
                   Patton Avenue and Otis Street, and the United States                                         
                   courthouse located on Otis Street, in Asheville, North                                       
                   Carolina, as the ‘‘Veach-Baley Federal Complex’’.                                            
104-226.........  To repeal the Medicare and Medicaid Coverage Data Bank.....  Oct. 2, 1996.........  3033      
104-227.........  Antarctic Science, Tourism, and Conservation Act of 1996...  Oct. 2, 1996.........  3034      
104-228.........  To designate the Federal building located at 1655 Woodson    Oct. 2, 1996.........  3045      
                   Road in Overland, Missouri, as the ‘‘Sammy L. Davis                                          
                   Federal Building’’.                                                                          
104-229.........  To designate the Federal building and the United States      Oct. 2, 1996.........  3046      
                   courthouse to be constructed at a site on 18th Street                                        
                   between Dodge and Douglas Streets in Omaha, Nebraska, as                                     
                   the ‘‘Roman L. Hruska Federal Building and United States                                     
104-230.........  To designate the United States courthouse under              Oct. 2, 1996.........  3047      
                   construction at 611 North Florida Avenue in Tampa,                                           
                   Florida, as the ‘‘Sam M. Gibbons United States                                               
104-231.........  Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996...  Oct. 2, 1996.........  3048      
104-232.........  Parole Commission Phaseout Act of 1996.....................  Oct. 2, 1996.........  3055      
104-233.........  To reauthorize the Indian Environmental General Assistance   Oct. 2, 1996.........  3057      
                   Program Act of 1992, and for other purposes.                                                 
104-234.........  To amend the United States-Israel Free Trade Area            Oct. 2, 1996.........  3058      
                   Implementation Act of 1985 to provide the President with                                     
                   additional proclamation authority with respect to articles                                   
                   of the West Bank or Gaza Strip or a qualifying industrial                                    
104-235.........  Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Amendments of 1996  Oct. 3, 1996.........  3063      
104-236.........  Pam Lychner Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act  Oct. 3, 1996.........  3093      
                   of 1996.                                                                                     
104-237.........  Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act of 1996..........  Oct. 3, 1996.........  3099      
104-238.........  Federal Law Enforcement Dependents Assistance Act of 1996..  Oct. 3, 1996.........  3114      
104-239.........  Maritime Security Act of 1996..............................  Oct. 8, 1996.........  3118      
104-240.........  To permit a county-operated health insuring organization to  Oct. 8, 1996.........  3140      
                   qualify as an organization exempt from certain                                               
                   requirements otherwise applicable to health insuring                                         
                   organizations under the Medicaid program notwithstanding                                     
                   that the organization enrolls Medicaid beneficiaries                                         
                   residing in another county.                                                                  
104-241.........  To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act           Oct. 9, 1996.........  3141      
                   applicable to the construction of three hydroelectric                                        
                   projects in the State of Arkansas.                                                           
104-242.........  To extend the time for construction of certain FERC          Oct. 9, 1996.........  3142      
                   licensed hydro projects.                                                                     
104-243.........  To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act           Oct. 9, 1996.........  3143      
                   applicable to the construction of a hydroelectric project                                    
                   in the State of Ohio.                                                                        
104-244.........  To authorize extension of time limitation for a FERC-issued  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3144      
                   hydroelectric license.                                                                       
104-245.........  To reinstate the permit for, and extend the deadline under   Oct. 9, 1996.........  3145      
                   the Federal Power Act applicable to the construction of, a                                   
                   hydroelectric project in Oregon, and for other purposes.                                     
104-246.........  To provide for the extension of a hydroelectric project      Oct. 9, 1996.........  3146      
                   located in the State of West Virginia.                                                       
104-247.........  To authorize the extension of time limitation for the FERC-  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3147      
                   issued hydroelectric license for the Mt. Hope Waterpower                                     
104-248.........  To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make        Oct. 9, 1996.........  3148      
                   certain technical corrections relating to physicians'                                        
104-249.........  To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act           Oct. 9, 1996.........  3150      
                   applicable to the construction of a hydroelectric project                                    
                   in Kentucky, and for other purposes.                                                         
104-250.........  Animal Drug Availability Act of 1996.......................  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3151      
104-251.........  Railroad Unemployment Insurance Amendments Act of 1996.....  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3161      
104-252.........  To extend the deadline for commencement of construction of   Oct. 9, 1996.........  3166      
                   a hydroelectric project in the State of Illinois.                                            
104-253.........  To increase the amount authorized to be appropriated to the  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3167      
                   Department of the Interior for the Tensas River National                                     
                   Wildlife Refuge, and for other purposes.                                                     
104-254.........  To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act           Oct. 9, 1996.........  3168      
                   applicable to the construction of certain hydroelectric                                      
                   projects in the State of Pennsylvania.                                                       
104-255.........  To designate the building located at 8302 FM 327,            Oct. 9, 1996.........  3169      
                   Elmendorf, Texas, which houses operations of the United                                      
                   States Postal Service, as the ‘‘Amos F. Longoria Post                                        
                   Office Building’’.                                                                           
104-256.........  To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act           Oct. 9, 1996.........  3170      
                   applicable to the construction of 2 hydroelectric projects                                   
                   in North Carolina, and for other purposes.                                                   
104-257.........  To reinstate the license for, and extend the deadline under  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3171      
                   the Federal Power Act applicable to the construction of, a                                   
                   hydroelectric project in Ohio, and for other purposes.                                       
104-258.........  To extend the deadline for commencement of construction of   Oct. 9, 1996.........  3172      
                   a hydroelectric project in the State of Kentucky.                                            
104-259.........  To extend the authorization of the Uranium Mill Tailings     Oct. 9, 1996.........  3173      
                   Radiation Control Act of 1978, and for other purposes.                                       
104-260.........  To amend the Clean Air Act to provide that traffic signal    Oct. 9, 1996.........  3175      
                   synchronization projects are exempt from certain                                             
                   requirements of Environmental Protection Agency Rules.                                       
104-261.........  To accept the request of the Prairie Island Indian           Oct. 9, 1996.........  3176      
                   Community to revoke their charter of incorporation issued                                    
                   under the Indian Reorganization Act.                                                         
104-262.........  Veterans' Health Care Eligibility Reform Act of 1996.......  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3177      
104-263.........  Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of      Oct. 9, 1996.........  3212      
104-264.........  Federal Aviation Reauthorization Act of 1996...............  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3213      
104-265.........  Walhalla National Fish Hatchery Conveyance Act.............  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3288      
104-266.........  Reclamation Recycling and Water Conservation Act of 1996...  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3290      
104-267.........  To waive temporarily the Medicaid enrollment composition     Oct. 9, 1996.........  3298      
                   rule for certain health maintenance organizations.                                           
104-268.........  To designate the United States Post Office building located  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3299      
                   at 351 West Washington Street in Camden, Arkansas, as the                                    
                   ‘‘David H. Pryor Post Office Building’’.                                                     
104-269.........  To make available certain Voice of America and Radio Marti   Oct. 9, 1996.........  3300      
                   multilingual computer readable text and voice recordings.                                    
104-270.........  To provide for a study of the recommendations of the Joint   Oct. 9, 1996.........  3301      
                   Federal-State Commission on Policies and Programs                                            
                   Affecting Alaska Natives.                                                                    
104-271.........  Hydrogen Future Act of 1996................................  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3304      
104-272.........  Professional Boxing Safety Act of 1996.....................  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3309      
104-273.........  Helium Privatization Act of 1996...........................  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3315      
104-274.........  To authorize appropriations for the National Historical      Oct. 9, 1996.........  3321      
                   Publications and Records Commission for fiscal years 1998,                                   
                   1999, 2000, and 2001.                                                                        
104-275.........  Veterans' Benefits Improvements Act of 1996................  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3322      
104-276.........  To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain    Oct. 9, 1996.........  3352      
                   property containing a fish and wildlife facility to the                                      
                   State of Wyoming, and for other purposes.                                                    
104-277.........  To provide that the United States Post Office and            Oct. 9, 1996.........  3354      
                   Courthouse building located at 9 East Broad Street,                                          
                   Cookeville, Tennessee, shall be known and designated as                                      
                   the ‘‘L. Clure Morton United States Post Office and                                          
104-278.........  National Museum of the American Indian Act Amendments of     Oct. 9, 1996.........  3355      
104-279.........  To authorize the Capitol Guide Service to accept voluntary   Oct. 9, 1996.........  3358      
104-280.........  To provide for the extension of certain authority for the    Oct. 9, 1996.........  3359      
                   Marshal of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court Police.                                   
104-281.........  To designate the United States Post Office building located  Oct. 9, 1996.........  3360      
                   in Brewer, Maine, as the ‘‘Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain                                       
                   Post Office Building’’, and for other purposes.                                              
104-282.........  To commend Operation Sail for its advancement of             Oct. 9, 1996.........  3361      
                   brotherhood among nations, its continuing commemoration of                                   
                   the history of the United States, and its nurturing of                                       
                   young cadets through training in seamanship.                                                 
104-283.........  National Marine Sanctuaries Preservation Act...............  Oct. 11, 1996........  3363      
104-284.........  Propane Education and Research Act of 1996.................  Oct. 11, 1996........  3370      
104-285.........  To reauthorize the National Film Preservation Board, and     Oct. 11, 1996........  3377      
                   for other purposes.                                                                          
104-286.........  To amend the Central Utah Project Completion Act to direct   Oct. 11, 1996........  3387      
                   the Secretary of the Interior to allow for prepayment of                                     
                   repayment contracts between the United States and the                                        
                   Central Utah Water Conservancy District dated December 28,                                   
                   1965, and November 26, 1985, and for other purposes.                                         
104-287.........  To codify without substantive change laws related to         Oct. 11, 1996........  3388      
                   transportation and to improve the United States Code.                                        
104-288.........  United States National Tourism Organization Act of 1996....  Oct. 11, 1996........  3402      
104-289.........  Savings in Construction Act of 1996........................  Oct. 11, 1996........  3411      
104-290.........  National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996........  Oct. 11, 1996........  3416      
104-291.........  To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize          Oct. 11, 1996........  3452      
                   appropriations for fiscal years 1997, 1998, and 1999 for                                     
                   the National Transportation Safety Board, and for other                                      
104-292.........  False Statements Accountability Act of 1996................  Oct. 11, 1996........  3459      
104-293.........  Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997........  Oct. 11, 1996........  3461      
104-294.........  Economic Espionage Act of 1996.............................  Oct. 11, 1996........  3488      
104-295.........  Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 1996..  Oct. 11, 1996........  3514      
104-296.........  Appointing the day for the convening of the first session    Oct. 11, 1996........  3558      
                   of the One Hundred Fifth Congress and the day for the                                        
                   counting in Congress of the electoral votes for President                                    
                   and Vice President cast in December 1996.                                                    
104-297.........  Sustainable Fisheries Act..................................  Oct. 11, 1996........  3559      
104-298.........  Water Desalination Act of 1996.............................  Oct. 11, 1996........  3622      
104-299.........  Health Centers Consolidation Act of 1996...................  Oct. 11, 1996........  3626      
104-300.........  Fort Peck Rural County Water Supply System Act of 1996.....  Oct. 11, 1996........  3646      
104-301.........  Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute Settlement Act of 1996............  Oct. 11, 1996........  3649      
104-302.........  To extend the authorized period of stay within the United    Oct. 11, 1996........  3656      
                   States for certain nurses.                                                                   
104-303.........  Water Resources Development Act of 1996....................  Oct. 12, 1996........  3658      
104-304.........  Accountable Pipeline Safety and Partnership Act of 1996....  Oct. 12, 1996........  3793      
104-305.........  Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996....  Oct. 13, 1996........  3807      
104-306.........  To extend certain programs under the Energy Policy and       Oct. 14, 1996........  3810      
                   Conservation Act through September 30, 1997.                                                 
104-307.........  Wildfire Suppression Aircraft Transfer Act of 1996.........  Oct. 14, 1996........  3811      
104-308.........  To enhance fairness in compensating owners of patents used   Oct. 19, 1996........  3814      
                   by the United States.                                                                        
104-309.........  To express the sense of the Congress that United States      Oct. 19, 1996........  3815      
                   Government agencies in possession of records about                                           
                   individuals who are alleged to have committed Nazi war                                       
                   crimes should make these records public.                                                     
104-310.........  To modify the boundaries of the Talladega National Forest,   Oct. 19, 1996........  3817      
104-311.........  To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act by designating the   Oct. 19, 1996........  3818      
                   Wekiva River, Seminole Creek, and Rock Springs Run in the                                    
                   State of Florida for study and potential addition to the                                     
                   National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.                                                      
104-312.........  To authorize appropriations for a mining institute or        Oct. 19, 1996........  3819      
                   institutes to develop domestic technological capabilities                                    
                   for the recovery of minerals from the Nation's seabed, and                                   
                   for other purposes.                                                                          
104-313.........  Indian Health Care Improvement Technical Corrections Act of  Oct. 19, 1996........  3820      
104-314.........  To designate 51.7 miles of the Clarion River, located in     Oct. 19, 1996........  3823      
                   Pennsylvania, as a component of the National Wild and                                        
                   Scenic Rivers System.                                                                        
104-315.........  To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to repeal the  Oct. 19, 1996........  3824      
                   requirement for annual resident review for nursing                                           
                   facilities under the Medicaid program and to require                                         
                   resident reviews for mentally ill or mentally retarded                                       
                   residents when there is a significant change in physical                                     
                   or mental condition.                                                                         
104-316.........  General Accounting Office Act of 1996......................  Oct. 19, 1996........  3826      
104-317.........  Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1996.....................  Oct. 19, 1996........  3847      
104-318.........  Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1996.......................  Oct. 19, 1996........  3862      
104-319.........  Human Rights, Refugee, and Other Foreign Relations           Oct. 19, 1996........  3864      
                   Provisions Act of 1996.                                                                      
104-320.........  Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996..............  Oct. 19, 1996........  3309      
104-321.........  Granting the consent of Congress to the Emergency            Oct. 19, 1996........  3877      
                   Management Assistance Compact.                                                               
104-322.........   Granting the consent of the Congress to amendments made by  Oct. 19, 1996........  3884      
                   Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia to the                                      
                   Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact.                                     
104-323.........  Cache La Poudre River Corridor Act.........................  Oct. 19, 1996........  3889      
104-324.........  Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1996......................  Oct. 19, 1996........  3901      
104-325.........  Marine Mineral Resources Research Act of 1996..............  Oct. 19, 1996........  3994      
104-326.........  Irrigation Project Contract Extension Act of 1996..........  Oct. 19, 1996........  4000      
104-327.........  To make technical corrections to the Personal                Oct. 19, 1996........  4002      
                   Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of                                    
104-328.........  To provide for the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental  Oct. 19, 1996........  4004      
                   Relations to continue in existence, and for other purposes.                                  
104-329.........  United States Commemorative Coin Act of 1996...............  Oct. 20, 1996........  4005      
104-330.........  Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination    Oct. 26, 1996........  4016      
                   Act of 1996.                                                                                 
104-331.........  Presidential and Executive Office Accountability Act.......  Oct. 26, 1996........  4053      
104-332.........  National Invasive Species Act of 1996......................  Oct. 26, 1996........  4073      
104-333.........  Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996......  Nov. 12, 1996........  4093      
     * Public Laws 104-93 and 104-95 thru 104-98 were printed in the 
Cumulative List of Public Laws for the 104th Congress, First 

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