< United States Code < Title 42
Title 42 — The Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 21 — Civil Rights

§ 1981 Equal rights under the law
§ 1981a Damages in cases of intentional discrimination in employment
§ 1982 Property rights of citizens
§ 1983 Civil action for deprivation of rights
§ 1984 Omitted
§ 1985 Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights
§ 1986 Action for neglect to prevent
§ 1987 Prosecution of violation of certain laws
§ 1988 Proceedings in vindication of civil rights
§ 1989 United States magistrate judges; appointment of persons to execute warrants
§ 1990 Marshal to obey precepts; refusing to receive or execute process
§ 1991 Fees; persons appointed to execute process
§ 1992 Speedy trial
§ 1993 Repealed
§ 1994 Peonage abolished
§ 1995 Criminal contempt proceedings; penalties; trial by jury
§ 1996 Protection and preservation of traditional religions of Native Americans
§ 1996a Traditional Indian religious use of peyote
§ 1996b Interethnic adoption
§ 1997 Definitions
§ 1997a Initiation of civil actions
§ 1997b Certification requirements; Attorney General to personally sign certification
§ 1997c Intervention in actions
§ 1997d Prohibition of retaliation
§ 1997e Suits by prisoners
§ 1997f Report to Congress
§ 1997g Priorities for use of funds
§ 1997h Notice to Federal departments
§ 1997i Disclaimer respecting standards of care
§ 1997j Disclaimer respecting private litigation
§ 2000a Prohibition against discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation
§ 2000a-1 Prohibition against discrimination or segregation required by any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, rule or order of a State or State agency
§ 2000a-2 Prohibition against deprivation of, interference with, and punishment for exercising rights and privileges secured by section 2000a or 2000a1 of this title
§ 2000a-3 Civil actions for injunctive relief
§ 2000a-4 Community Relations Service; investigations and hearings; executive session; release of testimony; duty to bring about voluntary settlements
§ 2000a-5 Civil actions by the Attorney General
§ 2000a-6 Jurisdiction; exhaustion of other remedies; exclusiveness of remedies; assertion of rights based on other Federal or State laws and pursuit of remedies for enforcement of such rights
§ 2000b Civil actions by the Attorney General
§ 2000b-1 Liability of United States for costs and attorney’s fee
§ 2000b-2 Personal suits for relief against discrimination in public facilities
§ 2000b-3 “Complaint” defined
§ 2000c Definitions
§ 2000c-1 Omitted
§ 2000c-2 Technical assistance in preparation, adoption, and implementation of plans for desegregation of public schools
§ 2000c-3 Training institutes; stipends; travel allowances
§ 2000c-4 Grants for inservice training in dealing with and for employment of specialists to advise in problems incident to desegregation; factors for consideration in making grants and fixing amounts, terms, and conditions
§ 2000c-5 Payments; adjustments; advances or reimbursement; installments
§ 2000c-6 Civil actions by the Attorney General
§ 2000c-7 Liability of United States for costs
§ 2000c-8 Personal suits for relief against discrimination in public education
§ 2000c-9 Classification and assignment
§ 2000d Prohibition against exclusion from participation in, denial of benefits of, and discrimination under federally assisted programs on ground of race, color, or national origin
§ 2000d-1 Federal authority and financial assistance to programs or activities by way of grant, loan, or contract other than contract of insurance or guaranty; rules and regulations; approval by President; compliance with requirements; reports to Congressional committees; effective date of administrative action
§ 2000d-2 Judicial review; administrative procedure provisions
§ 2000d-3 Construction of provisions not to authorize administrative action with respect to employment practices except where primary objective of Federal financial assistance is to provide employment
§ 2000d-4 Federal authority and financial assistance to programs or activities by way of contract of insurance or guaranty
§ 2000d-4a “Program or activity” and “program” defined
§ 2000d-5 Prohibited deferral of action on applications by local educational agencies seeking Federal funds for alleged noncompliance with Civil Rights Act
§ 2000d-6 Policy of United States as to application of nondiscrimination provisions in schools of local educational agencies
§ 2000d-7 Civil rights remedies equalization
§ 2000e Definitions
§ 2000e-1 Exemption
§ 2000e-2 Unlawful employment practices
§ 2000e-3 Other unlawful employment practices
§ 2000e-4 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
§ 2000e-5 Enforcement provisions
§ 2000e-6 Civil actions by the Attorney General
§ 2000e-7 Effect on State laws
§ 2000e-8 Investigations
§ 2000e-9 Conduct of hearings and investigations pursuant to section 161 of title 29
§ 2000e-10 Posting of notices; penalties
§ 2000e-11 Veterans’ special rights or preference
§ 2000e-12 Regulations; conformity of regulations with administrative procedure provisions; reliance on interpretations and instructions of Commission
§ 2000e-13 Application to personnel of Commission of sections 111 and 1114 of title 18; punishment for violation of section 1114 of title 18
§ 2000e-14 Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinating Council; establishment; composition; duties; report to President and Congress
§ 2000e-15 Presidential conferences; acquaintance of leadership with provisions for employment rights and obligations; plans for fair administration; membership
§ 2000e-16 Employment by Federal Government
§ 2000e-16a Short title; purpose; definition
§ 2000e-16b Discriminatory practices prohibited
§ 2000e-16c Coverage of previously exempt State employees
§ 2000e-17 Procedure for denial, withholding, termination, or suspension of Government contract subsequent to acceptance by Government of affirmative action plan of employer; time of acceptance of plan
§ 2000f Survey for compilation of registration and voting statistics; geographical areas; scope; application of census provisions; voluntary disclosure; advising of right not to furnish information
§ 2000g Establishment of Service; Director of Service: appointment, term; personnel
§ 2000g-1 Functions of Service
§ 2000g-2 Cooperation with other agencies; conciliation assistance in confidence and without publicity; information as confidential; restriction on performance of investigative or prosecuting functions; violations and penalties
§ 2000g-3 Reports to Congress
§ 2000h Criminal contempt proceedings: trial by jury, criminal practice, penalties, exceptions, intent; civil contempt proceedings
§ 2000h-1 Double jeopardy; specific crimes and criminal contempts
§ 2000h-2 Intervention by Attorney General; denial of equal protection on account of race, color, religion, sex or national origin
§ 2000h-3 Construction of provisions not to affect authority of Attorney General, etc., to institute or intervene in actions or proceedings
§ 2000h-4 Construction of provisions not to exclude operation of State laws and not to invalidate consistent State laws
§ 2000h-5 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2000h-6 Separability

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