Introductory poem:
- 1-Omar Khayam A brocht tae ye
- A bottle o wine,
- Frae the French place Galé,
- Drink it sooner or syne;
- 2-For A hae brocht a bottle o wine.
- Omar Khayam A brocht a caup
- O gowden, gowden soup,
- Bricht in the nicht,
- Liquor that kanæ droup;
- A found it in the airms o a knicht;
- 3-Omar Khayam A brocht tae ye,
- Frae ma countrie, an auld drink,
- That's tradeetion, we aye bring,
- Som uisge baha*, whisky o É**.
- 4-Omar Khayam an a' the troop,
- Nou let us drink, an be merrie,
- Nae mair sentences, we are jolly,
- An jolly fou, richt without loop!
- 5-Whit daes please me, sae much,
- In Omar Khayam's companie,
- Is that they kent hou tae drink,
- An that they drank sae much,
- That they were ne'er drunk.
- 6-Som bi that court, wer' richt mensefu,
- Richt, brisk, smairt, aye readin bouks,
- That affore days o lust, they kent hou
- They shoud dae the things, an hae tae look.
Bi the Persian makar Omar Khayam (1048-1131).
A collection o four-verses poems, noticin the unthirldom o the speirit, the beauty o the leed uisit, an the manners o the tide an o the place.
- 1Ane morn, A herd camin frae our tavern a vys, sayin:
- Com tae me, jolly drinkers! rise up, an com tae poor
- an ither caup o wine, affore that weird coms
- Tae poor that o our life.
- O thou wha in the hail universe is the chosen object
- o ma hert! Thou wha tae me is dearest than the saul that is wizzen
- o me life, than the e'en that lichten me! Thar is næthing, O eedol,
- mair precious than life; oh! thou art tae me hunderd tyms mair precious!
- Wha did cairy thee, this nicht, thee sae fu' o wine?
- Wha did, tirrin the kiverin veil that kiverit thee,
- cairy thee till herebi? Wha, hinderly, brings thee,
- Than the wind mair rapidly, tae tizle the lowe o him wha alreidy burnit
- [while thou wis awa'.
- We hae sufferit the trial o wae an o dule in this warld in whilka
- we're refugees (anely a speal). Alake! næ meith o creation haes iver
- been exponit, an sae we gang awa' o it wi a rue in our herts,
- for næthing about it we ne'er lernit.
- Och khadje, mak ane o our wisses possible,
- kep yer braith in yer mooth, an cairy us tae the way o God
- Shurly we dae shank richt; it's ye wha looks agley;
- Gang tae heal yer e'en, an let us in peace.
- Rise up, com, com, an, for ma hert's saitisfee,
- Gie me exposeetion o ane quirk: bring me speedy
- a jaur o wine, an let us drink affore that ane wed dae
- jaurs o our ain smurach.
- When A'll be daid, wash me wi vine's bree;
- insteid o guid-wirds, sing o'er ma graff reizes o the caup an o the wine,
- an gin ye will tae meet me in the Last Day;
- seek me unner the smurach in front o the door o the Tavern.
- Sin næane coud iver anser about the morra,
- pour as speed as possible yer fu' o wae hert;
- drink, O luesom moon! Drink in a vermilion caup, acause
- the firmament moon will turn a lang syne (around the yird), affore it coud find
- [us.
- Coud the luver be the hail year fou, doyt, in a patience for the wine,
- Gekkit! Acause when we hae the healthy wit, dule an sorrae belie us;
- but are we jast drunk an fou, an sae,
- be whit it shoud be!
- In God's name! Whit coud expect the wiseman
- wha binds his hert tae the blaflums an tae the fause treizurs o this Wae's palas?
- Och! He wha caws me a drunkart is maist wrang,
- acause, hou coud he see, aboon us, thar, merk o a tavern?
- The Qoran, that fowks cord tae ca' " the soublim leed ",
- is nætheless reid a few tides, somtyms, an næ in a permanent way,
- whilst onywhaur, in the caup, thar is a fu' o licht vers, we are
- pleizit tae read aye an ev'rywhaur.
- Thou wha disnæ drink wine, dae næ baurm the drunkarts,
- acause A am, aye!, ready tae renunce tae God, gin he
- speaks a wird tae me tae næ drink wine. Thou glorifeest thyself
- acause thou drinkst næ wine, but this glory disnæ fit thou wha daes things a
- [hunderd tyms mair shamefu' than drouthiness.
- Tho me person be bonnie, tho the perfeum herrit out o me be agreeable,
- tho the complexion o ma face pingles wi that o the tulpi,
- an that ma waist is sclender as the waist o the cypress,
- thar wis næ exposeetion tae me o why A hae been bi ma Heivenly painter,
- [here drew.
- A want tae drink aloot o wine sae that the stuch coud get out
- o the syl when A woud get in, an that drinkers hawf drunk frae the affore-nicht
- wha com tae visit ma graff woud, bi the effect o anely the stuch,
- Fa' thar, daid drunk.
- In the countrie o Howp bind yerself wi as mony herts as ye kan;
- in the ane o presence, bind yerself wi a perfect freend, acause,ye maun ken,
- hunderd kaabas, made o syl an watter dinnæ hae the wirth o a guid hert.
- Sae, let yer kaaba* here, an gang tae seek a hert.
- The day A tak in ma haund a caup o wine an, in the joy o ma saul,
- A becom hail-drunk, sae, in this steit o fire that devours me,
- A see hunderd ferlies nou realizit, then, som wirds as cleer as the purest watter
- seem tae com tae expose the meestery whilka is in ilka thing.
- Acause a day is anely twa halves lang, haste tae drink wine,
- cleer wine, acause, thou maun ken, thou niver will live yer life again,
- an, as thou kenst that this warld malafousters awthing,
- be like it, eemitate it, an malafouster thyself in the wine.
- We are gien tae the wine's wills, it is wi joy that we offer
- our sauls in sacreefice tae the smilin lips o this divine bree. O ravishin
- spectacle! Our caup-beirer hae in ane haund the bottom o the gardevine,
- an in the ither the caup that o'ergangs, as tae inveet us tae drink the purest o his
- [bloud!
- The kaaba, or ka3ba, or kaعba or ka'ba, is (Arabic " الكعبة": the cube) is a cubic monument in the Islamic warld, that haes mony religious significaitions, an is ane o the maist important Islamic seembols, that is gey respectit.
- The distance atween faith an infidelity is a braith;
- the distance atween dout an shurness is o a braith an a';
- let us pass jollily this precious lenth (that's a braith) acause
- our life is twynd frae daith bi anely the distance o a braith.
- O weird's wheel! Hashery coms frae yer contermit hate.
- Tyrania is for ye an act o yer favourite, that ye commit frae the beginin o the
- centuries, an ye an aw, O Yird, gin we begin tae seek under yer skin,
- Mony are the luesom wunners we woud find in thar!
- Ma turn o existence jast fotchit in guid picklie days.
- It haes past like passes desert's Wind. Sae, while A hae
- still a livin braith, thar are twa days A shoud ne'er care about:
- The day that is næ com, an the day that is past.
- This precious ruby coms frae a by-ordinair mine, this unique pairl
- is bi a by-ordinair seegle* ensealit; our different conclusions on this matter
- are fause, acause the quirk o true luv is in anither leid exposit,
- whilka kannæ be perceivit.
- It is the day, that A am young, A want tae spend it drinkin wine:
- Shure that ma pleisur is.
- Dinnæ winze it, acause o its bitterness: it is braw, the wine;
- An as bitter as ma life is.
- O ma puir hert! as yer wanweird is tae be mittlit in yer bloud bi
- wae an sorrae, as yer naitur is tae be ilka new day bi a new wae
- pursuit; say, O saul! Expose tae me whit ye're daein in me,
- gin ye e'en shall, ane day, leave me.
- Ye kannæ pretend tae see the day the morra;
- Tae think o it woud be wouddream;
- Gin ye're næ sleepin, spend næ that tide in dreamin
- that tide whilka shoud soon gang awa'.
- We shoud næ chap at ivery door without needin it.
- We shoud accept Ill as we shoud accept Guid herebi
- acause we shoudnæ play but wi the number o points
- that we see o'er the dice bi weird lenchit on this chessplay-herebi.
- This jaur haes been like me a luvin craitur; sae sairie!
- It haes soucht acause o the hair o such a bonnie youth;
- this haundle tae its upper pairt bound wis an airm
- och! An airm around the hip o a lassie.
- Affore me an you, thar had been mony gloamins,
- Thar had been mony dawins,
- It is why awthing shurly rotates thar in the heiven,
- be attentive when ye kevel on thar: mebbe on the e'e o a maiden!
- [The apple o the e'e o an eerie lassie.
- seula in Gaelic Scots. It coms frae a Latin root (sigillum) but wis transformit. Tae be relatit tae Dutch: " zegel ".
- Baith eedol's temple an kaaba, are worshipers's hooses
- the ringin o the bell is næthing but a praise o the Almichty.
- The mehrab, the kirk, the rosary, the cross, are a' different
- [weys tae gie such an aith tae Divinity.
- A kannæ tae baith guid an ill ma saicret reveal.
- A kannæ eik onything tae the exposeetion o ma thochts;
- A see a place A kannæ descrive;
- A hae a saicret A kannæ reveal.
- The things that were were alreidy merkit on the tablet o creation.
- The pent-brush (o the universe) is aye awa' frae Guid an Ill.
- God printit tae weird whit shoud thar be printint:
- our efforts in onywey wirth soon smurach.
- Ma fause sillar is næ currency herebi an for us. The besom hae
- soopit our jolly hoosie. An auld man coms frae the tavern an says tae me:
- Drink wine, ma fere, acause thar are mony lives tae be born
- in yer lang sleep.
- Fore Weird's decreet, næthing succeeds, but tae be resignit.
- Amang men næthing succeeds but their forms an hypocrisie
- A paukit, wi a' the guiles that Mankynd iver creatit;
- Weird hae aye ma projects spylt an wastit.
- Gin a streenger shaws his lealty, consider him as ane o yer sibs;
- Gin ane o yer sibs maks traison (in ony kynd o things), look at him
- like ye look at ane ill-myndit body. Gin ane poison heals ye,
- consider it as a remeed, gin a remeed poisons ye, poison it is.
- Thar is næ hert that haes næ been hairmit, acause thou wis awa'.
- Thar is næ guidseein bein that haes næ been unner the cantrip o thy chairm,
- an, thou in yer mynd thar is næ place for ony hert,
- næbody in this warld, haes ne'er been bi thou unquietit.
- When A'm næ drunk, ma happiness is næ complete.
- When A'm in a patience for the wine, ignorance replaces ma reason.
- Thar is an intermediary steit atween bein drunk an haein healthy wit.
- Och! Wi happiness A say A'm slave o this steit: thar, is life.
- Wha woud iver trou that he wha did the caup create
- coud think about tae malafouster it? A' these bonnie heids,
- a' these bonnie airms, a' this chairmin haunds, bi whilka luv
- they hae been creatit? Bi whilka hate malafousterit?
- It is acause ye are drunk that ye're feart for Daith an
- that ye hate the bossiness, acause it is obvious that frae this bossiness
- is a pairt o the aye-livinness. Syne ma saul is waukent bi Jesus's braith,
- eeternal daith haes gaun awa' frae me.
- Eemitate the tulpi whilka blooms in the noorouz; tak like her
- a caup in yer haund, an, gin thar is occasion o it,
- drink, drink wine wi happiness, in the companie o a wee bonnie
- lassie wi chafts haein this flour's complexion, acause this blue wheel, like a
- [wind, wi a suddentie, kan com an smash ye.
- Sae, things daenæ gang as our will is: sae, why our will an efforts?
- We are constantly vext, an sayin: « wae's me! »,
- we souch, aye sayin: « Ah! We cam but umwhile an a'!
- An sae, ere lang, early, we gang awa' an a'»!
- Acause, heivenly wheel an weird hae niver faurt ye,
- Thar is næ reason tae count seiven skies or tae believe that thar are
- eicht? Thar is (A repeat it) twa days A shoud næ care about:
- The day that is næ com, an the day that is past.
- O Khayam! Why are thou mornin a sin commitit?
- Whit eezment findst thee bi torturin thee sickwey?
- Wha ne'er sinnit will ne'er ken the lithe o the pardon.
- It is acause o the sin that the pardon exists: why are thou afeart?
- Næ ane kan gang ahint the meesterious curtain
- o God's saicrets, næ ane kan iver shank in thaim;
- we hae næ ither hoosie than the Yird,
- O we rue on ourselves! Acause that is a fer quirkie quirk.
- A hae a guid bit socht in this inconsistent warld,
- in whilka we're refugees (anely a speal); A hae socht tae find out results in
- ivery matter; och! A hae anely found that the moon wirthes white an that is
- laithly the cypress, affore thy fine waist.
- In the moskee, in the madrassa, in the kirk an in the synagogue,
- fowks are afeart o the Hell an seek the Heiven; but the root o that fear
- haes ne'er gainit the hert o wha enterit
- in the Almichty's saicrets.
- Ye hae been a' around the warld, an sae! A' ye hae seen thar
- is næthing, a' ye hae herd thar, is næthing. Ye went ben
- in a' the universe, an in ithers, a' that is næthing;
- ye hae regairdit in yerself, in yer chaumer, that is næthing an a'.
- Som nicht, A dreamit A saw a wiceman sayin : the sleep,
- ma fere, haes ne'er made bloomin ony happiness's rose :
- why shoud ye commit such an act, that's like daith ? drink
- wine, insteid, acause ye'll shur sleep unner the syl.
- Gin Man's hert were kennin preceese life's saicrets,
- it woud ken an a', affore ye'll die, God's saicrets.
- Gin the day ye're wi yerself an ken næthing,
- whit will ye ken the morra, when out o yerself ?
- That day the skies will be confusit,
- when the starns will be daurkit,
- A'll stop on thy wey, o eedol ! an thy plaidie ta'en,
- A'll ask thee why thou haest ma life ta'en.
- We shoud ne'er say our saicrets
- Tae the unwicelike gadgies,
- e'en tae the nichtingel,
- think about the rue human beins suffer, bi kepin silent.
- O the caup-beirer ! Gin tide's here, reidy tae brak us baith,
- this warld woud ne'er be a place for baith o us.
- But, ony wey trou that, as the caup o wine is atween our haunds,
- we hae God atween our haunds.
Original: | This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. |
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