6: How the Knight Sent Magelone a Ring
The nurse went to great lengths to meet with the knight again, and it so happened that they found themselves together one day in the same church. Peter was glad when he caught sight of the nurse, and immediately went up to her and inquired after her mistress. She told him everything: how she kept the Ring as a token of his great love for her, how she had read the words he had written for her, and how she had dreamt of him in the night. Peter blushed for joy when he heard her speak of these things, and said:
— Oh, dear nurse, tell her the feelings of my heart, and that I will surely pine away with longing for her if I cannot speak with her soon. If I can speak to her face to face, I will reveal to her that which I have revealed to no one else — my rank and name. But I love her with a love that no other heart is capable of. Now all I pray for is to make her my wife; my only wish is that her thoughts be of me as mine are of her. Give her also this ring, and ask her to keep it as a little memento of me.
The nurse quickly hurried back to Magelone, who was sick at heart and languishing in bed. She jumped up when she saw her emissary, embraced her and asked her for the latest news. The nurse told her everything and gave her the precious ring.
— Look, exclaimed the princess, this is the very ring of which I dreamt! That must mean the rest of my dream is also going to come true.
A sheet contained this song:
Will you take pity
Graciously on this poor man?
Is it then no dream?
O how the springs trickle
And the waves resound.
O how the tree rustles!
Deep I lay, by frightening
Walls imprisoned.
Now the light of day greets me.
O how the Sun's rays amuse themselves!
They dazzle my eyes and bring colours
To my timid face.
Dare I believe it?
Will no one rob me
Of this precious delusion?
But dreams fade away.
Love: that alone is life.
A welcome fate!
How free and cheerful!
Tarry awhile.
Put away your pilgrim's staff!
You have prevailed.
You have found it:
The happiest place!
Magelone sang the song. Then she kissed the ring; and then she also kissed the first ring, so as not to offend it. Then she read the words again, speaking them out loud. And thus she occupied herself alone until late into the night.