"The Halakha prevails: ‘One may put back the rupture’." (Samuel learns in the Mishna, instead of "it is not allowed," "it is allowed.")
Rabba bar bar Hana came to Pumbaditha, but did not go into the college of R. Jehudah. So R. Jehudah sent for Ada, the officer of the college, and said to him: "Go and take a pledge of Rabba bar bar Hana." The officer went and took a pledge of him. [Afterwards] he (Rabba bar bar Hana) came to the college. When he came, he heard him (R. Jehudah) teach: "The rupture must not be put back [on the Sabbath]". Said he to him: "So said R. Hana of Bagdad in the name of Samuel: ‘The Halakha prevails: One may put back the rupture’." Answered [R. Jehudah]: "It is our Hana and our Samuel, and [yet] we never heard of this before. Now thou canst see that I was right in demanding a pledge for thy appearance. Hadst thou not come, we would never have heard this."
"One who has strained his hand," etc.
R. Ivia sat in the presence of R. Joseph, [and] he dislocated his hand. Said he to him (to R. Joseph), [making a motion to replace it]: "May I [replace it] thus?" "Nay," [said R. Joseph]. "And thus may I?" [asked R. Ivia, making another motion]. "Nay," was the answer again. Meanwhile, he succeeded in replacing his hand. Said he (R. Joseph) to him: "What didst thou ask [me] for? It is [expressly] stated in our Mishna: One who has strained his hand or his foot must not pour cold water on it, but he may bathe it in the usual way. If he thereby becomes cured, it is well."
"Did we not learn in our Mishna: ‘The rupture must not be put back’, and [still] R. Hana of Bagdad said in the name of Samuel: ‘The Halakha prevails: One may put back the rupture’." he (R. Ivia) asked. Answered he (R. Joseph): "Canst thou weave everything into one garment? What we have learned, we have learned; [but] what we have not learned, we have not learned."
Chapter Twenty-Three