without desire? For the blood of its wound is clean! Said he to them: I am stringent with milk more than with blood for he who milks for medical purpose defiles and he who lets blood for medical purpose is clean. Said they to him: Baskets of olives and grapes shall demonstrate, for the juice that ooze out from them – with desire defiles; without desire is clean. Isn't the intention: With desire – that it is satisfactory for him; without desire – without any express design? And if olives and grapes, which are meant for pressing, if it was without desire, it is nothing, berries and pomegranates, which are not meant for pressing, isn’t it certainly so? Nay! With desire – without any express design; without desire – that he revealed his mind; that he said: It is not satisfactory for me. And if you request, I will say: Baskets of olives and grapes differ: Because they stand to waste, he abandons them from the beginning. We find R. Jehudah, that he agrees with the sages in the case of olives and grapes. The sages – that they agree with R. Jehudah concerning other fruit – from where do we know? For we learned: One presses