שלא לדבק בצק בבשר שלא נמלח
Contains one Seif.
ובו סעיף אחד:
1[1] If one places dough on poultry that was not salted, although the Gemara differentiates between coarse flour and other flour, and between it appearing red and not we are not expert in these rules therefore we should forbid it in every׳ case. Nevertheless if it was properly salted and washed it is permitted in all cases. Rema: Only placing dough on it is forbidden, but to smear it with oil is permitted, (1) or with the juice from meat that was not salted, for this will not block the release of blood. [2] A quiche has all the same rules as food that is to be cooked (2) with its leniencies and stringencies. Shach [1] Meaning at the time of roasting. The dough referred to here, is a type of dough that was often wrapped around the intestines. We are not familiar regarding the types of dough or their laws, so we subject it to the same rules as meat being prepared for cooking, meaning that it must be properly washed and salted before it is wrapped in a dough. [2] Meaning that it is measured against sixty for both leniency as well as stringency. If there is sixty then all other pieces are permitted besides the piece that is forbidden. If there isn't sixty, then everything is forbidden. Taz (1) Meaning you can smear tzir from salted meat onto meat that wasn’t salted. (2) Meaning we measure everything against sixty and discard the forbidden piece. |
סעיף אהטופל בצק בעוף שלא נמלח -- אף על גב דבגמרא מפליג בין סמידא לשאר קימחי ובין אסמיק ללא אסמיק -- אנן השתא לא בקיאינן במלתא, ובכל גוונא יש לאסור. אבל אם נמלח ושהה כדי מליחה ואחר כך הודח -- מותר בכל גוונא. הגה: ודוקא לטפל בבצק אסור; אבל מותר למשוח בשמן או בציר בשר שלא נמלח דאין זה מעכב הפליטה (ארוך כלל ט). ופשטיד"א יש לו כל דין בישול בקדירה, בין לקולא בין לחומרא (מרדכי פכ"ה בשם רש"י ומהרא"י וארוך כלל ט"ו). |