< Translation:Shulchan Aruch < Yoreh Deah

דין עופות שנמלאו בשר שלא נמלח

Contains one Seif.

ובו סעיף אחד:


Poultry or goats that are filled with meat that was not salted are permitted if they are roasted, even if the mouth is facing upwards (1) [1] and even if the outer part was salted (2) for as it absorbs blood from the filling so will it release. Rema: [2] Of course if the inner part was salted and not the outer part it is permitted as well, for the flame draws out blood from the outside without it being absorbed in the inside. For cooking, it is forbidden [3] until salting (3) is performed on the outside on its own and in the inside on its own. !f after it was stuffed the outside was salted (4) [4] it does not release blood from the inner side. Rema: All this is post facto, but in the first instance one should not stuff anything until both are salted. [5] This is all referring to a case that the stuffing is meat or herbs, however if there are congealed eggs it is as if cooked in a pot. [6] Even post facto it should be ruled as forbidden (5) if they were both not salted. Meat that was not washed or salted that was roasted with meat that was washed and salted is permitted post facto. In the first instance it is forbidden to roast meat that was salted with meat that was not salted even if it was washed.


[1] Meaning that it completed the required salting time, was washed, and doesn’t even release tzir.

[2] I don't agree with the ruling of the Rema that if the inside is salted for the required salting period it will not absorb from the outside because the fire will draw out the blood from the outside. If the inside went through the required salting and the outside of the meat was without salt, or if it didn’t even complete the required salting period the insides become forbidden. We don’t say “as it absorbed, so will it release” regarding the inside because it can not release its own blood, and only absorbed from the outside. Only when the inside and outside are equal, meaning they are both salted or both not, is it permitted. In a case where the inside is without salt and the outside was properly salted and washed it is also permitted.

[3] Each part should be washed separately after the salting, or else it becomes as meat that was cooked without the final rinsing.

[4] This case is not comparable with the laws of a thick piece of meat because the inside and outside are not considered as one piece. Here we must entirely salt and wash the insides and outsides properly or else it is forbidden to cook it even post facto, as is explained in section 69, sub-section 4.

[5] It seems that from the wording of the Rema that only meat by itself is permitted, but if there are eggs with meat, even with meat that was not salted, it is subject to the rules as if it were eggs alone. It also seems that if there is sixty in the stuffing, against the prohibited matter, everything is permitted.

[6] Meaning when filled with eggs it is forbidden even post-facto if the outer as well as the inner part of the meat that has the eggs was not salted.


(1) The Gahos Maimoni rules that if the outside was salted and not the inside, it is forbidden. The Beis Yosef disagrees. If the inside was salted and not the outside, everyone agrees that it is permitted because the fire will draw out all the blood from the outside. The Rahsal writes that the only case they should be forbidden is when the outside was salted without completing the required salting time, and the inside wasn’t, making only the inside forbidden. We can’t say “as it absorbed, so will it release" regarding the inside because it is not on the fire.

(2) It is not comparable to a case of meat that was salted and fell into tzir causing it to become forbidden because over there the release was quite some time after the absorption. Our case here is when it was released immediately upon absorption.

(3) And washed.

(4) It can not release even the inner blood of the outside piece. It should not even be permitted post facto.

(5) Meaning that anything with meat and eggs as a stuffing must receive a complete salting, each piece on its own as would be done in preparation for cooking.

סעיף א

עופות או גדיים שממלאים אותם בשר שלא נמלח,

  • אם לצלי -- מותר, אפילו פיהם למעלה ואפילו אם נמלח החיצון. דכמו שבולע דם המילוים כך פולטו. הגה:וכל שכן אם נמלח הפנימי ולא החיצון דשרי (ד"ע לדעת ארוך כלל ט) דנורא משאב שאיב הדם מן החיצון ואינו נבלע בפנימי (ד"ע).
  • ולקדירה -- אסור עד שימלח חיצון לבדו ופנימי לבדו.

אבל אם לאחר שמילאו מלח החיצון -- אינו מפליט דם שבפנימי.

הגה: וכל זה בדיעבד אבל לכתחלה אין לעשות שום מולייתא רק אם נמלחו שניהם (אגור ומרדכי פכ"ה ורש"י).וכל זה מיירי שאין במולייתא זו רק בשר או עשבים אבל אם יש שם בצים הנקרשים -- דינו כאילו נתבשל בקדירה (הגה' ש"ד בשם מהרי"ט וארוך וב"ז). ואפילו בדיעבד יש לאסור אם לא נמלחו שניהם.
בשר שלא נמלח ולא הודח שנצלה עם בשר שנמלח והודח -- מותר בדיעבד אבל לכתחלה אסור לצלות בשר שנמלח עם הבשר שלא נמלח ואפילו הודח.
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