< Translation:Shulchan Aruch < Yoreh Deah

הטחול דינו כשאר בשר

Contains one Seif.

ובו סעיף אחד:


(1) The spleen, although appearing red with a seemingly extensive amount of blood. [1 ] is as any other meat and must be salted. Rema: Some say that the custom [2] is not to cook the kidneys or [3] testicles even after nikkur, since they contain so much blood, but post facto, one need not worry. [4] It is permitted to salt all these with other meat, even though they contain much blood, [5] as long as the membrane and fats from them have been removed.


[1] They may even be cooked with other meat,

[2] The Bais Yosef wrote that the custom is to permit cooking them however in our locale it is not the custom.

[3] See section 65 sub-section 4 that if thirty days have passed it is forbidden even post facto if nikkur was not performed. Within thirty days they are permitted post facto without nikkur. All this is regarding cooking, but for roasting they are permitted.

[4] Even initially one may salt them on top of other meat.

[5] See earlier in section 64 where we said that the spleen contains some fats that are biblically forbidden, and other fat which is rabbinically forbidden. The kidneys contain two membranes. The upper one is forbidden by the Torah, whereas the bottom one is rabbinically forbidden. If it was roasted with its forbidden fats, it is customary to forbid it. If it was cooked, sixty is required against the whole kidney because it becomes nveila.


(1) There may be cases where a spleen will have sixty within itself against its forbidden fats, and be permitted. However, since we are dealing with a serious prohibition, one may never assume so, and the spleen must always be measured for sixty.

סעיף א

הטחול אף על פי שיש בו מראה אדמומית ונראה כריבוי דם -- דינו כשאר בשר.

הגה: יש אומרים שנהגו שלא לבשל הכליות או ביצי זכר אפילו לאחר שניקר אותן משום דאית בהו רוב דם. ובדיעבד אין לחוש (אגור וארוך כלל א' בשם רוקח). ומותר למלוח כל אלו עם שאר בשר אף על פי שיש בהם רוב דם ובלבד שיסירו הקרומים והחלב מהם.
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