< Translation:Shulchan Aruch < Yoreh Deah

The eight kinds of treifot ("torn" animals) and their mnemonic

שמונה מיני טריפות וסימנם.

Contains one Seif.

Seif 1

There are eight types of treifot (lit. "torn" by [wild] beast [Ex. 22:30]; by Rabbinic definition cannot live 12 months due to defect or illness similar to that inflicted by wild beasts, but excluding natural causes such as old age [Chullin]), and the mnemonic is: DaN ChaNaQ NeFeSh ("Dan strangled a soul")

Derusah -- pressed [the knife],
Nequvah -- pierced [an organ],
Chaserah -- lacking [from birth a lobe of lung or a foot],
Netulah -- dislocated [the absence of converging sinews in the thigh, or the liver, or the upper jaw],
Qeruah -- torn [membrane around spinal cord],
Nefulah -- fallen [and crushed internal organ due to fall],
Pesukah -- severed [tearing of most of the flesh covering the rumen], and
Sheburah -- fractured [e.g. most of the ribs].

שמונה מיני טרפות הן וסימניך ד"ן חנ"ק נפ"ש.


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