In All Uncertain Cases, the Child Follows the Male
(Contains 5 paragraphs)
Paragraph 1- Kohanim, Leviim, and Yisraelim are permitted to marry with one another and the child retains the (ancestral) status of the man.
Paragraph 2- Leviim, Yisraelim, and Challim (those whose father is a Kohen and whose mother is someone forbidden to Lohanim) are permitted to marry each other and the child retains the (ancestral) status of the man.
Paragraph 3- Leviim, Yisraelim, Challim, converts, and freed slaves are permitted to marry each other. If a male convert or freed slave who marries a female Levi, Yisraelite, of Chalilit, their son is an Yisraelite. If a male Yisraelite, Levi, or Chalil who marries a female convert or freed slave, the child retains the (ancestral) status of the man.
Paragraph 4- If anyone marries someone who is forbidden to them, the child retains that status of the one who has a defect. If one of them is invalid to a Kohen, then the offspring (of their union) will be invalid to a Kohen. If one of them is invalid to the community of Israel (ex. a Mamzer), their offspring will be invalid to the community of Israel.
Paragraph 5- The child of a female maidservant or non-Jewish woman retain their status (lit. are just like them) whether or not she became pregnant in a valid way (kasher) or an invalid way (pasal)