< Translation:Shulchan Aruch
- 1: Appointing judges in the Land of Israel and in other places
- 2: A Court May Strike and Punish for a Temporary Need
- 3: How Many Judges Are Needed In Order to Judge
- 4: How a Person Can Self-Judge
- 5: The Time And Day One Can Judge
- 6: The Required Amount of Money For a Case
- 7: Those who are eligible for judgeship and those who are not, whether in general or for specific cases appearing before the court
- 8: Not to Appoint An Unfit Judge and the Great Reward and Punishment of a Judge
- 9: Not to Take a Bribe and the Right to Accept Payment for Being Idle
- 10: One Should Be Patient in Judgement and Consult With Those Greater Than Him
- 11: How We Call Someone to Court and Based on Whose Words
- 12: A Judge Who Faces an Easygoing and Tough Party and All the Rules of Pshara
- 13: How We Choose Judges If the Parties Cannot Agree
- 14: Where One of the Parties Says Let’s Go to the Beis Din Hagadol and the Rules of a Party That Demands an Explanation for the Ruling
- 15: Which Case is Judged First and the Rules of a Dishonest Case
- 16: How Much Time Do We Provide to Bring Proof and the Rules of Placing a Cherem
- 17: One Must Treat All Parties Equally
- 18: How We Give and Take on a Matter and This That We Follow the Majority
- 19: How We Deliver the Ruling and The Method of Writing It
- 20: How Much Time Does a Party Have to Bring Proof to Void a Ruling
- 21: One Who Accepted to Complete the Ruling By a Certain Date But an Accident Occurred
- 22: One Who Accepts a Relative or Someone Disqualified and the Rules of a Flipped Oath
- 23: Up to What Point is a Judge Believed to Say Which Party He Sided With
- 24: We Assist the Plaintiff First
- 25: When a Judge Who Erred Can Retract and When He Must Pay
- 26: Not to Be Judged in Secular Courts
- 27: Not to Curse a Judge or Any Other Jew
- 28: How To Caution the Witnesses and We Do Not Accept Testimony in the Absence of a Litigant
- 29: Witnesses May Not Retract
- 30: Witnesses On Monetary Matters Do Not Require an Interrogation and the Testimony Must Be Complete
- 31: The Laws of Numerous Sets of Witnesses
- 32: Witnesses Who Witnessed a Confession Must Relate the Words As Is and a Case Where a Party Says He Was Kidding
- 33: Disqualified Testimony Due To Familial Relationship or a Woman or Slave
- 34: Witnesses Disqualified Due to Sin
- 35: The Disqualification of the Blind, Deaf, Foolish and Minors
- 36: Many Testified and One Was Discovered To Be a Relative or Disqualified
- 37: Disqualification Due To a Potential Benefit
- 38: Some of the Laws of Impeachment
- 39: Writing a document for the borrower without the lender, and on which admissions we write
- 40: The Laws of One Who Obligates Himself to Another
- 41: The Laws of One Who Lost His Loan Document or Had It Erased
- 42: One Can Write a Document In Any Language and the Laws of an Unspecified Coin
- 43: The Date Must be Written in a Document and the Specific Laws of Postdating and Predating
- 44: The Rules of Summarizing the Document On the Last Line and How We Verify Erased and Hanging Letters
- 45: This That Witnesses Must First Read the Document and the Laws of A Document on Paper and the Witnesses on Erased Paper
- 46: Witnesses That Said We Were Minors or We Were Disqualified or the Document Was Given on Trust and All the Laws of Verifying Documents
- 47: One Who Claims the Document Was Given On Trust or Was Paid Back
- 48: This That We Write the Outline of Documents
- 49: The Witnesses Must Be Familiar With The Names of the Borrower and Lender and the Laws of Errors In Names and Calculations
- 50: A Document That Says “I Borrowed a Maneh From You”
- 51: A Document With Only One Witness or One Disqualified Witness
- 52: A Document That Contains Interest or a Ripped Document
- 53: Not To Modify the Document
- 54: The Laws of Asmachata, Whether We Write a Receipt and How We Write a Receipt
- 55: The Laws of One Who Paid Back a Portion of His Debt and One Who Gives His Document to a Third Party
- 56: Laws of a Third Party
- 57: The Law That One Is Prohibited From Retaining a Repaid Document
- 58: One Who Produces a Loan Document Against His Adversary
- 59: A Verified Document Where the Borrower Claims It Has Been Repaid and the Lender Says He Does Not Know
- 60: The Laws of a Lien on Movable Items Via Real Property and the Laws of a Lien On an Item That Has Not Yet Come Into Existence
- 61: Various Laws Regarding Documents
- 62: The Laws of a Woman Who Transacts In the Home
- 63: One Who Is Testified Against As Having Sought a Forger
- 64: A Custodian Who Wants to Retain Deposited Documents As Payment For His Debt
- 65: The Law of Found Documents and the Law of a Receipt Found in the Possession of a Third Party
- 66: The Laws of the Sale of Documents and Exploitation on Them
- 67: The Laws of Shmittah and Pruzbul
- 68: The Laws of Documents Made in Secular Courts
- 69: The Laws of One Who Produces Verified or Unverified Handwriting and the Laws of One Who Claimed He Paid Back or Partially Confessed
- 70: The Laws of an Oral Loan and If One Says to Only Pay Me Back In Front of Witnesses
- 71: If a Borrower Granted Believability to a Lender To What Extent Would the Believability Take Effect
- 72: One Who Lends on Collateral and Many of the Laws of Collateral
- 73: The Default Timeframe of a Loan and Some Specific Laws Regarding Loans
- 74: What Place is Designated For a Lender to Collect and the Process of Repayment
Plaintiff and Defendant
- 75: Whether the Lender and Borrower Need to Clarify Their Claims, All the Laws of One Who Is Obligated a Biblical or Rabbinical Oath, One Who is Unable to Swear and Any Case Where the Plaintiff or Defendant Claim a Certain or Uncertain Claim
- 76: If One Orally Borrowed 100 From One and 200 From Another and Each One is Claiming 200
- 77: The Laws of Two Parties That Borrowed and the Law of One Partner That Borrows Solo
- 78: One Who Claims He Paid Back Within the Time of the Loan
- 79: The Law of One Who Says I Did Not Borrow and the Distinction Between “Go Give to Him” and “You Are Obligated to Give to Him”
- 80: In What Situation Can One Claim and Re-Claim
- 81: When a Party That Confessed is Able to Say I Was Kidding
- 82: The Law of an Unverified Document or a Verified Document Where the Borrower Claims the Document Was Given On Trust, Was Paid Back or Was Interest
- 83: The Law of a Lender Who Admits That the Document Is a Forgery
- 84: One Who Impairs or Minimizes His Document or a Solo Witness Testifies That it Has Been Repaid
- 85: If One Produces a Loan Document and the Other Claims That the Plaintiff Sold the Defendant His Field
- 86: If Reuven Owed Shimon and Shimon Owed Levi, We Would Take From Levi and Give to Reuven
- 87: The Laws of a Heses Oath and a Biblical Oath
- 88: The Laws of Denial and Confession and the Principle That the Confession Must Be the Same Form as the Claim
- 89: This That the Hired Worker Swears and Collects
- 90: Victims (e.g., victims of theft and assault) Swear and Collect and the Laws of One Who Bring Vessels From the Home of a Homeowner and Says They Are Borrowed
- 91: A Storekeeper Swears and Collects and the Laws of Ledgers
- 92: The Laws of One Who is Suspect With Respect to Oaths
- 93: The Laws of an Uncertain Oath and the Partner-Oath
- 94: The Laws of a Rolled-In Oath
- 95: The Laws of Which Oath Would be Taken on Real Property and the Laws of Hekdesh Today
- 96: What Oaths a Mute, Fool and Minor Swear, As Well As a Married Woman
Debt Collection
- 97: To Lend to a Poor Person and Not to Pressure Him, the Returning of Collateral and the Laws of Leaving Possessions For the Borrower
- 98: The Order of Collecting the Debt and One Who Requests Time to Invalidate His Document and Does Not Arrive On Time
- 99: How We Have the Borrower Swear As To Whether He Has Any Property, We Place a Cherem On Someone Who Knows The Borrower Has Property, If The Borrower Is Valid or a Fraudster and If He Gave Away His Property As a Gift
- 100: How Much Time We Give To One Who Seeks a Date For Repayment and If The Party Does Not Arrive At the Date and One Who Refuses to Comply With the Court’s Instructions
- 101: We Collect Money or Moveable Items For a Creditor, If the Borrower Claims His Money Belongs to Gentiles and If The Borrower Has Debts to Gentiles
- 102: From What Real Property Do We Collect the Debt For the Creditor
- 103: The Appraisal of the Borrower’s Real Property, If They Erred In the Appraisal and The Appraisal Can Always Revert
- 104: The Laws of a Later Creditor Who Prematurely Collects Real Property or Moveable Items and the Law That an Earlier Oral Loan Has Precedence Over a Documented Loan
- 105: The Law of One Who Takes Possession On Behalf of a Creditor In a Situation Where It Negatively Impacts Others and a Guardian Who Takes Possession of the Deposit On Behalf of a Creditor
- 106: The Laws of One Who Comes To Collect Outside the Presence of His Debtor
Debt Collection From Orphans
Debt Collection From Sold Properties
- 111: The Law That a Documented Loan Can Be Collected From Sold Properties and the Law of the Oral Loan
- 112: A Creditor Cannot Seize Properties of Third Parties That the Borrower Acquired After the Loan
- 113: A Creditor Cannot Seize Mortgaged Moveable Items
- 114: The Law of Whether a Purchaser Can Push the Creditor to the Borrower
- 115: The Laws of Fruits and Appreciation on Property Seized From Purchasers and Orphans
- 116: How We Write the Seizure Document
Designated Collections
- 117: The Law of One Who Designates His Field or Slave For Collection
- 118: One Who Writes to the Second Purchaser That He Has No Claim Against Him
- 119: One Who Sells All His Fields and a Borrower Who Made a Condition that the Lender Will Collect From Superior Properties
- 120: One Who Throws Payment For His Debt Without Specification or With The Rules of Gittin and It Was Misplaced
Appointed Debt-Collector
Power of Attorney
- 122: If the Lender Dies or Voided the Messengership or Power of Attorney
- 123: What a Power of Attorney Is Written On and How It is Written
- 124: Whether a Defendant Can Grant Power of Attorney
- 125: One Who Sends his Debt or Deposit Via a Messenger
- 126: One Who Pays Back His Debt in the Presence of All Three Parties
- 127: The Laws of a Man Who Borrowed From His Wife and Divorced Her or From His Slave and Freed Him and One Who Borrows From a Convert
- 128: The Law of One Who Pays Another’s Debt or Who Takes Collateral On Behalf of Another
- 129: The Laws of a Cosigner On a Documented or Oral Loan and When We Collect From the Cosigner
- 130: The Laws of How a Cosigner Who Paid the Lender Would Collect From the Borrower
- 131: One Who Retracts After Agreeing to Cosign
- 132: A Slave, Woman or Minor That Cosigned and Two That Cosigned For One and One That Cosigned For Two
Ownership Presumption on Movable Items
- 133: One Who Has Possession of Movable Items Known to Others
- 134: A Craftsman Who Makes a Claim That He Purchased an Item of His Trade From Its Owner
- 135: The Laws of One Who Takes Possession of Living Creatures, Such As Animals and Slaves
- 136: One Whose Items Were Swapped At A House of Mourning or Feasting
- 137: One Who Plucks Another’s Fruits
- 138: The Law of Two Individuals Grasping An Item of Clothing and Its Division
- 139: The Law of Two Parties In Dispute Over an Item and a Third Party Grabbed It
Ownership Presumption on Real Property
- 140: The Law of One Who Takes Possession of Another’s Real Property and the Law of A Presumption of Ownership on Homes and Stores
- 141: The Laws of Obtaining a Presumption On Rain-Watered Fields and Fields of Trees
- 142: The Law Where the Objector Assists the Possessor in His Possession and if the Assistance Was in Error
- 143: The Law of One Who Takes Possession Outside the Presence of the Objector Who Is In Another Country or Who Has Fled
- 144: Two People That Took Possession of One Field and Each One Consumed
- 145: If the Possessor Brought Two Witnesses and Their Testimony Did Not Conform
- 146: An Objection Will Void a Presumption and With What Language, How and When Is the Objection Made
- 147: One Who Objects to Possession of a Field and He is a Judge or Witness
- 148: One Who Lost a Path To His Field
- 149: The Following Cannot Obtain a Presumption of Ownership: Partners, Sharecroppers, Guardians, Thieves, Brothers, Deaf-Mutes and Minors
- 150: One Who Went Down to a Field As Collateral and Subsequently Created a Sale Document
- 151: The Laws of Those Whose Consumption Does Not Qualify as Proof
- 152: The Law of When Those Who Cannot Obtain a Presumption Can Ultimately Obtain a Presumption
- 153: The Laws of Setting Up a Protrusion or Tube, Placing a Ladder and Erecting Beams
- 154: Obtaining Rights on Windows and Entrances and How Far One Must Distance From Them
- 155: The Laws of Distancing From Damage
- 156: The Laws of One Who Goes Into Another’s Profession and One Who Brings Merchandise to Another City
Real-Property Partners
- 157: How a Wall Should Be Built When Two People That Are Partners in a Courtyard Come to Divide
- 158: How Partners Build a Fence Where They Divided a Garden or Valley
- 159: Damage-by-Sight From One Roof to Another and How it Can be Removed
- 160: A Roof That is Adjacent to a Courtyard and Two Courtyards Where One is Higher Than the Other
- 161: Matters That Residents of a Courtyard Can Compel Each Other On
- 162: Matters That Residents of an Alleyway Can Compel Each Other On
- 163: Matters That Residents of a City Can Compel Each Other On
- 164: What Each Party is Required to Repair When a House and Upper Story Belong to Two People
- 165: One Who Has a Garden Under Another’s Olive Press
- 166: One Whose Wall Fell Into Another’s Garden
- 167: Two Gardens, Where One Was Higher Than the Other
- 168: If a River Swept Away Olives and One Who Sells Olives For Wood
- 169: One Who Has a Pit Within Another’s Pit or a Garden Within Another’s Garden
- 170: Gardens That Are Supplied by One Spring
Partnership Division
- 171: On What Matters Partners Can Compel each Other To Divide and the Specifics of Those Laws
- 172: How We Give Four Amos to a House or Courtyard and the Laws of Fertilizer and Soldiers in a Courtyard
- 173: Partners or Brothers That Want to Divide Property That Does Not Have the Status of Intended to be Divided, the Division of Books and that Neither Can Obtain a Presumption Against the Other
- 174: Brothers, Partners or a Firstborn That Come to Divide
Neighbor's Right of First Refusal
- 176: How a Partnership Is Set Up, How it Operates and How They Separate and if One of them Dies
- 177: Where One Partner Went Down to Work as a Craftsman for the King or Got Sick
- 178: A Partner That Requests a Waiver from the Tax Collector
- 179: Partners Cannot Obtain a Presumption Against Each Other
- 180: Partners in a Courtyard Who Swore Off Benefit to Each Other
- 181: A Caravan Attacked by Thieves Where One of the Members Rescued
- 182: How a Person Becomes an Agent, a Case Where the Agent Erred and Purchased at a Premium or Violated the Wishes of the Sender
- 183: If One Appointed an Agent to Purchase Wheat For Him and He Purchased Barley For Him
- 184: One Who Purchases a Field in Another’s Name and Subsequently Says It Was For Himself and the Laws of an Agent That Was Appointed by Three Individuals Together
- 185: A Broker Who Sold For More or Less Than the Owner Told Him to and Other Claims Between a Broker and Owner
- 186: One Who Purchase Vessels from the Craftsman to Sell
- 187: The Law of an Agent Who Claims He Suffered an Unavoidable Accident
- 188: There is No Agency for a Gentile and There is Agency for a Slave and Woman
- 189: The Law That a Sale Cannot be Completed With Words
- 190: The Law of Acquiring Real Property With Money
- 191: The Laws of Acquiring Real Property With a Document
- 192: The Laws of Acquiring Real Property by Taking Possession
- 193: Something That is Attached to the Ground Has the Status of the Ground
- 194: A Gentile Who Sold Real Property to a Jew and Received Money But Did Not Write a Document
- 195: The Laws of Acquiring Real Property or Movable Items With a Swap
- 196: The Laws of Acquiring A Gentile-Slave
- 197: The Laws of Acquiring a Large Domesticated Animal and a Small Domesticated Animal
- 198: The Laws of Acquiring Movable Items, What is Acquired Via Pulling and What is Acquired Via Handing Over, and What the Law is Regarding the Money in his Hand
- 199: There Are Ways That Money Would Acquire and There is a Time Where Money Would Acquire
- 200: The Laws of Acquiring Movable Items Via One’s Courtyard and How One’s Vessels Can Acquire
- 201: The Laws of One Who Makes an Impression on a Barrel and One Who Shakes Hands With Another
- 202: The Laws of Acquiring Movable Items Via Real Property, Slaves and Real Property Together, Slaves and Movable Items Together or an Animal and the Vessels On It
- 203: All Movable Items Can Be Acquired Via Swap and a Coin Cannot Be Acquired Via Swap
- 204: When One Who Retracts Accepts the “Mi Shepara” Curse and When He is Considered Lacking Trustworthiness
- 205: The Laws of One Who Sells Because of Duress and Provides a Declaration and Voids the Sale
- 206: The Law of One Who Says “When I Sell, I Will Sell to You,” and He Sold to Another for More or if He Said I Will Sell to You for the Amount Appraised by the Court
- 207: One Who Sells his Properties Conditionally, the Laws of Asmachta, and One Who Obligates Himself to Do Something he is Not Required to Do
- 208: A Sale With an Element of Illegality
- 209: One Who Transfers an Undefined Item or Something Not Yet in Existence
- 210: One Who Transfers Possession to His Fetus or Another’s Fetus
- 211: The Law of an Item Not in One’s Possession and One Who Writes his Properties to his Children For After his Death
- 212: The Law of One Who Transfer Rights to Live in a Home or Courtyard, or Consecrates an Item that is Not Yet in Existence
- 213: What Methods Can be Used to Acquire the Fruits of a Beehive and the Fruits of a Birds-Nest
- 214: What is Sold Along With a House in a Default Sale
- 215: What is Included in the Sale Where One Sells a Courtyard, an Olive Press or a City
- 216: One Who Sells a Field and Says, “Except For Such and Such Palm Tree,” “Except For the Trees” or “Except For This Land” or “These Trees” and How One Should Write a Sale Document to Prevent Objectors
- 217: If One Sells a Water Channel, a Private Path, a Public Path or a Location For Burial
- 218: One Who Sells a Kur of Dirt That Has Rocks and Valleys
- 219: How We Define Borders and In the Event Borders Are Not Defined
- 220: One Who Sells a Boat, Flagpole, Cattle-Wagon, Cow, Donkey or Maidservant
- 221: If a Seller Said 200 and the Buyer Said 100
- 222: Two People Quarreling Over an Item and Other Claims Between Seller and Buyer
- 223: One Who Swaps a Cow and Donkey, and the Cow Gives Birth or One Who Has Two Slaves or Two Fields
- 224: If One Swapped a Cow For a Donkey, or Purchased the Cow, and Discovered a Hole in the Second Stomach
- 225: If One Took Responsibility For Any Unavoidable Accident or Explicitly Conditioned That He Takes No Responsibility
- 226: If One Sells a Field Without a Guarantee or a Rumor of an Objection Emerged
Overcharge & Sales on False Pretenses
- 227: What Amount of Overcharge is Waived or Returned, an Agent That Erred and Brothers That Divided and Erred
- 228: One is Prohibited From Afflicting With Words, Misleading Others and Committing Fraud in Commerce
- 229: How Much Waste a Buyer Must Accept From One Who Sells Him Wheat, Barley or Fruits
- 230: One Who Sells a Wine Cellar to Another and One Who Purchases Wine and the Wine Sours
- 231: Not to Defraud With Measurement or Weight, How One Should Create Them, How One Should Weigh and the Obligation to Appoint Officials to Enforce the Measurements and Weights
- 232: If One Sells Something by Measurement or Weight and Erred, One Who Errs in Counting Money or One Who Sells Something and a Defect is Discovered
- 233: One Who Sells One Species and it Turns Out to be Another Species or One Who Sells as Bad and it Turns Out to be Good
- 234: If One Sells a Forbidden Item and the Buyer Consumed it
- 235: When a Minor, Deaf-Mute, Fool and Drunk Can Sell Movable Items and One Who Acquires on Shabbos and Yom Tov
- 236: A Gentile That Forcibly Stole Real Property From a Jew or With Threatening Words
- 237: If One Goes After Something to Acquire it and Someone Else Acquires it Before Him
- 238: We Write a Document For the Seller, but Not for the Buyer
- 239: How We Write Another Document for One Who Comes and Says I Lost My Acquisition Document
- 240: Two Sale Documents that are Produced on One Field with the Same Date
- 241: How a Gift and Waiver Would be Valid and One Who Gifts an Undefined Item
- 242: The Law of a Compelled Gift, the Giving of a Declaration and the Hidden Gift
- 243: The Law of One Who Acquires on Behalf of Another and the Donor or Recipient Wants to Retract
- 244: One Who Tells Two to Write a Gift-Document to So and So
- 245: One Who Writes I Gave Such and Such Field to So and So and One Who Says I Gave Such and Such Field to So and So, and the Recipient Says He Did Not Receive it
- 246: One Who Hears His Son has Died and Writes His Properties Over to Someone Else
- 247: One Who Sends Items to his Family and Does Not Instruct How They Should Divide Them
- 248: One Who Gives a Gift to Another and Says, “And After You, to So and So”
- 249: One Who Gifts a Gift and Retracts or One Who Gifts to a Slave or Woman
- 250: The Laws of the Gifts of a Dying Man, Where Some or All of the Properties are Gifted, With or Without a Kinyan
- 251: The Laws of a Dying or Healthy Gift
- 252: We Can Remove a Dying-Gift For Support of the Wife and Daughters
- 253: What Language is Effective for a Dying Individual and One Who Says Give 100 to So and So, 200 to So and So and 300 to So and So
- 254: A Dying Person Who Wants That They Make a Kinyan on his Gifts
- 255: A Dying Person Who Says he has a Maneh in So and So’s Possession or So and So has a Maneh in his Possession
- 256: A Gentile That Converted Who Gave a Dying Gift or Freed a Slave
- 257: One Who Writes his Properties to his Son or Someone Else, Effective Today and After Death, and a Healthy-Gift That had Written, Effective Today and After Death
- 258: A Gift That has a Date and States it is for After Death
Lost & Found
- 259: From What Place One is Required to Return a Lost Item
- 260: One Who Finds an Item that was Clearly Placed There
- 261: The Law of One Who Found Something in a Place Where it is Evident that it was Not Misplaced
- 262: What Items One is Required to Announce and What Items Belong to the One Who Finds it
- 263: If One Finds a Lost Item that he is Embarrassed to Return
- 264: One’s Own Lost Item Takes Precedence Over Another’s and Which of One’s Rabbi’s Lost Item or Father’s Lost Item Takes Precedence
- 265: One May Not Take Payment for a Lost Item
- 266: The Law of the Lost Item of a Sinner
- 267: How One Announces and How One Deals With the Lost Item While is in his Possession
- 268: The Law of Acquiring with One’s Courtyard or Four Amos
- 269: One Who Picks up a Found Item for Another and the Law if a Deaf-Mute or Sane Person Lifted it
- 270: The Found Item of a Deaf-Mute, a Fool or a Minor and the Found Item of One’s Son, Daughter, Slave, Maidservant, Wife and Employee
- 271: A Found Animal, Loan Document, Receipt or Divorce-Document
Unloading, Loading and Travelers
Ownerless Property and a Convert’s Property
- 276: What is the Order of Inheritance?
- 277: A Firstborn Takes Double, What is a Firstborn With Respect to Inheritance and an Uncertain Firstborn
- 278: A Firstborn Does Not Take Double From Loans or Appreciation and if One Sold his Firstborn Portion
- 279: The Law of One Who Says This is My Son, My Brother Or My Slave, and Then Says the Reverse
- 280: If One Said “This is Our Brother” or One Came and Said “I Am Your Brother”
- 281: One Who Removes Properties from his Sons to Give to One of Them
- 282: Not to Remove Inheritance From One That is Not Fit to Inherit
- 283: The Laws of a Gentile’s Inheritance, and that of a Convert or Jew who is an Idolater
- 284: An Inheritor Does Not Require Testimony that he is Related and he Requires Testimony that the Deceased Died
- 285: What Should be Done With the Properties of a Captive who Fled or One Who Left Willingly
- 286: How Adult and Minor Orphans are Supported From Their Properties
- 287: One Who Dies and Was Survived by Older and Younger Children
- 288: How We Appraise What is On the Sons and Daughters When They Divide
- 289: Where There are Adult and Minor Brothers and They Want to Divide
- 291: The Law of an Unpaid Watchman, When his Obligation to Watch Begins and How he Watches
- 292: Not to Lay a Hand on a Deposit and if He Did Lay a hand
- 293: When a Deposit Can be Claimed and Whether the Watchman Can Return it to Any Location
- 294: One Who Denies Receiving a Deposit or Claims it was Stolen
- 295: How We Have a Watchman Who Paid Swear
- 296: One Who Deposits With Witnesses and the Watchman Claims it was Stolen or the Deposit Never Occurred
- 297: If One Denies a Deposit, Even Where the Owner Gives an Identifying Mark
- 298: If the Watchman Says he is Unsure How Much he Needs to Pay and the Owner Claims he is Sure
- 299: If Two Deposited With One and One Comes to Claim
- 300: If Two Individuals Deposited and One Deposited 100 and the Other Deposited 200 and Each One Claims 200
- 301: The Laws of Watchmen on Slaves, Real Property, Hekdesh and Property of the Poor
- 302: The Laws of Watchmen Apply to Men and Women
Paid Watchmen
- 307: The Laws of the Renter, When he is Liable and When he is Exempt and if he Loaned or Rented Out
- 308: How Much One Can Load On an Animal He Rented to Ride On
- 309: If One Rents an Animal to Bring to a Known Location and He Brings it to Another Location
- 310: One Who Rents a Donkey and it Became Blind or Broke
- 311: If One Rents a Boat and it Unloaded or Sunk Halfway
- 312: If One Rents a House to Another for a Set Time or Without Specification
- 313: What Areas a Tenant Who Rents a Large Building From Another Can Use
- 314: What Matters the Landlord or Tenant Have to Do
- 315: The Law of One Who Rents Out a House Conditionally
- 316: One Who Rents a Home to Another for a Set Time and the Tenant Wants to Sublease to Others
- 317: If the Tenant Says He Paid for the Rental and the Landlord Says He Did Not
- 318: One Who Rents a Mill From Another and Then Does Not Need it
- 319: One Who Misleads Another to Allow Him to Bring Fruits Into the Other’s House
Land-Leasing and Contracting
- 320: How Parties Should Act When One Accepts or Leases From Another
- 321: One Who Accepts an Irrigated Field or a Field With Trees and They Dried Up
- 322: If One Accepts a Field From Another and Grasshoppers Consumed it or Wind Destroyed it
- 323: One Who Accepts a Field From Another and its Produce was Blighted
- 324: If One Accepts a Field to Plant a Specific Species and He Wants to Deviate
- 325: If One Who Accepts a Field is Permitted to Plant Flax
- 326: One Who Accepted a Field to Plant Sesame and Planted Wheat
- 327: The Law of One Who Accepted Who Wants to Remove Himself and the Plants Have Not Yet Finished
- 328: The Law of One Who Accepts a Field and Wants to Terminate Because of the Inferiority of the Field
- 329: One Who Accepts a Field For a Set Time and Died, Survived by a Son
- 330: One Who Accepts a Field to Plant Many Trees
Hiring Workers
- 331: One Who Hires Workers Should Act With Them in Accordance With Local Custom
- 332: The Law of One Who Tells His Agent to Hire Works for Him and he Hired Them For More Than the Employer Told Him To
- 333: If One Hires a Worker and the Worker Wants to Retract Before or After he Started Working
- 334: One Who Hires a Worker to Irrigate a Field and One Who Hires a Schoolteacher and his Son Became Ill
- 335: One Who Hires a Worker Without Specification or for a Specific Job
- 336: One Who Hires a Worker to Work for Him and He Directs Him to Another
- 337: The Law of a Worker Eating While Working: What and When He Can Eat
- 338: The Law of an Animal Eating While Working and the Restriction on Muzzling It
- 339: The Requirement to Pay for a Person, Animal or Vessel On Time, and What is Considered On Time
- 340: The Borrower is Liable for Unavoidable Accidents, an Animal that Dies Due to its Work and if the Borrower Sent the Item With His Son or Slave
- 341: If One Borrows an Item From Another Without Specification or for a Set Time
- 342: A Borrower Cannot Lend Out
- 343: The Law of the Borrower After the Loan Period has Concluded
- 344: If the Borrower Claimed the Animal Died Because of its Work or He Wants to Pay or Swear
- 345: The Law of One Who Borrows a Cow and Rents Another
- 346: The Law of the Exemption of Borrowing With the Owners with all its Rules and a Husband’s Right to His Wife’s Property
- 347: The Law Where the Borrower’s Cow Damaged the Owner’s Cow or Vice Versa
- 348: The Restriction on Stealing, Who is Called a Thief and From What Point is He Liable
- 349: The Law of a Woman, Slave or Minor Who Stole
- 350: If One Stole the Forbidden Fats of Another and Ate Them
- 351: The Law of One Who Steals a Wallet on Shabbos
- 352: [If One Deposited With Two, Who Claim it Was Stolen]
- 353: If the Stolen Item Changed in the Thief’s Possession or its Owner Gave Up Hope On It
- 354: If the Value of the Stolen Item Appreciated While in the Thief’s Possession
- 355: A Thief Who Returned the Stolen Item Without the Owner’s Knowledge
- 356: One is Prohibited From Purchasing Something From a Thief and One Who Purchases From a Well-Known Thief or a Thief that is Not Well-Known
- 357: One Who Recognizes His Vessels and Books and a Rumor of Theft Emerged in the City
- 358: Items that One is Prohibited From Purchasing From a Shepherd, Fruit-Watchman or Craftsman
- 359: The Prohibition of Robbery Even With the Intent to Return, What is Considered Robbery and the Prohibition of “Do Not Covet” and “Do Not Desire”
- 360: The Commandment for a Robber to Return the Theft and if the Theft is Not Worth a Perutah
- 361: The Law of Giving Up Hope With a Change in Name or Possession
- 362: If the Robbed Item Appreciates Automatically While in the Robber’s Possession
- 363: One Who Robs an Animal or Slave and They Age, and One Who Dwells in Another’s Courtyard Without Permission
- 364: If One Entered So and So’s House and Removed Vessels or Grabbed Gold Coins From Him
- 365: One Who Robs and Does Not Know Who He Robbed
- 366: Whether We Accept From a Robber Who Comes to Repent
- 367: A Robber Who Comes to Return the Robbed Item and One Who Robs His Father
- 368: The Law of One Who Rescues or Acquires from Jewish or Gentile Bandits
- 369: One is Prohibited From Purchasing From a Robber or From Benefiting from their Money and How Government Laws Play a Role
- 370: Matters that are Rabbinical Robbery, Such as Flying Pigeons and Dice-Playing
- 371: Real Property Cannot be Robbed, Even if the Owner Gave Up Hope
- 372: How the Victim Would Collect From a Robber Who Ruined the Field and Consumed its Fruits
- 373: The Law of What Happens to the Buyer Where the Robber Sold and the Buyer Caused an Appreciation
- 374: If the Robber Sold and Subsequently Purchased the Property From the Victim or Received it as a Gift
- 375: If One Goes Down to Another’s Field or Ruins and Plants it
- 376: The Law of One Who Encroaches on Another’s Boundary
- 377: One Who Has a Public Path Passing Through His Field
- 378: One is Prohibited From Damaging the Possessions of Another or Causing Any Damage
- 379: The Law Where One Comes With His Barrel, the Other Comes With His Beam and the Barrel is Broken
- 380: If One Tells Another to Rip His or Another’s Clothing or a Pursuer or Pursued That Broke Vessels
- 381: The Law of Five Who Sat On One Bench
- 382: One Who Cuts Another’s Tree and One Who Prevents Another From Performing a Mitzvah
- 383: The Law of A Person Who Damages Another’s Animal
- 384: The Law of a Person Who Damages Without Using His Body
- 385: The Law of Unrecognizable Damage, Such As One Who Pours Another’s Wine for Idol Worship
- 386: The Distinction Between “Grama” and “Garmi” and One Who Throws a Vessel from the Roof
- 387: We Appraise the Broken Parts to the Victim and the Tortfeasor Pays the Difference
Physically Destroying Another's Money, Informer & Snitch
Damage by Property
- 389: The Law of a Person’s Money that Damaged, the Distinction Between an Unwarned-Animal and a Warned-Animal, and in What Location is One Liable for Horn-Damage, Teeth-Damage and Leg-Damage
- 390: Leg-Damage and its Subcategories and the Laws of Pebbles and a Dog or Chicken That Jumped
- 391: In What Location and What Form of Eating Would Tooth-Damage Pay for What Was Damaged or What He Benefited
- 392: The Law of a Dog that Took a Coal, Ate the Coal and Lit the Haystack
- 393: If One Brings His Fruits to Another’s Courtyard Without Permission and the Owner of the Courtyard is Damaged by Them
- 394: How We Would Appraise the Damage if an Animal Fell Into a Garden and Damaged
- 395: One Who Incites a Dog on Another or on Himself
- 396: How One Guards an Unwarned or Warned Ox or If One Gave Over an Ox to an Unpaid or Paid Watchman
- 397: One Whose Animal Often Enters Another’s Field and the Butcher’s Animal That Damages
- 398: If One Brought His Ox to Another’s Courtyard Without Permission or He Gave Him Permission to Bring it in
- 399: If a Cow Damaged, One Can Collect From its Offspring, and How We Appraise an Ox that Gored a Pregnant Cow
- 400: If an Ox Was Pursuing Another or Two Were Pursuing or Two Were Being Pursued
- 401: An Ox that Gored and Gored Again and if the Victim Seized and it Then Gored Again
- 402: Two Oxen That Injured Each Other and They Were Unwarned or Warned
- 403: We Appraise the Broken Parts for the Victim, and if the Value Depreciated or Appreciated
- 404: An Ox That Injured an Ox or the Ox Appreciated or Depreciated
- 405: An Ox that Injured a Person or Gored a Woman or Maidservant
- 406: An Ox of an Idolater, an Ownerless Ox or an Ox of a Deaf-Mute, Fool or Minor
- 407: If an Ox Gored and the Tortfeasor or Victim Sold It
- 408: We Only Judge Damage Cases With Clear Proof
- 409: One May Not Raise a Small Domesticated Animal in Civilization or a Pig or Vicious Dog in All Locations
- 410: In What Location Is One Liable For a Pit, What Size it Needs to be and the All the Laws of a Pit
- 411: Subcategories of Pit-Damage, Such As One’s Stone, Knife or Load that Damaged
- 412: One Who Places a Barrel in the Public Domain and Another Trips On It or One is Carrying a Barrel and He Trips and It Breaks and One Who Poured Water Into the Public Domain and It Damaged
- 413: The Law of Potters that Were Walking One After the Other and They Tripped and Fell
- 414: When a Person is Permitted to Take Out His Fertilizer to the Public Domain
- 415: One Who Builds His Fence With Thorns and Another is Damaged by Them and One Who Hides Thorns in Another’s Wall
- 416: A Wall or Tree That Was Shaky, Fell and Damaged
- 417: One May Not Remove Any Damaging Item to the Public Domain
- 418: Fire-Damage, When One is Exempt and When He is Liable, Fire-Damage of Hidden Objects and All Its Laws
- 419: How We Collect Damages From a Tortfeasor or His Inheritors
Striking Another
- 420: One Who Strikes Another is Liable For Five Matters, How We Evaluate Them, and One Who Embarrasses a Scholar or Ignoramus With Words
- 421: One Who Embarrasses Another Unintentionally and One Who Injures Another Unintentionally
- 422: The Tortfeasor Must Appease to Victim In Order That He Forgive Him
- 423: If a Woman was Struck and Her Offspring Came Out and How We Appraise the Value of Offspring
- 424: One Who Injures His Father or Mother, One Who Injures His Children or One Who Injures Another on Shabbos
- 425: How We Judge Capital Cases Today
- 426: One is Obligated To Rescue Another, Whether it is With His Body or Possessions
- 427: The Positive Commandment to Remove Any Stumbling Block that Endangers Life and the Requirement to Build a Fence
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