(To music)
My prayer – that is whole mankind
Sorrowing on the great cross of merits;
Every her pain my heart burns,
Through the cheek flow me her hot tear.
But for that in depth of my spirit I feel
Her kindred progress – her aim – and I wander!...
My prayer – that my homeland,
Titan who suffers for mistakes of mankind,
Hurts me every her glorious scar
And I’m every proud – son of Her! by love!...
But for that I feel finish of her Resurrection,
Which me darkness, in darkness disperses!
My prayer – that is every man,
Fighting with oneself – disaster – tyrant
And tear of everyone I feel at my eyelids,
As a tears of flowers, weeped at break of day,
When from a great mountain, praying, the sunrise
I greet – and I flow, in the ocean – without end!...