Chapter 1
1Paul and Timothy, slaves of Jesus Christ, to all the saints who are in in Christ Jesus at Philippi, including the overseers and deacons, 2grace to you with peace from God, our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayers for the Philippians
3I give thanks to my God whenever I remember you, 4always in all of my prayers for all of you by making my prayers with joy, 5because of your continued partnership in the Gospel from the beginning until now, 6having total confidence in this: that He Who began a good work in you will bring it to completion by the day of Christ Jesus, 7just as it is suitable for me to have this mindset regarding all of you, because I hold you in my heart, both in my bondage and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, for all of you collectively share in the same grace as myself. 8For God is my witness of how much I long for you by the compassion of Christ. 9And this I pray: that your love may continue abounding more and more in insight and all discernment, 10in order that you may approve that which is proper and, thus, you may be sincere and blameless for the day of Christ, 11filled with fruit of righteousness which comes from Jesus Christ, so that God may receive glory and adoration. 12But I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me resulted in the spread of the gospel, 13so that it came to light among the whole Praetorian Guard, along with everyone else, that my imprisonment is for Christ, 14and that more brothers, who have trusted in the Lord because of my imprisonment may dare even more to speak the word without fear. 15Now indeed, some, out of envy and wrongdoing, preach Christ, but others do so out of good-will. 16 Indeed, those people preach from love, seeing that I was appointed to the defense of the gospel, 17but those former people proclaim Christ from a spirit of self-promotion, without sincerity, thinking to bring about tribulation against me in my imprisonment. 18 Then what? Simply that, in both ways, either with bad motives, or with genuineness, Christ is proclaimed, and so I rejoice in that.
Indeed, I will continue rejoicing. 19For I know that this will result in my deliverance, through your prayers and support from the Spirit of Jesus Christ, 20in accordance with my eager expectation and hope that I will never be shamed, but always be bold, including now, just as always, so Christ will be glorified through what happens with my body, either in life or in death.