For other English-language translations of this work, see Jude (Bible).

1. Iudas, ‏þeȝn Iesus Crīstes, and brōðor Iacobus, ‏þǣm þā sind ȝehāten, ȝelufod fram Ȝode þǣm Fæder, and ȝehealden sƿā ȝehāten for Iesus Crīste:

2. Milts ēoƿ and friþ and lufu maniȝfeald sīen.

3. Lēof, þēah ic ƿæs sƿīðe ȝeorn tō ƿrītenne ēoƿ be ūserre ȝemǣnan hǣlo, þearfum ƿrāt ic þē byldende ēoƿic tō ƿinnenne ȝeorne for þǣm ȝelēafan þe ƿæs āne for eallum ȝifen tō þǣm hālȝum.

4. And þǣr sind sume menn þe incrupon diȝollīce, efne þā þā ƿǣron ȝēaro ȝeƿriten on þissum dōme: mānfulle menn þe andƿendon þā miltse ūres Ȝodes on ȝālscipe, and ætsacende ūre ānan Mæȝester and Dryhten, Iesus Crīst.

5. And ic ƿille ȝemanian ēoƿic, þēah þe ȝe nū hƿīle cnāƿaþ þis, þæt se Dryhten, hæbbende sparod þēode of þǣm lande Æȝtype, þǣræfter cƿælde hīe þe ne ȝelīefdon.

6. Enȝelas þe ne hēoldon heora forme hēafodbotl, ac ǣr ætsōcon heora āȝnan tūn, Hē hæfð ȝehealden on ēcelīcum bendum under þystre tō þǣm dōme þæs ȝrēatan dæȝes.

7. Sƿā sƿā Sodom and Ȝomorra, and þā byriȝ ymb hīe, þe on ȝelīcre ƿīsan heora dydon yfel forlæger and sōhton fremd flǣsc, sind ȝesett to bȳsne, fērende þā þrēa ēcelīces fȳres.

8. Hƿæðere on ȝelīcre ƿīsan þās ēac on heora sƿefenum afȳlaþ þæt flǣsc, hatiað ȝeƿeald, and hīliaþ heofonlīc ƿiht.

9. Ac Michahel, se hēahenȝel, þǣr hē ƿiþ þone dēofol ƿann and hīe cnēatodon ymb þæt līc of Moses, ne dorste secȝan bismerƿord him, ac sæȝde, " Cīde se Dryhten þec!"

10. Ac þās sprecaþ yfel be þǣm þinȝum þe hīe ne cnāƿað. Þæt hīe understandaþ, hīe understandaþ ȝecyndelīce, sƿā sƿā þā ƿiht lēas scēadwīsnesse, hīe sind cƿelden in þissum þinȝum.

11. Ƿēa him! For ðǣm hīe ēodon on ƿeȝe Caines, and urnon in þǣm ƿōȝe Balaames ƿiþ lēane, and cƿǣlon in Coran ƿiþƿinnunȝe.

12. Þās sind on þīnum clūdȝum læȝersymbelum drǣdlēas fretende, scǣphyrdas þā lēas drǣdes him fēdað; lyfta lēas ƿæteres, ȝeboren fram ƿindum; hærfestes lēaf lēas ƿæstma, tƿǣm tīmum dēade, heora fæstnessa unƿyrttrumod;

13. ƿilde ƿǣȝas þǣre sǣ, afǣmende heora āȝnan scēame; dƿeliȝende steorran, for þǣm sēo sƿeartness þystre hæfþ ā ȝehealden ȝebēon.

14. And Enoc, se seofoða fram Adame, foreƿitode be þissum, secȝende, "Efne! se Dryhten cƿōm mid tīenum þūsendum his hālȝena,

15. tō dēmenne eall, and tō oferreccenne eall þæt hīe dōþ mānfull ƿeorc þē hīe habbaþ mānfullīce ȝedōn, and ymb eall þā þinȝ þā mānfulle ȝyltan habbað ȝesprocen ƿiþ hine."

16. Þās sind clumiendas and beceoriendas, ȝanȝende æfter heora ȝālum (and heora mūðas sprecaþ ȝelpƿord), āriende menn tō heora spēde.

17. Ac ȝē, lēofas, ȝemunon þā ƿord þā ƿǣron ǣr ȝesprocen fram þǣm apostolum ūres Dryhtenes Iesus Crīstes

18. þā þe sæȝdon þus be þissum: "On þǣm æftermestan tīman þǣr bēoþ bysmeriendas, ȝanȝende æfter heora āȝnum mānfullum ȝālum."

19. Þās sind hīe þā sundriaþ þā cirican, and sind flǣsclīc, for þǣm þe hīe nabbaþ þone Ȝāst.

20. Ac ȝē, lēofas, ȝīet afæstniaþ ēoƿic on þīnum hālȝostan ȝelēafan, biddende þurh þone Hālȝan Ȝāst.

21. Healdaþ ēoƿic in þǣre lufe Ȝodes, sēcende þā miltse ūres Dryhtnes Iesus Crīstes tō ēcelīcum līfe.

22. Miltsiaþ sumum, ȝescēadende,

23. and spariaþ sume, animende hīe fram þǣm fȳre mid drǣde, hatiende efne þā clāðas flǣscfāȝe.

24. Nū him þe cann mec ƿiþ ætspeornunȝe ƿiþhealdan and ēoƿian ēoƿic leahterlēase ætfōran þǣre andƿeardnesse his þrymes on ȝrēatre ƿynne,

25. Ȝode urum Hǣlende, þē āna is ƿīs, sīen ȝe þrym and cyneþrym, ȝe ȝeƿeald and miht, ȝe nū ȝe ā. Sōþlīce.

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