Literal English TranslationOriginal LatinLine

Aufillena, good friends are always praised:
they receive the price for what they intend to do.
Because you lied about what you promised me, you are my enemy;
because you are continually taking and not giving, you are doing wrong.
Either it is noble to do, or it was chaste not to have promised,
Aufillena: but to steal gifts
by fraud amounts more to [the character] of a greedy prostitute,
who prostitutes herself with her whole body.

Aufilēna, bonae semper laudantur amīcae:
accipiunt pretium quod facere instituunt
tū, quod prōmīstī mihī, quod mentīta, inimīca es;
quod nec dās et fers saepe, facis facinus
aut facere ingenuae est, aut non prōmisse pudīcae,
Aufilēna, fuit: sed data corripere
fraudandō efficit plūs quam meretrīcis avārae,
quae sēsē tōtō corpore prōstituit.


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