For other English-language translations of this work, see 2 John.

1. Of ‏ ‏þǣm ieldran to þǣre ȝecorenan cƿēnan and hire cildrum, þe ic sōþlīce lufie, and ne ic āna, ac eac ealle þe cnāƿa‏‏þ þæt sōþ;

2. For þǣm sōðe þe bītt mid ūs ā:

3. Ār, milts, and friþ bēon mid ūs eallum of Ȝode þǣm Fæder and of þǣm Hǣlende Crīste þǣm Suna þæs Fæder, on sōðe and lufe.

4. Ic ȝlædie sƿīðe for þǣm ic sumu þīnra cildra ȝān on þǣm sōðe fand, sƿā sƿā se Fæder bēad ūs tō dōnne.

5. Nū bidde ic þē, ƿīf, nā sƿā ic ƿrīte þē nīƿe bod, ac þæt ƿē siþþan þǣre onȝinnunȝe hæfden habbaþ‏, and þæt is þæt ƿē ǣlc ōðerne lufien.

6. And þēos is lufu: þæt ƿē ȝān æfter his bodum; and þis is þæt bod, sƿā sƿā ƿē habbaþ fram þǣre onȝinnunȝe ȝehīered, sƿā þæt ȝe sculen æfter him ȝān.

7. For þǣm þe maniȝe mirran sindon on þā ƿorulde ȝecomen þe ne andetaþ þæt se Hǣlend Crīst is on þǣm flǣsce ȝecomen. Þes is se mirra and se ƿiðercrīst.

8. Behealdaþ ȝē ēoƿic, þæt ȝē ne belēosen þæt þe ƿē habbaþ ȝeƿorht, ac þæt ȝē fōn fulle mēde.

9. Ȝehƿā ne bītt on þǣre lāre Crīstes ne hafaþ Ȝod. Se þe bītt on þǣre lāre Crīstes hafaþ ȝe Fæder ȝe Sunu.

10. Ȝif mann þe ne brinȝe þās lāre cume tō ēoƿ, ne nā lǣdaþ hine in ēoƿer hūs, and ne nā ƿilcumiaþ hine.

11. For þǣm þe ȝehƿā ƿilcumie sƿelcne sōþlīce dǣlnime his yfelra dǣda.

12. Ic hæbbe fela to ƿrītenne ēoƿ, ac nille ic sƿā dōn þurh bōc and telȝ, ac ic hopie tō cumenne tō ēoƿ and tō sprecenne ēoƿ mid mīnum mūðe sƿā þæt ūre ȝlædness sīe ȝefyled.

13. Þā cildru þīnre sƿeostor ȝrētaþ ēoƿic, sōþlīce.

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