< Tracts for the Times







"If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?"


ST. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall:



These Tracts are continued in Monthly Numbers, at the price of 2d. per sheet.

Among other corrections the reader is requested to make the following:—

No. 18. p. 6. for crucifixion and murder, read betrayal and crucifixion.
p. 9. for observing, read observation.
22. p. 9. for christians, read children.


St. John's Square, London.


The following Tracts were published with the object of contributing something towards the practical revival of doctrines, which, although held by the great divines of our Church, at present have become obsolete with the majority of her members, and are withdrawn from public view even by the more learned and orthodox few who still adhere to them. The Apostolic succession, the Holy Catholic Church, were principles of action in the minds of our predecessors of the 17th century; but, in proportion as the maintenance of the Church has been secured by law, her ministers have been under the temptation of leaning on an arm of flesh instead of her own divinely-provided discipline, a temptation increased by political events and arrangements which need not here be more than alluded to. A lamentable increase of sectarianism has followed; being occasioned (in addition to other more obvious causes,) first, by the cold aspect which the new Church doctrines have presented to the religious sensibilities of the mind, next to their meagreness in suggesting motives to restrain it from seeking out a more influential discipline. Doubtless obedience to the law of the land, and the careful maintenance of "decency and order," (the topics in usage among us,) are plain duties of the Gospel, and a reasonable ground for keeping in communion with the Established Church; yet, if Providence has graciously provided for our weakness more interesting and constraining motives, it is a sin thanklessly to neglect them; just as it would be a mistake to rest the duties of temperance or justice on the mere law of natural religion, when they are mercifully sanctioned in the Gospel by the more winning authority of our Saviour Christ. Experience has shewn the inefficacy of the mere injunctions of Church order, however scripturally enforced, in restraining from schism the awakened and anxious sinner; who goes to a dissenting preacher "because (as he expresses it) he gets good from him:" and though he does not stand excused in God's sight for yielding to the temptation, surely the Ministers of the Church are not blameless if, by keeping back the more gracious and consoling truths provided for the little ones of Christ, they indirectly lead him into it. Had he been taught as a child, that the Sacraments, not preaching, are the sources of Divine Grace; that the Apostolical ministry had a virtue in it which went out over the whole Church, when sought by the prayer of faith; that fellowship with it was a gift and privilege, as well as a duty, we could not have had so many wanderers from our fold, nor so many cold hearts within it.

This instance may suggest many others of the superior influence of an apostolical over a mere secular method of teaching. The awakened mind knows its wants, but cannot provide for them; and in its hunger will feed upon ashes, if it cannot obtain the pure milk of the word. Methodism and Popery are in different ways the refuge of those whom the Church stints of the gifts of grace; they are the foster-mothers of abandoned children. The neglect of the daily service, the desecration of festivals, the Eucharist scantily administered, insubordination permitted in all ranks of the Church, orders and offices imperfectly developed, the want of Societies for particular religious objects, and the like deficiencies, lead the feverish mind, desirous of a vent to its feelings, and a stricter rule of life, to the smaller religious Communities, to prayer and bible meetings, and ill-advised institutions and societies, on the one hand,—on the other, to the solemn and captivating services by which Popery gains its proselytes. Moreover, the multitude of men cannot teach or guide themselves; and an injunction given them to depend on their private judgment, cruel in itself, is doubly hurtful, as throwing them on such teachers as speak daringly and promise largely, and not only aid but supersede individual exertion.

These remarks may serve as a clue, for those who care to pursue it, to the views which have led to the publication of the following Tracts. The Church of Christ was intended to cope with human nature in all its forms, and surely the gifts vouchsafed it are adequate for that gracious purpose. There are zealous sons and servants of her English branch, who see with sorrow that she is defrauded of her full usefulness by particular theories and principles of the present age, which interfere with the execution of one portion of her commission; and while they consider that the revival of this portion of truth is especially adapted to break up existing parties in the Church, and to form instead a bond of union among all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, they believe that nothing but these neglected doctrines, faithfully preached, will repress that extension of Popery, for which the ever multiplying divisions of the religious world are too clearly preparing the way.


The Feast of All Saints, 1834.



  1. Thoughts on the Ministerial Commission, respectfully addressed to the Clergy.
  2. The Catholic Church.
  3. Thoughts respectfully addressed to the Clergy on alterations in the Liturgy.
  4. Adherence to the Apostolical Succession the safest Course.
  5. A short Address to his Brethren on the Nature and Constitution of the Church of Christ, and of the Branch of it established in England. By a Layman.
  6. The Present Obligation of Primitive Practice.
  7. The Episcopal Church Apostolical.
  8. The Gospel a Law of Liberty.
  9. On shortening the Church Service.
  10. Heads of a Week-day Lecture, delivered to a Country Congregation in ——shire.
  11. The Visible Church. Letters I. and II.
  12. Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.
  13. Sunday Lessons.—The Principle of Selection.
  14. The Ember Days.
  15. On the Apostolical Succession of the English Church.
  16. Advent.
  17. The Ministerial Commission a Trust from Christ for the Benefit of his People.
  18. Thoughts on the Benefits of the System of Fasting enjoined by our Church.
  19. On Arguing concerning the Apostolical Succession.
  20. The same continued. Letter III.
  21. Mortification of the Flesh a Scripture Duty.
  22. The Athanasian Creed.
  23. The Faith and Obedience of Churchmen, the Strength of the Church.
  24. The Scripture View of the Apostolic Commission.
  25. Bishop Beveridge on the great Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer.
  26. Bishop Beveridge on the Necessity and Advantage of frequent Communion.
  27. Bishop Cosin on the Doctrine of the Eucharist.
  28. The same continued.
  29. Christian Liberty; or, Why should we belong to the Church of England? By a Layman.
  30. The same continued.
  31. The Reformed Church.
  32. The Standing Ordinances of Religion.
  33. Primitive Episcopacy.
  34. Rites and Customs of the Church.
  35. The People's Interest in their Minister's Commission.
  36. Account of Religious Sects at present existing in England.
  37. Bishop Wilson's Form of Excommunication.
  38. Via Media.—No. I.
  39. Bishop Wilson's Form of receiving Penitents.
  40. Baptism.
  41. Via Media.—No. II.
  42. Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 1.—Sunday.
  43. Length of the Public Service.
  44. Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 2.—Monday.
  45. The Grounds of our Faith.
  46. Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 3.—Tuesday.


  1. Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians.
  2. Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians.
  3. The Apostle St. John and the Robber.
  4. Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp.
  5. Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians.
  6. Account of the Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne.
  1. Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans.
  2. Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans.
  3. The Martyrdom of Ignatius at Rome.
  4. Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians.
  5. Account of the Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle.
  6. The Martyrdom of Polycarp.
  7. Justin Martyr, on primitive Christian Worship.
  8. Irenæus on the Rule of Faith.
  9. The temporal Condition and the Principles of Christians, from the Epistle to Diognetus.
  10. Address of Clement of Alexandria to the Heathen.
  11. Tertullian on the Rule of Faith.
  12. The same continued.








3. Thoughts respectfully addressed to the Clergy on alterations in the Liturgy.

9. On shortening the Church Service.

13. Sunday Lessons.—The Principle of Selection.

37. Bishop Wilson's Form of Excommunication.

39. Bishop Wilson's Form of receiving Penitents.



14. The Ember Days.

16. Advent.

18. Thoughts on the Benefits of the System of Fasting, enjoined by our Church.

21. Mortification of the Flesh a Scripture Duty.

25. Bishop Beveridge on the great Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer.

26. Bishop Beveridge on the Necessity and Advantage of frequent Communion.

27. Bishop Cosin on the Doctrine of the Eucharist.

28. The same continued.

32. The Standing Ordinances of Religion.

34. Rites and Customs of the Church.



1. Thoughts on the Ministerial Commission, respectfully addressed to the Clergy.

4. Adherence to the Apostolical Succession the safest Course.

7. The Episcopal Church Apostolical.

10. Heads of a Week-day Lecture, delivered to a Country Congregation in ——shire.

17. The Ministerial Commission a Trust from Christ for the Benefit of his People.

24. The Scripture View of the Apostolic Commission.

33. Primitive Episcopacy.

35. The People's Interest in their Minister's Commission.

42. Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 1.—Sunday.

44. Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 2.—Monday.

46. Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 3.—Tuesday.



2. The Catholic Church.

5. A short Address to his Brethren on the Nature and Constitution of the Church of Christ, and of the Branch of it established in England. By a Layman.

11. The Visible Church. Letters I. and II.

20. The same continued. Letter III.

23. The Faith and Obedience of Churchmen, the Strength of the Church.

29. Christian Liberty; or, Why should we belong to the Church of England? By a Layman.

30. The same continued.



15. On the Apostolical Succession of the English Church.

31. The Reformed Church.

36. Account of Religious Sects at present existing in England.

38. Via Media.—No. I.

41. Via Media.—No. II.



6. The Present Obligation of Primitive Practice.

8. The Gospel a Law of Liberty.

19. On Arguing concerning the Apostolical Succession.

45. The Grounds of our Faith.



12. Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.

22. The Athanasian Creed.

40. Baptism.

43. Length of the Public Service.



  1. Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians.
  2. Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians.
  3. The Apostle St. John and the Robber.
  4. Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp.
  5. Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians.
  6. Account of the Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne.
  7. Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans.
  8. Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans.
  9. The Martyrdom of Ignatius at Rome.
  10. Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians.
  11. Account of the Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle.
  12. The Martyrdom of Polycarp.
  13. Justin Martyr, on primitive Christian Worship.
  14. Irenæus on the Rule of Faith.
  15. The temporal Condition and the Principles of Christians, from the Epistle to Diognetus.
  16. Address of Clement of Alexandria to the Heathen.
  17. Tertullian on the Rule of Faith.
  18. The same continued.
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