< Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus


(Note : Numbers in parentheses refer to paragraphs. Thus "6.211 (2)" indicates the second paragraph of section 6.211.)

A priori

all inference is, 5.133
always proves to be something logical, 6.3211
criterion of such a thought, 3.04
geometry is, 6.35 (1)
intuitions, scientific principles as, 6.34
no part of experience is, 5.634
possibility of a logical form as, 6.33
what logic's being, consists in, 5.4731

Accident, none in logic, 2.012

Aesthetics, 6.421 (3)

Affirmation, logical property of, 6.231 (1)

Alphabet, 4.016 (2)

Ambiguity, of "property" and other words, 4.123 (3)

Analysis of propositions, 2.0201, 3.201, 3.25, 4.221 (1)

"Ambulo," a composite proposition, 4.032 (2)

Analytical propositions, 6.11

Application, successive

defined, 5.2521 (1)
equivalent to "and so on", 5.2523


function cannot be its own, 3.333 (1)
places, and generality, 4.0411 (2)


and deducibility, 5.124 (1)
cannot give a sense, 4.064

Assertion sign, meaningless, 4.442 (2)

Atomic facts (Sachverhalt)

are combinations of things, 2.01, 2.03
are mutually independent, 2.061, 2.062, 4.27 (2)
number of combinations of, 4.27 (1)
possible infinity of, 4.2211
possibility of, 2.012, 2.0124
possibility of occurrence of things in, 2.0121 (2)
relation to elementary propositions, 4.21, 4.25
relation to facts, 2
relation to propositions, 4.1
structure of, 2.032

Axiom of Infinity, 5.535 (2, 3)

Axiom of Reducibility, 6.1232, 6.1233

Brackets, their importance, 5.461


not an experiment, 6.2331 (2)
of logical properties of symbols, 6.126 (i) Case, the (der Fall)
and substance, 2.024
and the world, 1
equated with fact, 2
is existence of atomic facts, 2

Causality: no causal nexus, 5.136. 5.1361

Causality, law of

as limit of the describable, 6.362
cannot be said, 6.36 (2)
is form of a law, 6.32, 6.321, 6.361


as limiting case of probability, 5.152 (3)
of truth of tautology, 4.464 (1)
opposed to possibility and impossibility, 4.464 (2)

Clarity: everything can be said and thought clearly, 4. 116

Classes, theory of, superfluous in mathematics, 6.031 (1)

Colloquial language. See Ordinary language


a form of objects, 2.0251
logical structure of, 6.3751

"Complex," a formal concept, 4.1272 (7, 8)


and definition, 3.24 (4)
given only by descriptions, 324 (2)
how perceived, 5.5423
propositions about, in internal relation to a statement about constituents, 3.24 (1)
statements about, analysable, 2.0201

Configuration of objects, 2.0272, 3.21. (See also Structure)

Constant : expression as, 3.312 (2)

Contradiction. (See also Denial)

defined, 4.46 (4)
limiting case of combination of symbols, 4.466 (4)
not a picture of reality, 4.462
shared by propositions, 5.143


between objects and picture elements, 2.13
of configuration of simple signs and objects, 3.21

Darwinian theory, irrelevant to philosophy, 4.1122

Death, 6.431, 6.4311


and identity, 5. 141
and obviousness, 5.1363
and relative content, 5.14
and structure, 5.13
relation to form, illustrated, 5.1311 (1)


as analysis, 3.26
as rule of translation, 3.343
effect upon signification, 3.261 (1)
how symbolized, 4.241 (3)
of a symbol for a complex, 3.24 (4)
'complete analysis' (of proposition), 3.201
of 'contradiction', 4.46 (4)
of 'expression', 3.31 (1)
of 'feature', 4.1221
of 'form', 2.033
of 'form of an object', 2.0141
of 'form of representation', 2.151
of 'formal concept', 4.126 (1)
of 'formal series', 4.1252 (1)
of 'independent propositions', 5.152 (1)
of 'logical picture', 2.181
of 'logical place', 3.41
of 'measure of probability', 515
of 'name', 3.202
of negation ' (in sense of simultaneous denial), 5.5
of 'number', 6.022 (2)
of numbers, 6.02
of 'operation', 5.23
of 'propositional sign', 3.12
of ' propositional variable', 3.313 (3)
of 'range', 4.463
of 'sign', 3.32
of 'simple sign', 3.201
of 'structure' (of atomic facts) 2.032
of 'successive application', 5.2521 (1)
of 'successor', 4.1252 (4)
of 'tautology', 4.46 (4)
of 'truth-grounds', 5.101 (2)
of 'truth-operations', 5.234
of 'truth-possibilities', 4.3
only an expedient in presentation, 4.242
rules for, 5.451 (2)


as determining logical place, 4.0641
by means of what is common to all negation symbols, 5.512 (2)
is an operation, 5.2341 (2)
needs a single definition, 5.451
possibility of, presupposed in affirmation, 5.44 (4)
occurrence of, does not characterize sense, 4.0621 (2)
reverses sense, 5.2341 (3)

Denial, sign of

corresponds to nothing in reality, 4.0621
does not refer to an object, 5.44 (5)


of a fact by a proposition, 4.023 (3)
of an object, 4.023 (4)
of complex, 3.24 (2)
of expressions, 3.33
of propositions, 3.317 (2)
of reality by a proposition, 4.023 (2)
of states of affairs, 3.144
of the world

Descriptions, systems of, 6.341

Distinguishability, 2.02331

"Dynamic models", 4.04 (2)

Ego, the non-psychological, 5.641

Elucidation of primitive signs, 3.263

Equality, meaning of sign of, 6.23 (1)


as expressing substitutability, 6.24 (2)
characterize a standpoint, 6.2323
not needed to express synonymity, 6.232 (2)

Equiprobability, 5.154 (3)


and general form of proposition, 5.471
of notation, 3.342
of pictorial nature, 4.013
of propositions, 3.341, 4.027, 4.03, 4.016, 4.5 (2), 5.471
of representation, 4.016
of symbol, 3.341, 3.343. 4.465
of the world, 5.4711

Essential property, of a thing, to be a possible constituent of atomic fact, 2.011

Eternity, 6.431 1

Ethics, 6.421, 6.422


of atomic facts, 2.1 1, 4.1
of logical place, 3.4

Expedients, in logic, 5.452

Exponent, of an operation, 6.021


all that need to be translated, 4.025 (1)

Expressions — continued

guarantee existence of the logical place, 3.4

have meaning only in a proposition, 3.314 (1)

presented by a variable, 3.313 (1)
the proposition is a function of them, 3.318
the term defined, 3.31 (1)

External property, 2.01231, 2.0233. (See also Internal property)

"Fact", a formal concept, 4.1272 (7, 8)

Facts (Tatsache). (See also States of affairs and Atomic facts)

and pictures, 2.1, 2. 11
compose the world, i.i, 1.2
existence of, 2
mutual independence of, 1.21
negative, 2.06 (2)
required for expression of sense, 3.142
the world divides into, 1.2
totality of, 1.11

Fate, and the ancients, 6.372 (1)

Feature, explained, 4.1221

Features of symbols, express formal properties, 4.125 (6)

Form. (See also Possibility)

and possibility of structure, 2.033
and substance, 2.025
cannot be said to have properties, 4. 1 241
general, of propositions, 4.5, 4.47
general prepositional,
and truth operations, 5.54
is a variable, 4.53
logical, 2.18. (See also Prototype)
and variable, 3.315
cannot be represented in proposition, 4.12, 4.121 (1)
how determined by a sign, 3.327
of propositions, 4.0031
of a spot, 4.063
of expressions, 3.31 (4)
shown by substitutability, 6.23 (2)
of functions, 3.333 (2)
of objects, 2.0141, 2.0233, 2.0251
of propositions, 3.311
of reality, 2.18
of representation
defined, 2.151
function of, in pictures, 2.22
is shown forth, 2.172
of the world consists of objects 2.022-3
of values of a variable, 4.1271 (2)

Formal, equated with logical 6.12 (1)

Formal concept

already given with object to which it applies, 4.12721
as primitive idea, 4.12721
characteristics of, 4.126 (5, 7)
defined, 4.126 (1)
examples of, 4.1272 (7, 8)
expressed by variables, 4.126 (8), 4.127
opposed to "proper" concept, 4.126 (2)
questions about existence of,
senseless, 4.127

Formal law, as determining formal series, 5.501 (6)

Formal properties

connexion with structure, 5.321
explained, 4.122 (1)
expressed by features of symbols, 4.126 (6)

Formal series

defined, 4.1252 (1)
example of, 4.45 (2)
expression for general term of, 5.2522
general term of, 4.1273 (2)
needs variables, 4.1273
of truth functions, 5.1 (1)
progress from term to term of, 5.252

Freedom of the will, 5.1362 (1)

Frege, 3.143, 3.318, 3.325, 4.063 (1), 4.1272 (8), 4-1273, 4.4431, 5.02 (3), 5.132 (4), 5.42, 5.451, 5.4733 (1), 5.521, 6.1271, 6.232 (1)

Frequency, of occurrence of events, 5.154 (1)

"Function", a formal concept, 4.1273 (7, 8)


and composition, 5.47 (3)
cannot be its own argument, 3333. 5.251
cannot present formal concepts, 4.126 (4)
distinct from operation, 5.25 (3)
elementary proposition is a, of names 4.24 (2)
proposition is a, of names, 3.318, 4.24 (2)

Future, no knowledge of, 6.26311


accidental, 6.031 (2), 6.1232
concept of, separated from truth-function, 5.521
needed in mathematics, 6.031 (2)
opposed to accidental generality, 6.1232
how shown, 5.1311 (2)
how symbolized, 4.0411
its notation contains a prototype, 3.24 (3). 5.522
symbol for, occurs as an argument, 5.523
symbolism for, makes constants prominent, 5.522
refers to logical prototype, 5.522

Geometrical place, and possibility, 3.41 1

Geometry, as a priori, 6.35 (1)

God, 6.432, 6.372 (1)

"Green is green", 3.323 (3)

Hertz, 4.04 (2), 6.361

Hieroglyphic writing, 4.016

Idealists, their explanation of seeing spatial relations, 4.0412


cannot be asserted, 6.2322
criticism of Russell's definition of, 5.5302
how expressed, 5.53, 5.531, 5.532. 5.5321
not a property, 5.473 (2)
not a relation between objects, 5.5301 (1)
of sign-tokens, 3.203
sign of
dispensable, 5.533, 6.232 (2)
its meaning, 4.241 (2)

Immortality, 6.4312 (1)

Inconceivability, and internality of properties, 4.123

Independence, of propositions, defined, 5.152 (1)

Index (of a name)

explained, 5.02
confused with argument, 5.02 (3)


as assumption of simplicity, 6.363
has only psychological foundation, 6.3631 (1) Induction, law of
not a logical law, 6.31
not a priori, 6.31


is a priori, 5.133
"Laws of", senseless, 5.132(4)

Internal properties. (See also Formal properties)

and features, 4.1221
and inconceivability, 4.123 (1)
and structure, 4.122 (2)
knowledge of, needed for knowledge of objects, 2.01231
of a proposition, describe reality, 4.023 (4)
of possible states of affairs, 4.124 (1), 4.125
their holding is shown, 4.122(4)

Internal relations

and deducibility, 5.131
and definition of formal series, 4.1252 (1)
between structures of propositions, 5.2
equivalent to operations, 5.232
of statement about a complex to a statement about constituents, 3.24 (1)
representation as an instance, 4.014 (1)

Internal similarity, 4.0141

"Is," meanings of, 3.323 (2)

Language (See also Ordinary Language)

able to express every sense, 4.022 (1)
as supplying intuition, 6.233
"critique of", 4.0031
disguises the thought, 4.002 (4)
is totality of propositions, 4.001
limits of my, 5.6
logic of, 4.002 (3), 4.003 (1)
translation of, 3.343

Law of least action, 6.3211

Laws of nature, not explanations, 6.371

Life, the problem of, 6.52, 6.521

Logic. (See also Logical propositions)

all is accident outside, 6.3
all questions of, answerable off-hand, 5.551 (1)
and mechanics, 6.342
application of, 5.5521, 5.557
as all-embracing, world reflecting, 5.511
calculation in, 6.121 (1)
cannot cross limits of world, 5.61 (3)
deals with possibilities, 2.0121 (3). 5.555 (3)
every proposition of, its proof, 6.1265
expedients in, 5.452, 5.511
impossibility of " contradicting ", 3.03-3.032, 5.4731
impossibility of describing the world in, 5.61 (2)
irrelevance of monism and dualism to, 4.128 (2)
is a priori, 5.4541 (2), 5.4731, 5.551 (1)
is transcendental, 6.13 (2)
its propositions are tautologies, 6.1, 6.22
laws of, do not obey further laws, 6.123 (1)
must take care of itself, 5.454 (1)
no classification in, 5.454 (1)
no mistakes possible in, 5.473 (3)
no numbers in, 5.453 (2)
no primitive propositions in, 6.127 (1)
no surprises in, 6.1251
not a natural science, 6.111
not a theory, 6.13 (1)
nothing accidental in, 2.012
of constituents, shown by tautologies, 6.12 (2)
of facts, cannot be represented, 4.0312 (2)
possibility in, 5.473 (2)
precedes every experience, 5.552 (2)
"primitive propositions " of, arbitrary in number, 6.1271
problems of, concrete, (2)
process and result equivalent in, 6.1261
proof in, 6.126 (2-4), 6.1262
propositions of, say nothing, 5.43 (2)
reflects the world, 6.13 (1)
role of postulation in, 6.1223
searches for regularity, 6.3
simplicity of, 5.4541
whole philosophy of, 6.113
why called theory of forms, 6.1224
"zero-method" in, 6.121 (2)

Logical, equated with formal, 6.12 (1)

Logical constants

disappearance of, 5.441
do not represent, 4.0312 (2)
only one of them, 5.47 (4),
there are none, 5.4

Logical coordinates, as determining logical place, 3.41

Logical forms, are anumerical, 4.128 (1)

Logical grammar, 3.325 (1) (See also Logical syntax)

"Logical objects", there are no, 4.441, 5.4

Logical place (See also Logical space)

denial as determining, 4.0641
proposition determines one, 42 (1)
relation to propositional sign and logical coordinates, 3.41

Logical properties of propositions, demonstrated by producing tautologies, 6.121

Logical propositions

as forms of a proof, 6.1264 (1)
as modus ponens, 6.1264 (2)
connection with the world of, 6.124
dispensable, 6.122
have a peculiar place among all propositions, 6.112
have equal rank, 6.127 (1)
not confirmable by experience, 6.1222
not distinguished by generality, 6.1231 (1)
present the scaffolding of the world, 6.124
their truth discernible in the symbol, 6.113
"treat" of nothing, 6.124

Logical space {See also Logical place)

and the world, 1.13
everything is in, 2.013
facts in, 1.13
given with every proposition, 3.42 (1)
pictures present facts in, 2.11, 2.202
place in, determined by proposition, 3.4

Logical syntax

and rules of translation, 3.344
implies all logical propositions, 6.124
meanings of signs plays no role in. 3.33
need for obeying, 3.325 (1)
rules of, 3.334


has no need for theory of classes, 6.031 (1)
intuition in, place of, 6.233
is a logical method 6.2 (1), 6.234

Mathematics — continued

method of, working with equations, 6.234 (1)
no accidental generality in, 6.031 (2)
proof in, significance of, 6.232 (1)
propositions of
all self-evident, 6.234 (1)
are equations, 6.2 (2)
as links in inference, 6.211
express no thoughts, 6.21
show logic of the world, 6.22
uses method of substitution, 6.24 (1)

Mauthner, 4.0031


its generality, 6.3432
nature of, 6.343
relation to logic, 6.342

Microcosm, the, 5.63


of names, 3.3
of primitive signs, 3.263

Modus Ponens, 6.1264 (2)


and number of dimensions of signs, 5.474
and symbol for generality, 4.0411 (3)
cannot be represented, 4.04 (1)
the same in the proposition and the state of affairs represented, 4.04

Mystical, the, 6.44, 6.45, 6.522


are primitive signs, 3.26
are simple signs, 3.202
are simple symbols, 4.24 (1)
are unanalysable, 3.26
cannot be defined, 3.261 (2)
cannot express sense, 3.142
dispensable in describing the world, 5.526
elementary proposition a connexion of 4.22
have meaning only in context of proposition, 3.3
how they occur in propositions, 4.23
index of, 5.02 (i)
no composition essential, 3.3411
resemble points, 3.144 (2)
the " real ", 33411
variable, 3.314 (2)

Natural sciences

are the totality of true propositions, 4. i (1)
do not include philosophy, 4.111

Necessity: only logical necessity, 6.37

Negation (See Denial)

Negation (= Simultaneous denial)

introduced, 5.5
symbolized, 5.502

Newtonian mechanics, 6.341, 6.342 (2)

Nonsense (Unsinn)

examples of, 5.5303, 5.5351 (2)
impossible to judge, 5. 5422

Nonsensical, logical propositions not, 4.461 (1)

Notation (See also Language)

arbitrariness of, 3.342
essence of, 3.342
"Number", a formal concept, 4.1272 (7, 8)


concept of, 6.022
concept of equality of, 6.1022 (3)
general form of, 6.022 (1), 6.03


as exponents of operation, 6.021
definitions of, 6.02
ordered by internal relation, 4.1252 (2)

"Object", a pseudo-concept, 4.1272 (1)

Objects and possibility, 2.014

are colourless, 2.0232
are referred to by names, 3.203, 3.22
are simple, 2.02
are substance of world, 2.021
are the fixed form of the world, 2.023, 2.026
as determining bounds of empirical reality, 5.5561 (1)
can only be named, 3.221
cannot be asserted, 3.221
common characteristics of, not
shown by similarity of signs, 3.322
configuration of, 3.21
form of, 2.0141
if given, all are given, 5.524 (1)
independence of, 2.0122
occurrence in atomic facts of, 2.012-2.0123
possible infinity of, 4.2211
possibility of connexion with other objects, 2.0121 (4)
senseless to speak of their existence, 4.1272 (5)
senseless to speak of their number, 4.1272 (6)

Obviousness, and deducibility,

Occam's razor, 3.328, 5.47321 (1)


assert nothing, 5.25 (2)
basis of, 5.21, 5.24 (3), 5.25 (2), 5.251
can cancel out, 5.253, 5.254
characterize difference in forms, 5.24 (a), 5.241
connexion with structure, 5.22, 6.002
defined, 5.23
depend upon formal properties, 5.231
distinct from functions, 5.25 (3)
examples of, 5.2341 (2)
exponent of, 6.021
not relations, 5.42 (1)
number of basic, depends only on our notation, 5.474
occurrence of, does not characterize sense, 5.25 (1)
result of, can be basis of same operations, 5.251
shown in a variable, 5.24 (1)
signs for, are punctuations, 5.4611
successive application of, 5.2521, 5.2523

Ordinary language

all its propositions completely in order, 5.5563
ambiguity of, 3.323
as complicated as the human organism, 4.002 (2)
needs complicated adjustments, 4.002 (5)


an activity, not a theory, 4.112 (2)
and the Darwinian theory, 4.1122
danger of confusion with psychology, 4.1121 (3)
demarcates natural science, 4.113
demarcates the thinkable, 4.114
displays the speakable, 4.115
importance of possibility in, 3.421
in no special relation to psychology, 4. 1121 (1)
is full of confusions, 3.324
its object the logical clarification of thoughts, 4.112 (1)
makes propositions clear, 4.112 (4)
mostly consists of senseless statements, 4.003
not a natural science, 4.111
results in elucidations, 4.112(3) Philosophy — continued
right method of, 6.53
value of questions about purpose of symbolism in, 6.211 (1)

Physical laws, refer to obejcts of the world, 6.3431


and logical space, 2.1 1
are compared with reality, 2.223
are facts, 2.14, 2.141
are models of reality, 2.12, 4.01
form of representation of, 2.15
have form of representation in common with reality, 2.16, 2.171
how linked with reality, 2.151, 2.1511, 2.201, 2.21
include representing relation, 2.1513
are thoughts, 3.
propositions as, 4.03 (3)
the term defined, 2. 181
made by us, 2.1
none a priori true, 2.224, 2.225
possibility of, requires substance, 2.0212
propositions are, 4.012
propositions as, of reality, 4.021
represent their sense, 2.221

Possibility, 2.0122-3

and conceivability, 3.02
and form of representation, 2.151
and logic, 2.0121 (3), 5.473 (2)
and logical place, 3.411
and nature of the world, 3.3421
of atomic facts, 2.012, 2.0124
of connexion of things, 2.0121 (4)
of method of symbolizing, 2.3421
of projection, 3.13 (2)
of propositions, 4.0312 (1)
of states of affairs, 2.014, 2.202, 2.203
how shown, 5.525 (2)
of structure is form, 2.033

"Postulation" of "logical truths", 6.1223

Primitive ideas, formal concepts as, 4.12721

Primitive signs

how their meanings are elucidated, 3.263
names are, 3.26
of logic
as forms of combination, 5.46
need to be justified, 5.45
rules of definition apply to, 5.451 (2)
signify differently from non-primitive signs, 3.261 (2)

Principles, scientific, as a priori intuitions, 6.34


based on series of truth-functions, 5.1
does not apply to isolated propositions, 5.153
has certainty as a limiting case of, 5.152 (3)
involves general description of propositional form, 5.156 (2)
is a generalization, 5.156 (1)
measure of, defined, 5.15, 5151
needed in default of certainty, 5.156 (2)
of elementary propositions, 5.152 (2)
an extract from other proposition,s 5.156 (5)
has no special object, 5.1511
relation of experience to, 5.154(4)
relation to certainty, possibility, impossibility, 4.464 (2)
unit of, 5.155

Problems, the deepest, are no problems, 4.003 (3)


and translation, 4.0141
method of, as thought, 3.11 (2)
possibility of, belongs to proposition, 3.13 (2)


in logic, a mechanical expedient, 6.1263
of significant proposition contrasted with proof in logic, 6.1263
of twice two, 6.241

Propositional connexion {Satzverband), 4.221

Propositional sign

as determining logical place, 3.41
cannot contain itself, 3. 332
defined, 3.12
elements of, 3.2
essential nature of, 3.1431 (1)
is a fact, 3.14, 3.143
relation of, to proposition, 3.12
sense of, needs no explanation, 4.02, 4.021
truth table as, 4.44, 4.442 (1)

Propositional variable

bar symbol for, 5.501
defined, 3.313 (3)
determination of values of, 3.316
expresses a formal concept, 4.126 (8)
every variable conceivable as, 3.314
relation to logical form, 3.315


accidental features of, 3.34
about complexes, 3.24
all of equal value, 6.4
always complete pictures, 5.156 (4)
analysis of, 3.201, 3.25, 4.221 (1)
and truth possibilities of elementary prepositions, 4.4
are articulated, 3.141 (2), 3.251, 4.032 (1)
are compared with reality, 4.05
are composite, 4.032 (2), 5.5261 (1)
are descriptions of facts, 4.023 (3)
are expressions, 3.31 (2)
are expressions of their truth conditions, 4.431 (2)
are generalizations of elementary propositions, 4.52
are pictures of reality, 4.021
are truth-functions of elementary propositions, 5(1)
as configurations of objects, 2.0231
as functions of expressions, 3.318
as logical pictures, 4.01 (1), 4.03 (3)
as models of reality, 4.01 (2)
can say nothing about themselves, 3.332
cannot assert their own truth, 4.442 (3)
cannot be given sense by assertion, 4.064
cannot represent logical form, 4.12 (1), 4.121
completely generalized, 5.526 (1), 5.5261 (1)
content of, 3.13 (4)
denial of, 4.0641
determine one logical place each, 3.42
are truth-arguments of proposition, 5.01
assignment of truth-values to, describes the world, 4.26
cannot be given a priori, 5.5571

Propositions — continued

cannot contradict other elementary propositions, 4.211
composition of, cannot be given, 5.55 (2)
concept of, 5.555 (1)
consist of names, 4.22, 5.55 (2)
contain all logical operations, 5.47 (2)
forms of, no hierarchy of, 5.556
if given, all are given, 5.524 (2)
importance of, for understanding other propositions, 4.411
how symbolized, 4.24 (2, 3)
logically independent, 5.134
possible forms of, 5.55
purely logical grounds for there being, 5.5562
range allowed by, 5.5262 (1)
relation of truth possibilities of, to other propositions, 4.4
relation to atomic facts, 4.21, 4.25
relation to tautology and contradiction, 6.3751(3)
essential features of, 3.34

expression of thoughts in, 3.2

follow from elementary propositions, 4.52
general form of, 5.47 (5)
have elementary propositions as truth-arguments, 5.01
have sense independent of facts, 4.061
have truth-value because pictures of reality, 4.06
how understood, 4.024
in them names stand for objects, 3.22
logical (See Logical propositions)
logical form of, 4.0031
most general form of, 4.5, 6
need only 'yes' or 'no' to fix reality, 4.023 (1)
neither probable nor improbable in themselves, 5.153
number of possibilities of agreement with truth-possibilities of elementary propositions, 4.42, 4.45 (1)
opposition of, 5.513 (2)
present existence and non-existence of atomic facts, 4.1
presuppositions of, 5.5151 (3)

"primitive", 5.43 (1) probability, have no special object, 5.1511

psychological, 5.541, 5.542
reach through whole logical space, 3.42 (3)
relation of, to propositional sign, 3.12
resemble arrows, 3.144 (2)
say how, not what a thing is, 3.221
sense of, unchanged by adjoining tautology, 4.465
show their sense, 4.022
show what they say, 4.461 (1)
are thoughts, 4
content of, 3.13 (4, 5)
what is common to, illustrated, 5.513 (1)
what they say, 4.022 (2)
what logical space given with, 3.42 (1)


and logical form, 3.315
and symbolism for generality, 5.522
and variable, 3.315
examples of, 3.333 (1), 5.5351 (1)
in notation for generality, 3.24 (3), 5.522

Pseudo-concept, 4.1272 (1)

proposition and thing as, 5.5351 (1)

Pseudo-propositions, 5.535 (1)

arising from use of pseudo-concepts, 4.1272 (4)
mathematical propositions are, 6.2 (2)

Psychology, and philosophy, 4.1121

Range, defined, 4.463


as existence of atomic facts, 2.06 (1)
completely described by proposition, 4.023 (2)
described by internal properties of proposition, 4.023 (4)
empirical, bounded by totality of objects, 5.5561 (1)
form of, 2.18
how linked to pictures, 2.1511-2.15121
logical features of, 4.023 (5)
not pictured by tautology or contradiction, 4.462
pictures are models of, 2.12
pictures compared with, 2.21, 2.223
proposition as picture of, 4.01 (1), 4.021
propositions are compared with, 4.05
total, is the world, 2.063

Representation, logic of, 4.015 (See also Form of representation)

Representing relation, belongs to the picture, 2.1513

Right and left hand, Kantian problem of, 6.361 11

Rules, as equivalent to symbols, 5.514

Russell, 3.318, 3.325, 3.331, 3.333, 4.0031, 4.12721, 4.1272 (8), 4.1273, 4.241 (3), 5.02 (2), 5.132 (4), 5.252, 5.4, 5.42, 5.-452 (2), 5.513 (3), 5.521, 5.525. 5.5302, 5.535, 5.541 (4), 5.5422, 5.553 (1), 6.123 (2), 6.1232

Russell's paradox, 3.333 (4)


by propositions, 4.022 (2)
impossibility of, what we cannot think, 5.61 (4)

Scaffolding, logical, 3.42 (3), 4.023 (5), 6.124

Scepticism, 6.51 (1)

Self-evidence (See also Obviousness)

how discarded in logic, 5.4731
not a criterion of logical propositions, 6. 1 271
of mathematical propositions, 6.2341


and deducibility, 5.122
cannot be supplied by assertion, 4.064
characterized by expressions, 3.31 (1)
connexion with method of projection, 3. 11 (2)
equated with representation of state of affairs, 4.031 (2)
expressible only by facts, 3.142
new, how communicated, 403 (1)
objects occurring in, 4.1211 (1)
of propositional sign, needs no explanation, 4.02, 4.021
of propositions
and possibilities of existence of atomic facts, 4.2
contained in sense of other propositions, 5.122
expressed by spatial position, 3.1431 (2)
form only of, contained in proposition, 3.13 (4)

Sense — continued

how determined, 4.063 (2)
independent of facts, 4.061 (1)
of truth-functions as a function, 5.2341 (i)
only propositions have it, 3.3
opposite, 4.0621 (3)
postulate of determinateness of, 3 23
requires substance, 2.021 1
reversed by denial, 5.2341 (3)
what a picture represents is its, 2.221

Senseless (Sinnlos)

distinct from nonsensical, 4.461 (3), 4.4611
examples of the, 4.1272 (9), 4.1274, 5.1362 (2)
"laws of inference" are, 5.132 (4)
tautology and contradiction are, 4.461 (3)

Series, formal {See Formal series)


by tautologies and contradictions, 4.461 (1)
by structure, 4.1211 (2)
correctness of solipsism, 5.62 (2)
examples of, 4.1211, 6.12, 6.1201, 6.127 (2), 6.36 (2)
excludes saying, 4. 1212
generality, 5.1311 (2)
logic of the world, 6.22
logical form, 4. 121 (4)
needed for form of representation, 2.172
of operations, 5.24 (i)
of sense, 4,022
that a formal concept applies, 4.126 (3)
that internal properties hold, 4.122 (4)
that one proposition follows
from another, 4.1 211 (2)
that the world is my world, 5.62 (3)
the inexpressible, 6.522
what it says, by proposition, 4.461 (1)

Sight, field of, 5.633, 5.6331


and symbol, 3.326
application of, 3.262
as likeness of the signified, 4.012
as perceptible part of symbol, 3.12 3.32
cannot receive a wrong sense, 5.4732
complex, 3.1432
equivalence of, 5.47321 (2)
how it determines a logical form, 3.327
identity of tokens of, 3.203
possible, 5.473 (2)
primitive (See Primitive signs)
propositional (See Propositional sign)
simple, 3.201, 3.202
the same, may belong to different symbols, 3.321
unused, 3.328 (1)

Similes, 4.015

Simplicity of objects, 2.02, 2.021

"Socrates is identical", 5.473 (2), 5.4733 (3)


coincides with realism, 5.64
correct in intention, 5.62

Soul, 5.5421 {See also Subject)


a form of objects, 2.0251
congruence in, 6.36111
geometrical figures cannot contradict laws of, 3.032
logical (See Logical space)
spatial objects must lie in, 2.0131 (1)
spatial objects unthinkable apart from, 2.0121 (4)
symmetry in, 6.3611 (3)
visual, 2.0131 (2)

"Spatial spectacles", 4.0412

States of affairs (Sachlage)

can be described, not named, 3.144 (i)
connexion of object with, 2.0122
possibility of, 2.014


and form, 2.033
and internal property, 4.122(2)
connexion with operation, 5.22
logical, 4.014 (2)
logical relations shown by, 4.1211 (2)
of a picture, 2.15 (2)
of atomic fact, 2.032, 2.034
of propositions, and deducibility, 5.13
of propositions, stand in internal relations, 5.2
properties of, and tautology, 6.12 (3)

Subject, the

and the body, 5.631 (2)
does not belong to the world, 5.632
is a limit of the world, 5.632, 5.641 (3)
no such thing exists, 5.542 (1), 5.631 (1)


of the world, identified with objects, 2.021
exists independently of what is the case, 2.024
is form and content, 2.025

Successor, definition of, 4.1252(4)

Superstition, 5.1361 (2)

Symbolizing, methods of, 3.322


and signs, 3.326
as equivalent to rules, 5.541
composite, criterion of, 5.5261 (2)
difference of, 3.323 (3)
different, may have common sign, 3.321
equated with expressions, 3.31
essential features of, 3.34
for complexes, how defined, 3.24 (4)
have sign for perceptible part, 3.32
presuppositions of, 5.5151 (3)
what signifies in, 3.344


a limiting case of combinations of symbols, 4.466 (4)
an ungeneralized proposition can be, 6.1231 (2)
and properties of structure, 6.12 (3)
as showing logic of the world, 6.22
defined, 4.46 (4)
derivation of tautology from, 6.126 (3)
effect of adjoining, to a proposition, 4.465
follows from all propositions, 5.142
has no truth conditions, 5.461 (2)
how used in demonstrating logical properties, 6. 121
is analytical proposition, 6. 11
is without sense, 4.461 (3)
its truth certain, 4.464 (1)
logical proposition is, 6.1
method for recognizing, 6.1203
not a picture of reality, 4.462
not nonsensical, 4.4611
probability of, 5.152 (4)
says nothing, 4.461 (1), 5.142, 6.11
shared by propositions, 5.143 (1)
shows that it is a tautology, 6.127 (2)

Theory of knowledge, how related to psychology and philosophy, 4.1121 (2)

Theory of types, 3.33i-3.333, 5.252, 6.123 (2)

Things (See Objects)


and picturable, 3.001
and possible, 3.02
is demarcated by philosophy, 4.114
only uniform connexions are, 6.361


a priori, criterion of, 3.04
as a logical picture, 3
as method of projection, 3.11 (2)
contains possibility of a state of affairs, 3.02 (1)
disguised by language, 4.002(4)
expressed by signs, 3.1
form of, 4.002 (4)
how expressed in propositions, 3.2
is applied propositional sign, 3.5
is the significant proposition, 4


a form of objects, 2.0251
"passage" of, 6.3611 (i)
sequence of events in, 6.3611 (1, 2)
temporal objects unthinkable apart from, 2.0121 (4)

Totality of atomic facts, 2.05


and projection, 4.0141
as criterion for "what is common" to symbols, 3.343


and falsity, not coordinate relations, 4.061
concept of, explained, 4.063
concept of, Frege's account false, 4.431 (3)
its connexion with pictorial nature of proposition, 4.06
not a property, 6.111

Truth-arguments, elementary propositions are, 5.01


groups of, can be ordered in a series, 4.45
how expressed, 4.442 (4)
of propositions, and truth possibilities of elementary propositions, 4.41
symbolism for, 4.43
relation to truth-possibilities, 4.431 (1)


and truth-operations, 5.3 (2, 3)
are results of operations, 5.234
can be ordered in series, 5.1 (1)
general form of, 6 (1)
not material functions, 5.44 (1)
notations for, 3.3441
of two variables, itemized, 5.101 (1)
result from application of simultaneous denial, 5.5 (1)
the term introduced, 5.


and deducibility, 5.11, 5.12, 5.121
as measure of probability, 5.15, 5.151
defined, 5.101 (2)


and truth-functions, 5.3 (2, 3)
defined, 5.234


defined, 4.3
of combinations of elementary propositions, 4.28
schemata for, 4.31


depends on understanding elementary propositions, 4.411
of general propositions depends on understanding elementary propositions, 4.411
of names, 4.243
of propositions, 4.02, 4.024 INDEX
of synonyms, 4.243

Unspeakable, the, and philosophy, 4. 1 15

Value, 6.4, 6.41

Variable {See also Propositional variable)

an expression presented by, 3.313
is sign of formal concepts, 4.1271
can be regarded as propositional variable, 3.314
determination of values of, 3.317
form of, 4.1271 (2)
general propositional, 5.242
general propositional form is a, 4.53
in expression of general term of series, 5.2522
names, as sign for pseudo-concept, object, 4.1272 (1)
name, can be conceived as propositional variable, 3.314 (2)
needed for expressing general term of formal series, 4.1273 (1)
propositional {See Propositional variable)
used for operations, 5.24 (1)
values of, 3.315, 5.501 (6)

Whitehead, 5.452 (2), 5.252

Will, the, 6.423, 6.43

Words, cannot occur both in and out of propositions, 2.0122

World, my

I am, 5.63
limits of, 5.62 (3)

World, the

and life are one, 5.621
and logical space, 1.13
and what is the case, 1
completely described by totality of true elementary propositions, 4.26
composed of facts, not things, 1.1
connexion with logical propositions, 6.124
divides into facts, 1.2
independent of my will, 6.373, 6.374
information about, given by simplicity of description, 6.342 (2)
is total reality, 2.063
is totality of atomic facts, 2.04
its form consists of objects, 2.023
limits of, 5.61 (i)
logic of, shown in tautologies and equations, 6.22
logical properties of, 6.12, 6.124
names not needed for description of, 5.526
nature of, revealed by possibility, 3.3421
objects its substance, 2.021
projective relation of propositional sign to, 3.12
sense of, 6.41 (i)
the subject does not belong to it, 5.632

"Zero-method", in logic, 6.121 (2)

  1. The Editor is indebted to Professor Max Black for providing this Index, which was originally prepared for the use of his students at Cornell University.
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