Champion of those who groan beneath
Oppression's iron hand:
In view of penury, hate and death,
I see thee fearless stand.
Still bearing up thy lofty bow,
In the steadfast strength of truth,
In manhood sealing well the vow
And promise of thy youth.
Go on!—for thou hast chosen well;
On in the strength of God!
Long as one human heart shall swell
Beneath the tyrant's rod.
Speak in a slumbering nation's ear,
As thou hast ever spoken,
Until the dead in sin shall hear—
The fetter's link be broken!
I love thee with a brother's love,
I feel my pulses thrill,
To mark thy spirit sour above
The cloud of human ill.
My heart hath leaped to answer thine,
And echo back thy words,
As leaps the warrior's at the shine
And flash of kindred swords!
They tell me thou art rash and vain—
A searcher after fame—
That thou art striving but to gain
A long enduring name—
That thou hast nerved the Afric's hand,
And steeled the Afric's heart,
To shake aloft his vengeful brand,
And rend his chain apart.
Have I not known thee well, and read
Thy mighty purpose long!
And watched the trials which have made
Thy human spirit strong?
And shall the slanderer's demon breath
Avail with one like me,
To dim the sunshine of my faith,
And earnest truth in thee?
Go on—the dagger's point may glare
Amid thy pathway's gloom—
The fate which sternly threatens there,
Is glorious martyrdom!
Then onward with a martyr's zeal—
Press on to thy reward—
The hour when man shall only kneel,
Before his Father—God.