To "Bronco Buster" Flynn
Tune: "Yankee Doodle"
I got your picture Buster dear
A-riding on a pony
Your pony is a real one too.—
You wouldn't have a "phoney"
— Chorus —
Buster Flynn he sure is game
His eyes are full of luster,
I think we'd better change his name
And call him "Bronco Buster"
When you grow up to be a man
Be always "rough and ready"
But never brag about it though
Like windy "Bull moose Teddy"
And by and by you'll ride out West
Like Cow-boys that you've read off
But don't fall off your pony dear
And break your little head off.
From Your Friend Joe Hill.
With a Kind Greeting.
To Buster Flynn 511 E. 134th str. New York City N.Y.
This work is from the United States and in the public domain because it was not legally published with the permission of the copyright holder before January 1, 2003 and the author died more than 70 years ago. This is believed to apply worldwide.