YOUNG, Filson, Author; Editor of the "Saturday Review"; was special War Correspondent of the "Manchester Guardian" in S. African War, 1899-1901; Assistant Editor of "The Pilot," 1901-3; Literary Editor of The "Daily Mail," 1903-4; Editor of the "Outlook," 1904; assisted in organising the Australian Hospital, to which he acted as Hon. Secretary, European War, 1914, and accompanied it with the British Expeditionary Force to France: in October, 1914, returned and received a Commission as Lieut, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve; on the staff of Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty in H.M.S. Lion, November, 1914-April 1915; staff of H.M.S. Victory, Portsmouth, June-November, 1915; War Correspondent, B.E.F. France, November, 1916-March, 1917; Special Correspondent of "The Times" in Spain and Portugal 1917-19. Pubns.: various songs and instrumental works; contributions to the principal weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews; The Relief of Mafeking, 1900; Five Lyrics; A Volunteer Brigade; Mastersingers, 1901; contribution to Encyclopædia Britannica, 1902; Ireland at the Cross Roads, 1903; The Complete Motorist, 1904; Edited Herrick's Works, 1904; The Sands of Pleasure, 1905; The Happy Motorist, 1906; Venus and Cupid, an impression in prose after Velasquez in colour, 1906; Christopher Columbus and the New World of Discovery (2 vols.), 1908; The Wagner Stories, 1907; The Jov of the Road, 1907; The Lover's Hours, 1907; When the Tide Turns, 1908; Memory Harbour, 1909; More Mastersingers, 1911: Titanic, 1912; Opera Stories, 1912; Letters from Solitude, 1912; With the Fleet, 1913; New Leaves, 1914; With the Battle Cruisers, 1921. Youngest son of Rev. William Young, of Ballyeaston, Co. Antrim, and Sarah, dau. of late Alexander Bell Filson, of Portaferry, Co. Down; b. at Ballyeaston, 1876; m. 1918, Vera,, only dau. of Col. Claude Rawnsley, C.M.G., C.B.E.. D.S.O., of London, and has issue two sons. Res.: 124 Ebury Street, London, S.W.1. Club: St. James's.