YAPP, Richard Henry, M.A. (Cantab.); Professor of Botany, Queen's University, Belfast, from 1914. Educ.: Hereford; St. John's College, Cambridge (Scholar), 1st Class Natural Science Tripos, Part I., 1898; 1st class, Part II., 1899; Frank Smart Student of Botany at Gonville and Cains College, 1899-1902; Botanist to the Cambridge University scientific exploring expedition (leader W. W. Skeat, M.A.) to the Siamese-Malay States, 1899-1900; Curator of the Cambridge University Herbarium, 1900-1903: Secretary and subsequently Recorder of Botanical Section of the British Association, 1902-11; Professor of Botany, University College, Aberystwyth, 1904-14. Pubns.: various papers on botanical subjects. Recns.: tennis, golf, some time (1898-99) captain of the Cambridge University Lacrosse Team, photography; son of late Richard Heysall Yapp, of Orleton, Herefordshire: m. 1913. Lajla, dau. of Dr. Klintberg, of Visby, Gotland, Sweden, and has issue one son and one dau. Res.: Orleton, Dunmurry, Belfast.