WILSON, Gregg, O.B.E. (1919), M.A., D.Sc, Ph.D., M.R.I.A.; Professor of Zoology, Queen's University, Belfast, from 1909. Educ. at the Royal High School, Edinburgh and at the Universities of Edinburgh, Marburg, and Freiburg; was Demonstrator in Zoology at Edinburgh University, 1891-98; Acting Professor of Biology at Sydney University, 1898; subsequently Lecturer on Zoology at the Heriot-Watt College, and at Surgeons' Hall, and Professor of Biology in the Royal Veterinary College, Edinburgh; Inspector of Fisheries for England and Wales, 1902; Professor of Natural History in Queen's College, Belfast, 1902-9; Major in Territorial Force; Commanding Belfast University Contingent Officers' Training Corps 1910-20; also commanded Schools of Instruction for Officers during European War. Pubns.: papers, chiefly embryological, in various scientific magazines. Recn.: golf: son of late James Wilson Solicitor, of Falkirk; b. at Falkirk 15th Dec, 1865; m. Florence Allen, eldest dau. of Rev. and Right Hon, Thomas Hamilton, D.D.. LL.D., Vice-Chancellor, Queen's University, and has issue one son and one dan. Rea.: Ardenza, King's Road, Knock, Belfast.