< Thom's Irish Who's Who
- Waithman, William Sharp
- Wakely, His Honour Judge John
- Waldron, Brig.-Gen. Francis
- Waldron, The Rt. Hon. Laurence Ambrose
- Waldron, Major Patrick John
- Walker, Sir Alexander Arthur
- Walker, Lady Eleanor
- Walker, William James Dickson
- Wallace, Sir Robert
- Wallace, The Right Hon. Robert Hugh
- Waller, Rear-Admiral Arthur Craig
- Waller, William
- Walsh, Sir Hunt Henry Allen Johnson
- Walsh, James J.
- Walsh, John
- Walsh, Rev. Reginald
- Walsh, Richard Walter
- Walsh, Thomas
- Walsh, Valentine John Hussey-
- Walshe, Lieut.-Col. Henry Ernest
- Walsh Johnson, Lady Harriett Anna
- Ward, Hon. Edward Henry Harold
- Ward, Peter Joseph
- Wardell, John Henry
- Warden, Lieut.Col. Charles Wallace
- Warren, Lady Agnes Georgina
- Warren, Sir Augustus George Digby
- Warren, Col. Thomas Richard Pennefather
- Waterford, Marquess of
- Waterford and Lismore, Bishop of
- Weaving, Thomas Henry
- Webb, Ambrose Henry
- Webb, Charles Caleb Coote
- Webb, William Hubert
- Webber, Lieut.-Colonel Oswald T. O'K.
- Webber, William Downes
- Weldon, Sir Anthony Edward Wolseley
- Wellesley, Edward Henry Charles
- Wells, Warre Bradley
- Westmeath, Earl of
- Wheeler, Sir William Ireland de Courcy
- Whelan, Leo
- Whelehan, Joseph
- Whitaker, William Bailey Martin
- White, Dudley
- White, Henry Bantry
- White, Major Henry Herbert Ronald
- White, Col. James Grove
- White, Jasper Thomas
- White, Capt. John Joseph
- White, Hon. Luke Henry
- White, Rev. Newport John Davis
- White, Vincent Joseph
- Whitla, Sir William
- Whitton, Henry McManus
- Whitty, Patrick Joseph
- Wicklow, Earl of
- Wilding, Edward
- Wilkinson, Sir Hiram Shaw
- Wilkinson, Robert Houghton
- Williams, Alexander
- Williams, Robert A.
- Williamson, Col. John Francis
- Wilson, Hon. Daniel Martin
- Wilson, Gregg
- Wilson, Herbert
- Wilson, James
- Wilson, James Mackay
- Wilson, Richard
- Wilson, Brig.-Gen. Sir Samuel Herbert
- Wilson, William James
- Wingfield, Hon. Doreen Julia
- Wingfield, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Maurice Anthony
- Wingfield, Hon. Mervyn Patrick
- Wise, Francis Hubert
- Wolfe, George
- Wood, Herbert
- Woodburn, Rev. George
- Woodley, Col. Richard Nason
- Woods, Joseph Andrew
- Woods, Colonel Philip James
- Woods, Sir Robert Henry
- Woulfe, Timothy
- Wright, Robert
- Wylie, The Right Hon. James Owens
- Wylie, Hon. William Evelyn
- Wyndham-Quin, Lady Emily
- Wyndham-Quinn, Col. Windham Henry
- Wynne, Edward N.
- Wynne, Capt. Graham Owen Robert
- Wynne, Sir Henry Arthur
- Wyse, Andrew Nicholas Bonaparte
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