STRITCH, John Russell, Solicitor, Royal Swedish Consul; J.P. (City of Dublin): Member of the Dublin Corporation; Chairman Port of Dublin Sanitary Authority; Deputy Chairman, Public Health Committee; Deputy Chairman, Technical Instruction Committee; Member of the Finance and General Purposes Committee; Governor of the Royal Irish Academy of Music; Governor of the Orthopaedic Hospital; Governor of the Royal Hospital for Incurables; Governor of the Richmond and Portrane Mental Hospital; Honorary Film Censor and Theatre Inspector, City of Dublin; Director of the Empire Theatre of Varieties, Dublin, Ltd., Belfast Empire Theatre of Varieties, Ltd., etc., etc.; b. 28th Sept., 1870; eldest surviving son of the late J. Russell Stritch, K.C., M.A., T.C.D.; J.P. Cos. Dublin and Roscommon. Recns.: fishing and cycling. Res.: 17 North Great Georges' Street, Dublin, and Skerries, Co. Dublin.