SMITH, Alfred John, F.R.C.S.I., M.B., M.Ch., M.A.O. (R.U.I.); late Vice-Pres., British Gynaecological Society; late President Obstetrical Section, Royal Academy of .Medicine; ex- Assistant' Master, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin; Professor of Midwifery and Gynaecology, National University; Gynaecologist, St. Vincent's Hospital, Dublin. Educ.: St. Patrick's College, Cavan; Dublin: Leipsic; Vienna. Pubns.: large contributor to various societies and journals on questions of interest to gynaecologists and laparotomists. Recns.: golf, fishing, shooting, motoring. Eldest son of late Philip Smith, J.P., of Kevit Castle, Crossdoney, Co. Cavan, and Delia Mary, dau. of Corney Banahan, or Renny, Co. Roscommon; b. 1865. Res.: 30 Merrion Square. Dublin. Clubs: Reform, London; Stephen's Green, Dublin.