< Thom's Irish Who's Who

SHIELDS, Bernard Francis, M.A.; Professor of Commerce, University College, Dublin, N.U.I.; Alderman of the City of Dublin; Chairman, Dublin Technical Education Committee, and Member of the Standing Council of the Irish Technical Instruction Association; appointed Professor of Economics. Commerce, and Accountancy, University College, Galway, 1914, on the establishment of the Faculty of Commerce; resigned 1918; Educ.: Christian Bros., James's St. and Richmond St., Dublin; Blackrock College, Co. Dublin: University College, Dublin; London School of Economics; University of Dijon: Intermediate Exhibitioner and University Honoursman; engaged in business for a number of years: took up educational pursuits; gained a Scholarship awarded by the D.A. & T.I. for the purpose of specializing in Advanced Commercial Knowledge; engaged in Commercial Instruction fur two years: awarded a higher grade diploma in French and Commerce, University of Dijon. Pubns.: Landmarks of Ireland's Economic position in the 19th Century; Nationalisation of Railways; Scientific Management: Business Combinations; Profit-sharing and Labour Co-partnership; Methods of Industrial Remuneration; Markets and their Commercial Functions; Welfare Work in Factories and Workshops; The Economic Effects of an Eight-hour Day, and other contributions to the journal of the Institute of Bankers in Ireland: special addresses before the Irish Technical Instruction Congress in Dublin and Clonmel in 1921 and 1922 respectively, on Trades Schools and their relation to the Industrial Development of the Country, and Why Technical Education is Effective and Prosperous in Other Countries: b. 2 April, 1884; son of late William John and Rose Ellen Shields. Address: 48 South Circular Road, Kilmainham, Dublin.

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