< Thom's Irish Who's Who
- Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart
- Macan, Arthur
- Macan, Reginald Walter
- McAdoo, William
- M'Ardle, John Stephen
- Macardle, Sir Thomas Callan
- Macartney, Right Hon. Sir Wm. Grey Ellison
- Macassey, Sir Lynden Livingstone
- McBride, Joseph M.
- McBride, Robert
- McCabe, Alexander
- MacCaffrey, Rev. James
- McCall, Sir Robert Alfred
- McCallum, Major John Dunwoodie Martin
- McCalmont, Major Dermod Hugh Bingham
- McCalmont, Major-General Sir Hugh
- McCalmont, Col. Robert Chaine Alexander
- McCann, P.
- M'Cann, Thomas S.
- McCarrick, Henry
- McCartan, Daniel
- McCartan, Patrick
- MacCarthy, Daniel
- McCarthy, Denis A.
- McCarthy, His Honour Judge John William
- McCarthy, Justin Huntly
- MacCarthy, Brig.-Gen. Morgan John
- MacCarthy-Morrogh, Lt.-Col. Donald Florence
- McCarthy-O'Leary, Major John
- Macartney, Carthanach George
- Macartney, Col. John William Merton
- Macartney-Filgate, William Townley Geo. Seymour
- McCarvill, Patrick
- McCausland, Captain Edward Oliver
- M'Clintock, Major Arthur Geo.
- M'Clintock, Arthur George Florence
- McClintock, Bt. Colonel John Knox
- McClintock, Brig.-Gen. William Kerr
- McClintock Bunbury, Hon. Thomas Leopold
- Maconchy, John Arthur
- M'Connell, Adams Andrew
- McConnell, Sir Robert John
- McConnell, Thomas Edward
- MacCormack, Charles Joseph
- McCormack, John
- McCrum, William Scott
- McCullagh, Sir Crawford
- McCullagh, Lady Ida
- McCulloch, Brig.-Gen. Robert Henry Frederick
- MacDermot, The (Charles Edward)
- MacDermot, Henry
- MacDermot, Philip C. P.
- McDermott, Captain George Anthony
- McDermott, Commander Anthony Francis Joseph
- McDermott, James Francis
- McDonagh, Joseph
- M'Donald. Rev. Walter
- MacDonnell, Baron of Swinford
- McDonnell, Col. John
- MacDonnell, Hon. Mrs. Juliana Cecilia
- McDowell, William John
- M'Elderry, Robert Knox
- McElligott, Edward J.
- McElligott, Gerald
- McElroy, George
- Macenri (Henry), Seaghan P.
- MacEoin, Major-Gen. Sean
- Macentee, John Francis
- MacErlean, Rev. John C.
- McFadden, Edward
- McFarland, Sir John
- MacFarland, Sir John Henry
- MacGarry, Councillor Mrs. Margt. O'Flynn
- McGarry, Ald. Sean
- McGildowny, Hugh McCalmont
- MacGillycuddy, Anthony John
- MacGillycuddy, Major John
- McGillycuddy, Denis Donough Charles
- McGillycuddy, Lieut.-Col. Ross Kinloch
- McGinley, Very Rev. Jas.
- McGinley, Joseph P.
- McGoldrick, Patrick J.
- McGonigal, John
- McGrath, Sir Joseph
- McGrath, Joseph
- McGuffin, Samuel
- McGuinness, Francis
- MacIlwaine, John Bedell Stanford
- MacInerney, Michael Chartres
- M'Kean, John
- McKenna, Rev. James
- McKeown, Robert John
- McLachlan, Norman French
- McLaughlin, Sir Henry
- McLean, Major William Richard James
- M'Leish, John
- MacLoone, James
- McLoughlin, Edward Patrick
- MacMahon, The Right Hon. James
- McMahon, James
- McMahon, James S.
- McMahon, Sir Lionel
- MacMaster, James
- McMaster, Col. John Maxwell
- McMordie, Mrs. Julia
- MacMullen, James Finbarre
- McMullan, Thomas Wallace
- McMunn, Col. James Robert
- MacNaghten, Hon. Sir Francis Alexander
- MacNaghten, Hon. Sir Malcolm Martin
- Macnamara, Lieut.-Col. Francis Hastings
- Macnamara, Henry Valentine
- Macnamara, Lieut.-Col. John William Unthank
- Macnamara, Lieut.-Col. William John
- Maconchy, John Arthur (2)
- McNeile, Alan Hugh
- McNeill, John (Eoin)
- Macneill, John Gordon Swift
- M'Neill, Ronald
- McNicholas, Right Rev. John T.
- Maconchy, Brig.-Gen. Ernest William Stuart King
- Macran, Henry Stewart
- McSweeny, George
- MacSweeney, T.
- Macsweeney, Rev. Patrick
- MacSwiney of Mashanaglass, Marquess V. E. P.
- MacSwiney, Miss Mary
- Macveigh, Jeremiah
- McWeeney, Edmond J.
- McWeeny, Henry C.
- Madden, Right Hon. Dodgson Hamilton
- Madden, Lt.-Col. John Clements, Waterhouse
- Madden, Major Thomas Edward Macdonnell
- Maddock, Sir Simon
- Magee, William Kirkpatrick
- Magennis, Edward
- Magennis, William
- Magill, Andrew Philip
- Magill, Col. Sir James
- Magill, Walter Ephraim
- Maguire, Henry Joseph
- Maguire, James Joseph Constantine
- Maguire, James Rochfort
- Maguire, Joseph
- Maguire, Thomas
- Maguire, Dr. Thomas Joseph Redmond
- Maguire, William Joseph
- Maher, Captain George Maurice
- Mahon, Lieut.-Gen. The Rt. Hon. Sir Bryan Thomas
- Mahon, Ralph Bodkin
- Mahon, Sir William Henry
- Mallins, Lieut.-Col. John Robert
- Malone, Col. John Richard
- Malone, Major Patrick Bernard
- Manders, Richard
- Mansfield, George
- Mark, John
- Markham, Richard Leeson-Marshall
- Markievicz, Madame de
- Marsh, Henry
- Marsham, George
- Martyn, Edward
- Massereene, Viscount
- Massey, Hon. Eyre Nathaniel
- Massey, Col. Godfrey
- Massey, Right Hon. William Ferguson
- Massy, Baron
- Massy-Beresford, John George
- Massy-Westropp, Colonel John
- Matheson, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Edwin
- Mathews, James Stanley
- Maunsell, Arthur Munro
- Maunsell, Richard John Caswell
- Maunsell, Robert Charles Butler
- Maxwell, Col. The Hon. Henry Edward
- Maxwell, Hon. Somerset Arthur
- Maxwell, Sir William
- May, Major-Gen. Sir Edward Sinclair
- May, Sir Francis Henry
- Mayo, Earl of
- Meade, Capt. the Hon. Edward Brabazon
- Meade, Capt. the Hon. Herbert
- Meade, Lieut.-Col. Malcolm John
- Meade, Major Richard John
- Meagher, Major Henry Louis
- Meath, Earl of
- Meath, Bishop of, The Most Rev. Laurence Gaughran
- Meath, Bishop of, The Most Rev. the Hon. Benjamin John Plunket
- Mecredy, Sir James
- Mecredy, Richard James
- Meehan, Francis Edward
- Meehan, Patrick Joseph
- Meenan, James Nahor
- Megaw, Robert Dick
- Meldon, Sir Albert
- Meldon, Lieut.-Col. James Austin
- Meldon, Philip Albert
- Mellowes, William Joseph
- Meredith, Prof. Hugh Owen
- Meredith, Richard
- Meredyth, Sir Henry Bayly
- Merriman, Patrick
- Meyer, Sir Robert
- Micks, William Lawson
- Midleton, Earl of, and Viscount Dunsford
- Miller, Rear-Admiral Charles Blois
- Miller, Sir Francis H.
- Miller, Lady Mary
- Miller, William Thomas
- Milroy, Sean
- Milroy, Thomas Hugh
- Milton, Viscount, William Henry Laurence Peter
- Minchin, Major-Gen. Frederick Falkiner
- Minchin, Capt. Richard
- Mockler, Alfred John
- Moles, Thomas
- Moloney, Henry John
- Moloney, Patrick James
- Molony, Right Hon. Thomas Francis
- Molony, Capt. William Beresford
- Monck, Viscount
- Moneypenny, Sir Frederick Wm.
- Monroe, James Harvey
- Montagu, Robert Acheson Cromie
- Monteagle, Baron
- Montgomery, Col. James Alexander Laurence
- Montgomery, Charles Hubert
- Montgomery, Hugh de Fellenberg
- Montgomery, Col. Hugh Maude de Fellenberg
- Montgomery, Major John Alexander
- Montgomery, Major-General Robert Arthur
- Montgomery, Maj.-Gen. William Edward
- Mooney, John
- Mooney, Sir John Joseph
- Moore, Arthur Edward
- Moore, Alfred S.
- Moore, Count Charles Joseph Henry O'Hara Moore
- Moore, Sir Frederick William
- Moore, Col. George Abraham
- Moore, Rev. Henry Kingsmill
- Moore, Sir John William
- Moore, Col. Joseph Scott
- Moore, Joseph Henry Hamilton
- Moore, Col. Maurice George
- Moore, Major Robert Lyon
- Moore, Sir Thomas O'Connor
- Moore, Viscount
- Moore, The Right Hon. William
- Moore-Brabazon, John Theodore Cuthbert
- Moore-Brabazon, Capt.William. Lockhart Chambre
- Moorhead, Thomas Gillman
- Moran, David P.
- More-O'Ferrall, Dominic
- More-O'Ferrall, Gerald
- More-O'Ferrall, John
- Morgan, Lieut.-Col. Anthony Hickman
- Moriarty, David Michael
- Morris, Lady Elizabeth
- Morris, Ernest A. M.
- Morris, Lieut.-Col. Richard John
- Morrison, Hugh S.
- Morrissey, Daniel
- Morrogh-Ryan, Leonard
- Morrow, Rev. John Love
- Mount-Cashell, Countess Florence
- Mount-Charles, Earl of
- Mount Melleray, Abbot of
- Mount St. Joseph, Roscrea, Abbot of
- Moutray, Anketell
- Moylan, John
- Mulcahy, Rev. Charles
- Mulcahy, James Prendergast
- Mulcahy, Richard James
- Muldoon, John
- Mulhall, John
- Mulholland, Hon. Alfred John
- Mulholland, Capt. The Hon, Charles Henry George
- Mulholland, Capt. Hon. Godfrey John Arthur Murray Lyle
- Mulholland, Hon. Henry George Hill
- Mullen, Adelaide
- Munn, Lionel
- Murdock, Robert, Major
- Murnaghan, George
- Murnaghan, James Augustine
- Murphy, Lieut.-Col. Edmond William
- Murphy, Edward Sullivan
- Murphy, Alderman James Edward
- Murphy, Major James Fraser
- Murphy, Miss M. H. Lily
- Murphy, Sir Michael
- Murphy, Major Reginald Robert Francis Wiiliam Brudenell
- Murphy, Lieut.-Col. William Richard English
- Murray, Albert E.
- Murray, Robert Henry
- Murray, T. C.
- Musgrave, Sir Richard John
- Muskerry, Baron
- Muskerry, Lady Adeline
- Mussen, Hugh Harper
- Myles, Sir Thomas
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