< Thom's Irish Who's Who

LINDSAY, James Alexander. M.A., M.D. (R.U.I.), F.R.C.P. (Lond.); Prof. of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in Queen's Univ, Belfast; Senior Physician Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast: Consulting Physician to the Ulster Eye. Far and Throat Hospital, and to the Coleraine Cottage Hospital; Chairman of the Board of Management of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast; Bradshaw Lecturer Royal College Physicians (Lond.), 1909; Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal Academy in Ireland; former President of the Ulster Medical Society, of the Ulster Branch of the British Medical Association, and of the Belfast Literary Society; Senator Queen's University. Belfast: Ex-President Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society; President Belfast Library; President Belfast Branch of the British Empire Shakespeare Society. Educ.: Royal Academical Institution, Methodist College and Queen's College, Belfast (Scholar, Exhibitioner, and twice gold medallist in Royal University); London Hosp. Medical School; Paris and Vienna. Acted as Special Commissioner of the Lancet to inquire into the hygienic condition of Sicily, 1897; takes an active interest in the chief literary and scientific institutions of Belfast. Pubns.: Lectures on Diseases of the Lungs and Heart, 1904; art. Pleurisy, Encyclop. Medica; numerous articles and papers in Nineteenth Century, Contemporary Review, Lancet, British Medical Journal, Clinical Journal, Dublin Medical Journal, Eugenics Review, Journal of Institute of Public Health, New York Post-Graduate, Scientia, etc. Recns.: mountaineering, golf, music; son of late David Lindsay, of Fintona, Co. Tyrone, and Belfast; b. at Fintona. Res.: 3 Queen's Elms, Belfast.

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