GWYNNE, Walker, Clergyman: b. Strabane, Co. Tyrone, June 7th, 1845; son of Richard and Ann (Walker) Gwynne; Strabane Acad. B.D., Gen. Theol., Sem., New York, 1871: D.D., St. Stephen's College, N.Y., 1911; m. Helen Bowers Lee, of Cooperstoen, N. Y., Jan. 16th, 1877. Deacon, 1871; Priest, 1872, P. E. Church; Curate, St. Paul's Church, Albany, N. Y., 1871: priest in charge, St. Raid's Free Chapel, Troy, N. Y., 18721876; Rector, St. John's Church, Cohoes, N. Y., 1376-84; St. Mark's Church, Augusta. Maine, 1884-93: Calvary Church Summit, N. J., 1893-1913, and Rector Emeritus since 1913. Deputy Gen. Cony., 1889-1892; President, Overlook Hospital; Trustee Corporation for Relief of Widows of Clergymen in N. J.: Member, Newark Clericus, Alumni Association. Gen. Theo. Sem., Highland and Canoe Brook Clubs. Author: Manual of Christian Doctrine, 1883; The Gospel in the New Testament, 1890; Confirmation and the Way of Life, 1892; Some Purposes of Paradise, 1892; The Gospel in the Old Testament, 1895; Seven Hundred Stories, 1917; The Gospel in the Church, 1909; The Christian Year, Its Purpose and Its History, 1915; Primitive Worship and the Prayer Book, 1917. Res.: 55 Woodland Avenue, Summit, N. J.