< Thom's Irish Who's Who

GUINNESS, Henry Seymour; b. 24th Nov., 1858; eldest son of Henry Guinness, of Burton Hall, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. Educ. at Winchester College and Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill: Argyll Scholar. 1879; Public Works Department, India, 1880-1895; Lieut, Burma State Railway Volunteer Rifles, 1884; Burma medal and three clasps, 1885-1892; Associate Member Institution Civil Engineers, 1894: High Sheriff, Co. Dublin, 1899; Director Great Northern Railway, Ireland, 1902; Member Royal Irish Academy, 1911; Vice-Warden Alexandra College, Dublin, 1913; nominated a Senator, Parliament of Southern Ireland, 1921: Governor. Bank of Ireland, 1922; m. 1900, Mary Middleton, dau. of Robert S. Bainbridge, of Keverstone, Co. Durham, and has issue four daus. Res.: Burton Hall, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. Clubs: Union, London; Kildare Street, Dublin.

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