GREENE Harry Plunket, baritone. Educ. at Dublin, Clifton College, Stuttgart, Florence and London; was educated for the Bar, but having a fine voice, adopted music as a profession; studied singing and music with Barraclough in Dublin, Hromada in Stuttgart, Vannuccini in Florence, Alfred Blume and Francis Korbay in London; first appeared at Mrs. Scott Ffennell's concert in Dublin, March, 1887; has sung at most of the principal London concerts and provincial festivals, and has given song recitals all over Great Britain and America, which he has visited on many occasions, and has sung in grand opera at Covent Garden; is a professor R.C.M. Recns.: Outdoor sports and games; son of Richard J. Greene, barrister, and Hon. Louisa Plunket, fourth dau. of 3rd Baron Plunket; b. in Dublin, 24th June, 1865; m. 1899, Gwendolen Maud, dau. of Sir C. H. Parry, Bart. Res.: 48 Iverna Gardens, Kensington, London, W.; Chefford, Woodlands House, Hungerford. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Savile, Hampshire C.C.C., Chorley Wood Golf Club.