GRANARD, Earl of, 1684; Viscount Granard and Baron of Clanehugh, 1673 (Irld.): Baron Granard (Unit. Kgd., 1806), a Bart. (Nova Scotia, 1628), Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings Forbes, 8th Earl, K.P. (1909), P.C. (1909), P.C. (Irld., 1918), G.C.V.O. (1915), Lord-in-Waiting to the King, December, 1905; Vice- Admiral of Connaught, 1915; Master of the Horse, 1907-1915; Assistant Postmaster-General, March, 1906-10; late Lieut-Col. Comdg. the Post Office Rifles; Raised and Comd. 5th Royal Irish Regt. (Pioneers), European War, 1914-16; Mil. Sec. to Com.-in-Chief, British Salonika Force, Jan., 1916, to May, 1917; Lieut.-Col. in Army; Awarded the Legion of Honour (Officier) by President French Republic, and White Eagle, 4th class, with Swords, by King of Serbia; Commander of Order of The Redeemer of Greece; Member of Irish Convention, July, 1917; four times mentioned in despatches; Special Ambassador, 1910, to announce King George's Accession at the Courts of Brussels, The Hague, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Christiania, Lisbon and Madrid; Grand Cross of the Polar Star of Sweden; Grand Cross of the Order of Isobel the Catholic of Spain; Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III. of Spain; Grand Cross, Order of Danebrog of Denmark; Companion of the Military Order of Merit of Spain; H.M.'s Lieutenant Co. Longford, 1916; late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Gordon Highlanders; late Captain 1st Scots Guards; eldest son of George, 7th Earl, K.P., and the Hon. Frances Mary (d. 1920), dau of 12th Baron Petre; b. 17th Sept., 1874; s. his father 25th Aug., 1889; m. 14th Jan., 1909, Beatrice, O.B.E., dau. of Ogden Mills, of Staatsburg, Dutchess County, U.S.A., and has issue two sons and two daus. Res.: Castle Forbes, Newtown Forbes, Co. Longford; Forbes House, Halkin Street, London, S.W.