GLOVER, James Mackey, musical conductor, composer and critic; originally a chemist; studied music in France; conducted the orchestra at Olympic, Empire, Drury Lane and Palace Theatres; has composed music for various ballets, dramas and pantomimes; conductor at Drury Lane Theatre from 1897; associated with the late Sir Augustus Harris at Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden; has acted as musical critic to The Sun. The Weekly Sun, The Daily Mail, and now contributes to The Daily Telegraph, London Opinion, and The Stage; conducted concerts at Bexhill for some years; was subsequently elected Mayor of that town; published a book of reminiscences, 1911, and a further volume in 1913; is Managing Director of the Theatre Royal, Plymouth; son of James Mackey Glover; b. in Dublin 18th June, 1861; m. Kathleen Collins. Res.: 19 Sackville Street, London, W.1. Clubs: Eccentric and National Liberal.