GLENAVY, Baron (Unit. Kgd., 1921), Bart. (Unit. Kgd., 1917), James Henry Mussen Campbell, 1st Baron, B.A., Schol., Vice-Chancellor's Gold Medallist, and Senior Mod. in Classics and Modern History, Trinity College, Dublin, K.C.: P.C, Irld. (1905); Irish Barrister (1878); Q.C. (1892); elected a Bencher of the King's Inn, 1894; K.C., English Bar, 1906; Bencher Gray's Inn, 1899; late Senior Crown Prosecutor for Cos. Antrim and Armagh and for Dublin City and County; was M.P. for Dublin City, St. Stephen's Green, 1898-1900; and for Dublin University, 1903-16; Solicitor-General for Ireland. 1901-05; Attorney-General, Ireland, Dec. 4th to Dec. 22nd, 1905, and April, 1916, to Dec, 1916; Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, Dec. 26th, 1916, to June, 1918; Lord Chancellor of Ireland from June, 1918, to June, 1921: Chancellor of the United Dioceses of Dublin, Glendalough and Kildare, Dioceses of Clogher, Tuam and Kilmore and Cashel; Vice-Chancellor of Dublin University; son of the late William Mussen Campbell; b. April 4th, 1851; m. Emily, dau. of the late John MacCullagh, R.M, and has issue three sons and one dau. Res.: Glenavy, Milltown. Co. Dublin. Clubs: University, Dublin; Ulster, Belfast; Carlton, London.